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Social media contract- AIBU to not want to sign?

36 replies

ZeddyByeBye · 16/08/2015 14:29

My boss brought me a copy of the new social media contract to day. I've read it thoroughly and it's so vague that it makes me uncomfortable to sign it.

It's pretty standard stuff but there's a part about 'liking inappropriate comments will lead to disciplinary procedures.'

He wasn't very happy when I pointed this out and told me I have to sign it. I never mention my company on any social media sights but do sometimes like or add to threads that other people have started.

Where do I stand?

OP posts:
RepeatAdNauseum · 16/08/2015 18:42

The Facebook T&Cs state that you must use your real name. They are not looking for fake names - they are looking for accounts that are not using real names. So it's not just the obviously fake ones that will be detected.

At some point, I suspect everyone will have their account locked and be asked to send a copy of ID - either a driving license or passport - in the name matching the account. At the moment, it's people who are reported or whom are detected by the algorithm. If you don't comply, your account is locked and you cannot access it. If you do comply, you can use your account again, but you can't change your name easily - you can do one surname change, intended for when people marry. More than one change will require new ID to be submitted.

It caused a lot of controversy for people who want an account under another name for safety reasons, or are transgender and use two names. There were marches against it, and a senior member of a transgender society in the US met with Facebook, but Facebook are going ahead.

Like I said, commercially, it makes a big difference. They won't care if they annoy a few people along the way. Quite a lot of people who said that they'd leave Facebook if it demanded ID did actually submit it in the end, too.

I can't say much more than that without risking my job!

VitaminCrumpet · 16/08/2015 18:37

I had to sign a similar contract. I have a FB/Twitter account alias and only my friends and family know the name. I've never been asked to validate my details.

SteamTrainsRealAleandOpenFires · 16/08/2015 18:35

That was in reply to Far

DoreenLethal · 16/08/2015 18:34

What does 'liking inappropriate comments' even mean?

You need to ask for clarity on what exactly is inappropriate in this instance.

SteamTrainsRealAleandOpenFires · 16/08/2015 18:34

In the UK of the world, I don't know.

Anniesaunt · 16/08/2015 18:31

I agree way too vague. Pretty much anything, even the most inoccuous would offend someone somewhere. Even wishing someone happy birthday or congratulating someone on their marriage. I even managed to cause offence by saying their wedding dress was lovely Blush

Mistigri · 16/08/2015 18:17

We have a new social media policy at work that I have so far managed to avoid signing.

None of my social media accounts are in my name though - I use a slight alias (my married name, which I don't use in RL, plus a diminutive of my first name) that means I am recognisable to friends, but not findable by colleagues. I don't have a photo on my profile either. I am somewhat in the public eye in my particular field, and I like to keep a complete separation of my personal and professional lives.

FarFromAnyRoad · 16/08/2015 17:37

I always thought you could call yourself any damned name you choose to as long as your intention is not to deceive - is that not true?

SilverBlur · 16/08/2015 17:35

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Griphook · 16/08/2015 16:50

I think it probably even worse than you think, when you like a photo/comment anyone can come along after and post a comment which could be offensive.
There would be no evidence to say you 'liked' something before the comment.

TheFirstOfHerName · 16/08/2015 15:42

Sign it and then carry on as normal. Unless you share or forward defamatory or libellous remarks about the company (or unacceptable remarks that could be linked to the company) then I don't think you have anything to worry about.

FarFromAnyRoad · 16/08/2015 15:24

So do you have work colleagues on your friends list? Because if not, and if your account is properly locked down then nobody will be able to see anything except if and when you change your cover picture. Even if they can find you by your correct name - and you could preempt most risk of that by blocking them all before they even try.
I would probably sign it knowing that not a single one of them would have the faintest chance of knowing what I liked or didn't like.

chickenfuckingpox · 16/08/2015 15:21

use your maiden name if you're married or if your not your mom's maiden name its a genuine name and wont ping their spam filters

RepeatAdNauseum · 16/08/2015 15:20

Yep. Unless they have "mummy" added onto their official ID by deed poll, I suppose...

