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To think it's fucking unfair for people like me who bust our arses off to buy a property...

250 replies

DamnCrazyWorld · 03/10/2015 02:42

And all the while people who have practically the same type/ size of house and who are on a similar income as me in the same area are paying just a quarter of what I paid for because its a council property bought through the Right to Buy Scheme.

Should I have just got myself onto benefits and into a council property to get onto the property ladder?

It's madness. It really is.

OP posts:
ScribblerOnTheRoof · 06/10/2015 12:58

Hey OP

Why don't you private rent somewhere smaller? Why not get on the housing register list?

I am working full time as is my partner. We were on a housing list for 3 years and guess what? We are moving into our new 2 bedroom house with large garden this week. It is a Housing association and will cost us £380 per month. The bedroom looks out over the mountains, it really is great.

Keep moaning and bitching but thats not going to get you anywhere is it?

I would love to have a mortgage so count yourself lucky.

Would you prefer it if everyone on low income suffered? What a delightful individual you are.

HelenaDove · 04/10/2015 22:56

I assume it would have been a compulsory purchase order x2boys.

Onedirectionarestillloved · 04/10/2015 21:03

The council were offering alternative accommodation but it wasn't in the immediate vaccinaty and it wasn't flats.
When a lot of the residents moved onto the flats there were lots of social events. They had weekly social gatherings in communal rooms.

There was a room where birthdays were celebrated and all the residents invited and such like.

It reminded me of a university hall of residence in some respects.

A lot if the residents feared they would be alone in a new house with nobody to talk to.

Most of them who lived there lived there alone and were older ( retired).
A lot of them were widowed.

x2boys · 04/10/2015 20:06

Well that seems very.reasonable I saw i.think the buyers had to.prove they has a certain amount of money say £30,000 which whilst very reasonable for the house is still a lot of money for someone to.have

Badders123 · 04/10/2015 20:00

The got very low interest laons from the local authority afaik.

x2boys · 04/10/2015 19:56

I saw something like that Badders but don't you have to have a certain amount of money to be able to do the houses up?

Badders123 · 04/10/2015 19:53

In Stoke they were selling off houses for £1!
But the new owners had to promise to upgrade/repair them and stay in them for a set period of time.
I think it was successful iirc.

x2boys · 04/10/2015 19:46

So what would they do with people who had bought their ex council flats?

Onedirectionarestillloved · 04/10/2015 19:33

Yes it was a tower block of flats.

The council had paid many tenants to move but those sill remaining didn't want to move.

There was nothing wrong with the flats, just lack of demand.

When I say tenants the ones on camera had bought their flats.

I imagine that supply outweighs demand so people have a choice of where they want to live.
It was quite sad for the remaining residents as they were all reminiscing about the good times they had had living there.

I suppose it is far more cost effective to have full houses than empty ones.

It also put potential buyers off when lots of the flats are empty.

It was contrasting Grimsby with Harrogate where there is an acute shortage of affordable housing either to buy or rent.

HelenaDove · 04/10/2015 17:20

They are demolishing flats Thats crazy Shock

HelenaDove · 04/10/2015 17:18

Oh i see x2boys It does seem to make a difference

3littlefrogs · 04/10/2015 17:04

There are loads of empty properties in London - many of them owned by former nationalised industries or private companies, overseas companies. I recently saw a documentary about large numbers of properties owned by the NCB, British Rail - now defunct, but the properties are just falling into disrepair.

In many parts of London, long empty office blocks are being turned into flats, but, as I said before, they will not be affordable because the money has come from private investors (China) and they want luxury flats to rent or sell.

x2boys · 04/10/2015 17:01

i was just trying to say that people beleive councils treat their tenants like rubbish mine doesnt, those links are for H/A though Helena and i live in a council house i know its all social housing but H/A are a private organisation and the councils are not.

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 04/10/2015 16:52

Are they council flats One ? That sounds mad. Why don't they just sell them off cheaply rather than knock them down? Shock

HelenaDove · 04/10/2015 16:50

X2boys the links i put upthread arent myths.

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 04/10/2015 16:42

Idontknow I have 210 discussions under this name, but thanks for the laugh anyway. Smile

Onedirectionarestillloved · 04/10/2015 16:34

Btw it was on TV recently that there is a surplus of housing stock in Grimsby.

The council are demolishing perfectly good flats because they cannot fill them.

The cost of maintaining them whilst empty is too high, so they are knocking them down.

Onedirectionarestillloved · 04/10/2015 16:25

I think a very valid point was made further back.

Are people jealous of others who are given money as a deposit for a house. Or who inherit vast wealth?

I can't understand the jealousy surrounding council houses.

I grew up in one and would have loved for my parents to have been wealthy enough to own their own naice house.

The government and media have really done a good job on you if you envy people who live in the council houses where I am.

Bashed for not working, slated for working. What is wrong with people.

lighteningirl · 04/10/2015 16:05

I have reported that post shame on you idontknow

Badders123 · 04/10/2015 16:01

Mrsdv....I have NO idea!
I would point out that you know nothing about me or my life (the nature of an anonymous forum) but I can assure you my mother does not feel "lucky" to own her house. She (and I) would far rather have my father back.
"Cushy" life?
I was brought up on the poverty line, I have Multiple health issues, have lost 11 family members in the last 2 years....I could go on....but what's the point?
Life doesn't feel remotely "cushy" to me. all means, if it makes you feel better about yourself abusing people on an online forum...carry on.

3littlefrogs · 04/10/2015 15:54

I agree x2boys. I decorated my apartment in a different colour - the estate office were quite happy about it. They just stipulated that it should be able to be painted over in a neutral colour when the time came for me to move.
They also installed an extra dead bolt on the door for me as I was living alone and working shifts.

x2boys · 04/10/2015 15:46

absolutley 3littlefrogs and people should also be able to decorate how they want and have secure tenancies a house can never really feel like home when you have to live with somebody elses style or boring magnolia !


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MrsDeVere · 04/10/2015 15:45

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3littlefrogs · 04/10/2015 15:41

When I lived in USA practically all my work colleagues rented their homes - as did I. It is a normal thing to do over there. There were vast apartment complexes with pools, basket ball courts, gardens and parking lots.

In many ways it was quite stress free because if anything broke, someone would come out and fix it straight away. I didn't need to worry about finding plumbers etc. The culture was quite different and most people liked the life style of renting.

IMO we need lots more rental accommodation, both state and private, and better legislation to protect landlords and tenants. More housing would keep rents affordable. People would have the flexibility to upsize and downsize as they needed. Utopian dream, I know.

Idontknowmyname · 04/10/2015 15:31

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