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Nice Christening gift for a baby girl?

35 replies

MargaretHale · 15/08/2015 18:46

My husband has been asked to be a godparent and we've been racking our brains trying to come up with a nice Christening gift. We don't particularly want to go down the 'solid silver tankard/money box/ etc' route because it doesn't especially appeal to us - we'd rather get something more practically useful, but with a bit of longevity (so not, eg, a set of baby grows or something).

And the parents aren't especially religious, so not too sure about getting a bible/cross/etc.

But it has to be a bit special, because he is her godfather.

So far I've come up with one of those nice breakfast sets you can get for kids, with Peter Rabbit or Winnie the Pooh or something on - should be useful, should get used, she'll probably like it when she's a bit older...

Can anyone think of anything better? Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
SaucyJack · 15/08/2015 21:16

Wooden doll's house.

dillydottydally · 15/08/2015 21:29

How about a wooden noah's ark?

Dexterjamesmummy · 15/08/2015 21:34

I bought our friends little girl a silver birthday candle holder, it was personalised and is used every year on her birthday cake.

ghostyslovesheep · 15/08/2015 21:42

yes a Noah's ark like this

DetectiveLund · 15/08/2015 22:03

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Verbena37 · 15/08/2015 22:09

We have bought beautiful atlases for godchildren and written in them something thoughtful about travelling and seeing the world etc.

We have also bought native trees that grow with the child.

Poetry anthologies and vintage book sets are lovely too. We bought the Ted Hughes anthology which goes from toddler to teen with some gorgeous poems. Have also bought lovely Shirley Hughes sets of books.

fermentedvaper · 15/08/2015 22:09

I got my god daughters charm bracelets. Each birthday they get a charm to be added to it.

SingingSamosa · 15/08/2015 22:13

All our children were given Terramundis by one of our friends, for their christening gifts but the ones I liked the most are the Royal Mint gift collections. I think they are around £25/£30 and are the current circulating coins for that year in a nice little gift wallet presentation thing.

BigMichaelOctopus · 16/08/2015 00:25

Do a search for patsy's papercuts on Facebook, she does lovely designs. Unique and personal and reasonably priced.

cogitosum · 16/08/2015 00:29

Brio train with each carriage a letter of their name. Was one lg our favourite christening presents for ds. We'll keep it but he can play with it

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