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To ask some pretty twatty sounding questions during an interview at Argos?

23 replies

WorkingClassHeroine · 06/10/2015 16:47

Hello. I'm new and although I've steamed in to a couple of threads this is the first one I've created.

I've been stay at home mumming since I was made redundant in 2009. Now ds2 is in reception I have some time (and an overdraft) to kill so I've been applying for any and everything which I feel I could feasibly do.

Tomorrow I'm going to interview (sign up for agency work) in an Argos warehouse for the very fulfilling position of warehouse picker/packer. I'm trying to think up what to ask but I'm not sure if the usual stuff I ask is a bit above the station being filled:

My main questions (if I can remember correctly) usually focus on career progression, training and development, but I feel this line of questioning will be met with a cocked eyebrow. It is, after all, a zero hours contract in a warehouse.

What could I talk about without appearing to a bit pompous?

OP posts:
hellsbellsmelons · 07/10/2015 15:22

I'd still go with the usual to be hones:-

What is the career progression potential at your business?
What is the company culture at the business?
What is your personal management style?
What is your background and how have you progressed within the company?
How do you plan to deal with changes in the market?
How do your employees wind down?
What obstacles does the organisation anticipate in meeting its goals?
What challenges will I face?
What are the plans for the department, i.e. growth?
If growing, where is this growth coming from?
What training will be given/provided?
Is there somebody already doing this job and will I get to spend time with them?
What would a day/week on the job look like?
What strengths are you looking for in the person that will fill this position?
If I am successful what will I have accomplished after 3 months / 1 year, i.e. development path?
Now you’ve had the chance to get to know me, do you have any concerns about my ability to do the job?
Can we discuss them and see if they can be overcome?

Plenty there.
Good luck tomorrow!

WorkingClassHeroine · 07/10/2015 14:15

ruddynorah - the agency guy who contacted me indicated that it was the shifts that were flexible (Fri-Sun).

redshoe - yes I think this would have been a Christmas temp position.

Anyway, as the position wasn't exactly what I'm looking for, and I'm lucky enough not to need JSA, I decided against taking this position.

I've done lots of shitty agency jobs of the pick/pack/slave labour variety in the past (the hospital laundry was a real eye opener), so I know what this job was all about and I've decided I'm not quite desperate enough this time. Although I do need to increase our household finances, we are very lucky in that we aren't on the breadline so I can afford to wait for something that fits my background/skills. I'm averaging around 3 applications a day so something is bound to turn up.

I really, really do appreciate all the responses though Smile

OP posts:
redshoeblueshoe · 07/10/2015 13:12

Have you had your interview ? Argos take on a lot of people for Christmas and get rid of them in January.

PolishRemoverOfNail · 07/10/2015 13:11

How did the interview go OP?

ruddynorah · 07/10/2015 13:09

Why are you applying for a job that requires flexibility if you can't be flexible? For that job the main thing they'll be looking for is someone who can do shifts at awkward times at short notice.

TheOddity · 07/10/2015 13:06

I would show willing to getting forklift trained. It's fun and you are less expendable!

WorkingClassHeroine · 07/10/2015 13:02

Sorry for bumping a boring thread, just wanted to say thanks for all the responses - very useful information which I can use in the future.

OP posts:
GreenPetal94 · 06/10/2015 19:02

Ask about career progression, the most obvious one would be a supervisor role. That shows you are keen.

Ask what you actually want to know, e.g. about hours and what the job involves - is there much lifting involved?

Ask when / how they will contact you about the interview result.

Not sure its the best thing to ask, but do you get a discount on Argos?

Good luck.

WorkingClassHeroine · 06/10/2015 17:59

Oh blimey I hope they won't want me training on a forklift, I don't even drive a car (yes, I know this makes me highly inadequate, especially for someone close to 40)...

OP posts:
ivykaty44 · 06/10/2015 17:57

I have worked in a warehouse and its doubfull any warehouse will fork out the cost of a licence for fork lift trucks for someone on a zero hours contract

No warehouse is going to say well its grim I agree but the question makes you look like you will fit in and get on. They don't want to train you up and you leave, as that costs.

wasonthelist · 06/10/2015 17:35

Asking about happiness and turnover seems a bit pointless - they are hardly likely to tell you if it's grim.

I have never worked in a warehouse - but what about asking about training - eg maybe for a fork lift licence ? How to make supervisor (if you wanted) - will they need you to travel to other depots etc?

WorkingClassHeroine · 06/10/2015 17:26

Aw, you're all very kind to wish me luck - I'll resist calling you all 'hun' though, I don't want to break protocol Wink

OP posts:
WorkingClassHeroine · 06/10/2015 17:25

Thank you NeedAScarf, that's kind of you.

I feel a bit weird about re-entering the world of work. I've tried to have a couple of temporary jobs, but I've had to give them up because DP works odd shifts at late notice and as I said before, without paying for some form of childcare I feel that leaving my 7 and 4 year old children to fend for themselves might be frowned upon.

OP posts:
ivykaty44 · 06/10/2015 17:24

Ask if it is a happy workforce and whether they have s high % turn over of staff. As you want to stay in the job and not be moving on soon

BalloonSlayer · 06/10/2015 17:22

Flexible often means these days that they expect you to be flexible but they have no intention of doing so.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 06/10/2015 17:22

same here, good luck!

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 06/10/2015 17:18

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

WorkingClassHeroine · 06/10/2015 17:09

Ooh, great ideas so far, thank you!

I do have a vague idea of the hours and I've been told they are 'flexible' but I'd need to know exactly how flexible as I've no access to childcare (everyone's either dead or at work) unless I pay, which would be pointless.

I'm making notes of all these ideas Smile

OP posts:
PerspicaciaTick · 06/10/2015 17:00

What makes good customer service? If you've been set a task (may be picking and packing) but see something which is a trip hazard, what would you do? A colleague asks for your help to do something, but it takes you away from your task, what do you do?

DPotter · 06/10/2015 16:59

I'd ask if there's a guarantee of min no of hours per week as this is the sort of job that has gone to zero hours contract with all the flexibility on the side of the employer and precious none for the employee. In fact check you will be an employee or whether they will consider you as self employed with no pension, sick or holiday pay. This of course may suit you, but its best to be aware.
Good luck

NanFlanders · 06/10/2015 16:57

Oooh. Yes - very good questions from YBR, if it's a zero hours contract, you'll need to know that!

NanFlanders · 06/10/2015 16:56

I think you should go with a version of those questions - "I'm keen to do as well as I possibly can at work. Are there likely to be any opportunities for progression within the company?" If I was employing a packers, I'd be keener on a motivated packer who wants to work.... If there aren't any opportunities, it's hardly likely to put them off you, and at least you'll have a job while you look around for something better.


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YBR · 06/10/2015 16:55

Not that I'm at all experienced in interviews but I'd want to know:
What hours and flexibility are to be expected from you, what seasonal variation there is.
How far in advance hours are usually arranged?

Simple practicalities!

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