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To think I am not posh???

232 replies

LadyShirazz · 30/09/2015 21:18

Our lodger has just informed me that I am "the poshest person he has ever met". Not in a nasty way at all, but at the same time in an entirely genuine one too.

Fair do's - I have the most plummy cut-glass accent imaginable which I hate. God only knows where I've acquired it from, as the rest of the family don't speak anything like this - I can only put it down to having moved around a lot as a child, and therefore never having picked up a particular accent. It's not even one of those "smooth as silk" Joanna Lumley accents either - think more the Queen with constipation (but also shit-faced, so lots of 'shits' and 'fucks' thrown in to the mix too...).

I do speak well and write well. I did go to Cambridge. I do work for a "big name" in The City that is a traditional haunt of the public school types many of them wankers - am new - that's another topic.

But, really, I come from true salt-of-the-earth stock. My mum is a Yorkshire farm lass, and my dad grew up in the slums (true sense of the word there) of the Black Country, and was the first person in his family to go to university (where he met my mum).

His choice of degree (engineering) has afforded the family until it went to shit a fairly "middle class" lifestyle, but certainly not a "posh" one. I went to Cambridge from a bog-standard comp on the basis of my grades (and a lot of hard work) - not my background. I only wish I had a trust fund, but am just working hard, alongside my OH, and caring for my elderly MIL - more or less like all the rest of us. We're okay financially, but by no means rich.

Anyway, surely - if we were that posh - we wouldn't be renting out our main bedroom of our two-bed flat to a lodger in the first place...???

I am definitely not taking this as an insult and am not offended - nor am I intending to cast aspersions on any one from any background at all.

AIBU though to not like assumptions being made on me or my background on the basis of my accent, when a) it's something I can't help and b) actually the very opposite is true...???

OP posts:
Dawndonnaagain · 06/10/2015 10:07

Shockers It's a Chimneypiece, or Chimney breast.

Kangenchunga1 · 06/10/2015 10:07

Joules you are just well off not posh.

Shockers · 06/10/2015 07:02

These 'posh', or MC threads make me chuckle.

Why on earth would having diet coke in your fridge make you posh?

I am intrigued as to what posh, or indeed 'common', people call the bit above the fire though (question on one of the first pages). I can't think of any other word than mantelpiece.

BertrandRussell · 05/10/2015 16:02

Toilet is all right in the context of paper. Not when it refers to the utensil or the room containing it.

Chippednailvarnish · 05/10/2015 15:48

I'm having a daja vu Izal moment!

My vvv Posh boss was telling me earlier today about having to use Izal as a child both at home and at public school.

Clearly Mountain's DM was correct as we had Saintsbury's loo roll and I'm as common as muck!

derxa · 05/10/2015 15:42

their toilet paper.
Did she really say toilet paper! Grin

Gabilan · 05/10/2015 15:33

I use Sainsbury's ecological range. Both middle class and a liberal. I did try using their basics range but it's so thin that you have to use enormous wodges to keep your hands clean so it doesn't really save you any money. Also, it's unpleasant.

I am talking about loo roll btw, in case the conversation has moved on by the time I post this.

BertrandRussell · 05/10/2015 15:30

Proper old posh are still using the ancestral supplies of Izal laid down in the late 1900s...............

Liomsa · 05/10/2015 15:28

What are the loo paper criteria, Mountain? Does quilted Andrex imply middle-class? What about the hideous-sounding ready-moistened kind? That crackly tracing paper kind they always had at school? Is coloured toilet paper as non-U as coloured table napkins? Grin

Mountainash · 05/10/2015 14:12

My Mother told me that you could tell how posh someone was by their toilet paper.

IPityThePontipines · 05/10/2015 12:33

Joules' posts about her ever so clever (but working class husband) sound rather familiar...

maggieryan · 05/10/2015 12:08

Joules, you sound like an awful snob if you don't mind me saying so. Your husband sounds like a gobshite, changing who he is just to fit in. Must be exhausting for him!Wink

BabyGanoush · 05/10/2015 11:36

How can you struggle, yet not give a shit at the same time Grin?

You are the epitome of middle classiness, as IMO the only way to determine whether someone is middle class, is if they ever talk about it and/or are in any way anxious about it! Like desperately trying to prove their faux poshness or their faux working class "roots"...

So that includes you....

...and I guess me Wink

ghostyslovesheep · 04/10/2015 17:59

I struggle with my place sometimes - class is one of them Grin

from Liverpool - have a freezer full of nuggets, crispy pancakes, instant mash - drink (nice) instant coffee, drive a Ford, use terms like 'butties, ciggies and chezies' I shop at Aldi, drink Cava and love footy

but I read the Guardian and grew up in a home where we where shit poor but had rooms filled with second hand Penguin classics, I went to university and have a nice middle class profession, mortgage and I love my home - it's beautiful and classy Grin

so I never know where to sit on the class wall - not that I actually give a shiny left tit

cruikshank · 04/10/2015 17:36

It's hardly fascinating to hear some boring posh girl go on about how 'salt of the earth' she is, given that loads of them do it. Jarvis Cocker deals with it quite well, I think.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 04/10/2015 16:06

Maybe tedious to you Compos but I still find it all fascinating, especially if someone is going to talk about their ancestors and the different influences on them and their family.

ComposHatComesBack · 03/10/2015 20:45

It reminds me of the tedious conversations at university 'I'm actually really working class, my granddad was a miner and we had findus crispy pancakes for tea'.

I was one of the worst offenders, but to be fair I was 19 at the time. What's your excuse op?

Chippednailvarnish · 03/10/2015 20:37

Swallowing I believe the standard response to your post would be a comment regarding a lack of depth or warmth Grin

TheSwallowingHandmaiden · 03/10/2015 20:25

Chipped, nope; I'm thinking 'cunt'.

TheSwallowingHandmaiden · 03/10/2015 20:24

..and yes, please learn how to spell 'wholly'.

TheSwallowingHandmaiden · 03/10/2015 20:20

Joules, you may well be posh but you write the most execrably boring posts. And the reason the plebs around you at work care nothing for politics or the education system is because neither of these institutions gives a shit about them.

Dawndonnaagain · 03/10/2015 17:58

Joules, if you're going to be an insufferable snob, may we discuss spelling, sentence structure and grammar, your education seems to be a tad limited in said areas.


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Only1scoop · 02/10/2015 20:58

How I've chortled Grin

Only1scoop · 02/10/2015 20:57
Chippednailvarnish · 02/10/2015 20:48

Just for you Only!

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