They are determined to have only genuine users using genuine names, and increases their potential commercial value, so I think they'll have Facebook cleansed within the year.

cardibach · 16/08/2015 15:18

Repeat dies that mean all those pukey names with 'mummy' as a middle name will be removed as it isn't a real name? Hope so!

RepeatAdNauseum · 16/08/2015 15:13

You can't lock Facebook down so that you're unsearchable anymore.

You also risk losing your account if you use a false name and they ask you to validate it. If you can't send acceptable ID, like a driving license or passport scan, Facebook will lock the account and won't allow you to retrieve anything from it. This is happening a lot at the moment, as the algorithm learns to detect fake names rather than rely on reports.

Just so you're aware of the potential risks!

IamtheDevilsAvocado · 16/08/2015 15:10

YupGrin seffo what bitter says!

IamtheDevilsAvocado · 16/08/2015 15:07

PS Also as someone mentioned upthread-have an alternative anonymised account. I chose a name of a long dead great aunt.
Also dont give hometown or workplace.. Both of these together could easily out me, if someone was searching for them.

You can tell people you'll send them an invite to friend. Also lock it down with the highest security settings - i think you can do it so people cant even search for you? Someone correct me if this has changed.
In these settings you can ensure that no friends of friends can see posts /photos.

BitterAndOnlySlightlyTwisted · 16/08/2015 15:06

This employer is presumptuous to the max. Most normal people don't make "inappropriate" comments on their Facebook pages. That shit stays up there online in perpetuity and can come back to haunt you any time.

My response to this request would be "That's OK, I don't have a Facebook profile and don't use Twitter either". But then, I have my profile on Facebook on total lock-down and never, ever accept "friend requests" from work colleagues or anyone else who isn't a close personal friend. If my employer searched for me, they would be able to find nothing. And that's the way I like it. Luckily my current employer wouldn't care how many cat photos I "liked".

chickenfuckingpox · 16/08/2015 14:59

to be fair i wouldn't be googling my doctor to see if she was a racist and britain first did throw out a post saying happy easter (or christmas) which thousands liked and it was nothing racist so liking that post would be guilt by association rather than a racist act

i think the policy should be specific not defaming the company its policies staff and customers end of discussion

ive met a few racists/sexists they dont bring it to work and as long as you act professionally there should be no barrier to employment

your work is not your life i would make a strong suggestion that they tighten the contract up for their benefit as much as yours if they dismiss you they will have to show why and if they bring in a bit of woolly gathering type contract they might lose their case

and tighten up your profile

NeedsAsockamnesty · 16/08/2015 14:49

I can understand why you wouldn't want to sign that. Far to vague.

IamtheDevilsAvocado · 16/08/2015 14:49

It does feel a bit big brotherish... But i can kind of see both sides.... You should have freedom in your private life and a righr to free speech..

It does seem that your company have covered every possible online
post and topic, tying people up in knots as they can say anything is offensive. As its completely subjective who finds what offensive..

But would i want to see a doctor who i came across online liking Britain first posts or making racist /sexist comments on line? No I'd find someone else!


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ZeddyByeBye · 16/08/2015 14:45

I'm not a union member. I only use Facebook and then it's mostly to keep in touch with far flung friends and family.

OP posts:
ElkeDagMeisje · 16/08/2015 14:45

YANBU. Its totally OTT. Your normal contract terms and conditions and common law would permit an employer to breach an employee for social media activities which were serious enough to affect their work anyway. Its far too vaguely defined to be properly enforceable. Imagine if your boss were very left wing, and you "liked" some Conservative-leaning posts. Would holding a political opinion then be labelled "inappropriate"?

wooldonor · 16/08/2015 14:42

If every employee in a large supermarket is being asked to sign I bet you won't be the only one who has doubts. I don't think YABU to be wary about this, it sounds far too vague but on the otherhand if they don't say what they consider inappropriate beforehand they'd have a hard time argueing the toss with an industrial tribunal surely.

Have you googled to see if there's any social media discussions by other employees?

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