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Prejudging about where you live

61 replies

FennyBridges · 20/09/2015 14:55

I live in a lovely village in the south west. I am fed up with people locally making judgements about it and about the people who live there. So what if it has a council estate? Some people have said that in such and such they are a bunch of inbreds. In such and such they are really rough. It's a beautiful village. It's not by the sea. We never grew up here but just loved being in the deep countryside with good roads to link to various towns and cities. We have a lovely house, far superior to any of these people saying this. Why would anyone be so rude as to slate my village? AIBU that people should just say positive things about where others choose to live?

It's totally getting on my nerves.

OP posts:
elQuintoConyo · 19/10/2015 21:47

Romney Marsh.

That's all I'm saying.


DonkeyOaty · 19/10/2015 21:32

Pffft MY money was on Frome and environs Grin

Seriouslyffs · 19/10/2015 21:27

Let it go! I live in a posh place- when I mention it, people always clarify, East Poshplace? Which is slightly less posh Hmm
Those who live on the posher side if the street always mention it and envy those who live in the even posher part of the village. And they probably wish they live in Chelsea, where they all wish they also had a chalet in Klosters. Don't play the game- no one can win!'

EauPea · 19/10/2015 21:22

Sorry that was to Fenny, should have checked dates on posts.

Harrassed you might be better off posting on the local page, as this fred is a month old.

EauPea · 19/10/2015 21:18

Redruth, Camborne?

Not judging, I live in the Clays Grin

Harrassedofhertfordshire · 19/10/2015 20:53

Hi everyone, we're thinking of moving to truro or surrounding areas. I am interested to hear what primary and secondary schools around there are like. We have 3 boys who are aged 3, 9 and 12. All are currently in good schools here which makes the decision harder.

FennyBridges · 20/09/2015 21:51

I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!!

And in my village a lovely lady feeds my cats when we're away, I wave at people getting their papers from the shop as we leave for work/school, the shop ladies ask after us every visit, three old ladies drop in presents on DS1 and 2's birthdays, the person who used to own the house in the '80s fixed the guttering and lets me cut hydrangeas for my fireplace. Etc.

I'm telling you, this is the place to live!

OP posts:
PacificDogwod · 20/09/2015 21:04

Fenny We luffs Fenny very much Grin

People say all sorts of shit, don't they?

We moved right across the local secondary school to much tooth sucking and dire warnings. It was absolutely fine.
Then, the school was torn down (moved a couple of hundred yards down the road) and there was more concern for our safety etc due to the building works. Now there is a new estate were the school once was and some are concerned about the 'type' of people moving in there Hmm - you know, like young couples and people starting out on the property ladder as is befitting to 1 and 2 bedroom flats and small town houses.
Yes, it's like the Bronx here. Not.
I love where I live Smile

tobysmum77 · 20/09/2015 20:07

Some people have said that in such and such they are a bunch of inbreds.

Don't people say that jokingly about most rural areas? I think you are overreacting, you like where you live, stuff em.

FennyBridges · 20/09/2015 19:45

Fenny the horse. Grin Much nicer than Fanny the horse. Fenny is autocorrected on my phone as 'Deny' Is yours autocorrected as Fanny? Glad I'm not a Fanny.

OP posts:
PacificDogwod · 20/09/2015 19:38

Oh bother, the horse if called Fenny, that was the whole point Blush

PacificDogwod · 20/09/2015 19:37

I just wish people were nicer. Will try not to be bothered

It is your only hope, Fenny Grin
People as a mass, are twats; individuals can be very lovely.

NB DS4(5) favourite soft toy at the moment is a horse called Fanny. I am very positively inclined towards Fennys Smile

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 20/09/2015 19:34

I have my whole life been blighted by living on the boundary between somewhere really nice and somewhere much less nice. The places on teh boundary are all we've ever been able to afford. Sometimes I have been able to crow that I am on the right side and sometimes not. I seem to specialise in living in places that are almost somewhere else. Grin

My ambition before I die is to live right in the heart of somewhere lovely so I don't have to keep arguing with people about whether I really do live there, or in the slightly crappier place half a mile away.

FennyBridges · 20/09/2015 19:31

Lol. Twat Codes. No wonder so many people have heart attacks! What a waste of stress!

OP posts:
PacificDogwod · 20/09/2015 19:28

Civil war almost broke out here some years ago when new houses were built on the border between our Naice Village and the neighbouring Even Naicer Village with a higher percentage of millionaires. The new houses were within the postcode of NV, but physically closer to the ENV (the 2 towns virtually bleed in to each other). The allocated telephone numbers started with the prefix for our NV, not the ENV's.
It was pitchforks at dawn, I tell'ya.

And, what's worse, the phone number snobs won!! ShockHmm

This is all well before we moved here, and I have the less prestigious phone number and thought when I was told this story that it was a joke. But apparently some people can really get aerated about this kind of stuff. I thought all those that complained should have been allocated a special Twat Code or something.

FennyBridges · 20/09/2015 19:27

Thanks everyone :-)

Pico maybe you're right. And Hacked i can totally see that happening too. I remember sitting in the Royal Albert Hall and listening to the women behind saying Hayling Island, on the south coast, being full of inbreds and my uni friend next to me horrified, because that's where she'd grown up.

I just wish people were nicer. Will try not to be bothered Grin

OP posts:
alphabettyspaghetty · 20/09/2015 19:13

I used to live in a nice part of Luton

Nuff said

Hackedabove · 20/09/2015 18:40

We get the opposite, live in a wealthy area but mostly because our business is in our house, and we bought the business, so live in the house.

I'm sure people think we're loaded and workmen charge us more.

Pico2 · 20/09/2015 18:30

I'd guess that people hear that your DS doesn't go to the village school and assume it's because you share their snobbish views. They then feel safe sharing them with you. I know that doesn't make it any better though.

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 20/09/2015 18:26

Someone did once say to me 'The only good thing about coming from Cambridgeshire is that at least I can say it's not Norfolk.' Grin

WaggleBee · 20/09/2015 17:58

Leaveme Grin you're terrible Muriel.

MrsJorahMormont · 20/09/2015 17:53

Leaveme :o I always think of that line from Alan Partridge where he's interviewing the Norfolk farmers: 'We've all seen the big eared boys on farms!' :o


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SouthAmericanCuisine · 20/09/2015 17:42

margey its because I've lived in some of the most isolated and insular (some might even say incestuous) places in the country that I have adopted that as my mantra.

If I cared about what other people think, and say, I'd never leave the house - my appearance, my opinions, my parenting, my pets, my job, my house, my marital status - they all offend someone who is happy to share their opinions with others.

Meh. Let them gossip.

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 20/09/2015 17:39

It's lovely though. Really it is. But some of the people, lordy lordy, duelling banjos…..

LeaveMyWingsBehindMe · 20/09/2015 17:38

Okay you got me there (I did say it was famous for it!) but i refuse to be narrowed down more than that. Grin

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