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to ask for your top de-stressing tips

34 replies

ghostyslovesheep · 02/08/2015 18:49

because I actually feel like I may explode

My normal ones aren't working (vodka, running, more vodka)

I am moving house (hopefully Friday) it was supposed to be the 31st but buyers solicitor fucked up - so I had to cancel builders, carpet fitters, removal etc

then my removal firm couldn't move me this week

My furniture delivery from Ikea didn't arrive - it's take 3 days of being on hold to sort (fingers crossed)

ex was supposed to clear the garage (full of his stuff mainly) has done half and is moaning

I am at work next week

I am up to my eyes in boxes

The people at the tip no my name

The kids are hyper and I am too shouty

They go away Thursday and I have to pack for them as well

My brain is actually hurting

OP posts:
borisgudanov · 03/08/2015 02:59


Zillie77 · 03/08/2015 03:11

Ice cream

KateSpade · 03/08/2015 08:30

Yes to everyone who said write a list. That works for me, I tackle one thing at a time with regular breaks.

Taking a shower with music on is just heaven for me and no matter how I'm feeling will make everything better!

Good luck OP!

LornaGoon · 03/08/2015 08:46

I try and save the booze for weekends only - it really makes my anxiety worse. Sorry!

Valerian tea - think Clipper do a version of it. If you're having trouble sleeping, it will knock you out.

Take a dose of echinacia (sp?) over the course of a couple of weeks; anxiety fucks over your immune system.

Yoga - just following something on You Tube, not necessarily a class which will take loads of time. Perhaps after you run; would be good to stretch out the lactic acid.

Don't look at MN - you'll only feel bad that everyone else's life is perfect.

Look at MN - you'll feel better that your life isn't as bad as some poor sods. Grin Wink

shewalkslikerihanna · 03/08/2015 09:06

Cheesy was that the Billy Connolly one. If so I loved it too.
Meditation. Soft music on low visualise yourself on a warm beach or beautiful sunset or mountain s, your favourite place and just let your mind untangle. You can listen to YouTube Tibetan invincible or do a guided meditation based on colours chakras. In your lavender scented bath even.

Theycallmemellowjello · 03/08/2015 09:21

Meditation. There are some free podcasts if you search to get you started.

ArsenalsPlayingAtHome · 03/08/2015 09:27

I bet you're coping better than you think you are. Or certainly better than I would.

Deep breathing helps me if I remember to do it as I feel the stress levels building.

I hope you're in your new house soon. You'll get through it all.

CheesyDibbles · 03/08/2015 10:25

shewalkslikerianna - yes, it was the Billy Connolly one, I enjoyed it so much. I had just come back from a rather disastrous family holiday - in Scotland, so it rang lots of bells!

AngelinaCongleton · 03/08/2015 10:29

kalms, naps, lists, good film especially a comedy, big sweaty walk, swim, no caffeine.

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