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to think this shouldn't be an issue?

65 replies

bumblebeebboi · 28/07/2015 09:54

DH and I are expecting our first in March. I'm only 8 weeks at the moment so very early days but we told MIL as I have told my mum so seemed like it was fair.

She was very happy but also worried as DH's DB and SIL had their first last March, and her birthday is a few days away from our baby's EDD. She thinks they will be upset and we should have timed it better.

AIBU to think this is bizarre??

OP posts:
itsaruddygame · 30/07/2015 21:44

Your MIL and SIL are insania. Congratulations and good luck!

Rosieliveson · 30/07/2015 21:04

Clash??!! That's crazy Shock

Yes, if your baby is born during the birthday party, in front of all the guests and on the magician's table then I could see a slight 'clash' but otherwise how silly!

The worst that could happen is that you miss the party as you're in labour. Shock! Horror! Scandal!

FryOneFatManic · 29/07/2015 13:26

I have a large family, and for some reason, around 95% of all the birthdays are in one month of the year.

No-one has any trouble identifying who has which birthday, and we often arrange stuff to have joint events. No-one has ever had any hissy fits over this.

differentnameforthis · 29/07/2015 13:25

OP, if you haven't given birth before DNs's birthday, you really MUST phone MIL & tell her that you think "it's happening" that day, and then come & tell us what happens!!

GetTheFudgeOutOfRodge · 29/07/2015 13:10

Yy to Curly's idea! Please pretend to go into labour during the birthday party! DN won't have a clue what's going on and it will only annoy SIL Grin

My nephew is due 4 days before my birthday and I've had strict words with mum and baby that he must be born on my birthday as a present to me or I will be very upset. I'm only half joking

DelightfulFunky · 29/07/2015 11:40

My friend and her sister had children on the same day but 2 years apart. They "changed" the birthday of the later born one so that each child gets their own day!

Congratulations to you!

The80sweregreat · 29/07/2015 11:40

My dad was over the moon one of his 6 grandchildren was born on his birthday! There is nothing you can do, babies come along when they are good and ready.. its nothing to do with anyone else!

HesterShaw · 29/07/2015 11:34

I have never heard anything so quite so stupid in my life.


GinAndSonic · 29/07/2015 11:34

Suggest a joint baby shower / first birthday party Grin

slithytove · 29/07/2015 11:28

DS was born by (semi) emcs on my mums birthday. She was thrilled I was less so

CurlyBlueberry · 29/07/2015 11:18

She is mad. Utterly so!

My daughter was due a few days after my birthday, I thought it would be cool if we had the same day. My mum was born on her father's birthday and they've both enjoyed that fact, he calls her "my birthday girl". My DD was late though so she's actually a fortnight away from my birthday.

Even if you're not in labour, if you're still pregnant on the day of the Great 1st Birthday you MUST pretend you've suddenly gone into labour. Break a water balloon between your legs just before the candles are blown out on the cake...

BikketBikketBikket · 29/07/2015 10:35

My DD was born on my Dad's 65th bday - I told him that she was his retirement present Grin. I was born on my Aunt's bday, and my DGS just missed out on sharing his bday with me....
My DH's GM, Aunt and Dad all shared the same bday...! It's great (if expensive) and definitely made it easier to remember Grin

SuffolkNWhat · 29/07/2015 10:22

My cousin's twins were born around my birthday, one actually on my birthday (born either side of midnight) and I love having a little birthday buddy!

bumblebeebboi · 29/07/2015 10:20

Butter I see preciousness everywhere, but like I say I think that is because I am fairly chilled.

One of my colleagues nearly blew a gasket the other day because someone left a pen on her desk. If someone left a pen on my desk I doubt I would even notice it existed, and if I did I'd just be happy I had an extra pen.

I admit I am a bit of a wind up merchant so it will be quite difficult not to cause trouble over the next 9 months...stopping short of actually going into labour on DN's birthday...

OP posts:
NoisyOyster · 29/07/2015 10:16

Can you imagine how outraged she'll be when you start mentioning how your foetus passed his/her "in womb (henceforth to be known as IW) tests at 4 months not
"the standard 5. The midwife said my baby is clearly more advanced than most at this stage."

Her head will explode as she tries to compete...

There's room for so much fun over the next 9 months Wink

ButterDish · 29/07/2015 10:11

How mad. I've only ever, in a not unduly sheltered life, come across this kind of date preciousness on Mn, where there are endless stories of family members frothing with rage because someone chose to get married on their birthday/wedding anniversary, or timed a baby 'wrongly' to detract attention from the bride. But suggesting that a baby being born within a week or two of its cousin's first birthday is the oddest yet! What are they planning, a white tie ball with Elton playing a set, and guests flying in from Tokyo and LA?

contractor6 · 29/07/2015 10:10

If it is the same sex call it the same name, dress them the same etc. #hormones are making me evil Grin

bumblebeebboi · 29/07/2015 10:08

noisy I hold my hands up - I didn't realise she was this precious!!

I am the most laid back person in existence so I try to refrain from calling people precious in general as it always seems that what I consider precious is just what other people consider normal (particularly when it comes to babies and animals) - but seems I am right in this situation. Who knew!

My DH is quite livid though. I told him to just laugh at her and get over it :)

OP posts:
Poledra · 29/07/2015 10:07

Well, my brother shares my birthday, same day, same year everything! I really do think my mother could have been more considerate and not had twins Grin

Congratulations, OP! Flowers

NoisyOyster · 29/07/2015 10:07

What a shame?!! ConfusedGrin

Oh op, you're going to bring us 9 months of mn-greatness Grin

Congratulations on your little one to be!

contractor6 · 29/07/2015 10:02

Oh dear, op, you really shouldve kept legs crossed that month, only kidding, if she's that pfb then ignore.
Ps bright clothes is that a problem, I've bought all brightly coloured bouncer/rockers/blankets etc because I thought baby's cant see well initially and need colours. Am I going to have the grumpiest baby ever?!?!?!
Pps huge congratulations on your pregnancy Flowers

calamityjam · 29/07/2015 09:52

You are not the only one with family like this OP. My sister was 6 months pregnant with dnephew when i found out i was pregnant with DD. She was irate that i had dared to get pregnant at all whilst she was expecting. Apparently i only conceived to steal her thunder


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bumblebeebboi · 29/07/2015 09:47

UPDATE: we told SIL and BIL last night, mainly because what MIL had really freaked me out and I wanted to know if it was actually going to be an issue.

They did say congratulations, but SIL also said 'oh what a shame it will clash with DS's first birthday' Hmm

So turns out MIL's fears were not unfounded!

OP posts:
DirtyMugPolice · 29/07/2015 09:41

Congratulations OP. Your SIL is looney tunes. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all had perfect fertility and could get pregnant whenever we liked!

WineIsTheAnswer · 29/07/2015 09:37

I would go in hard, don't support the bring coloured weirdness, fight weird with weird.

"Oh is it her birthday too. Could she delay it a month or so until I have had my calm hypno-water-birthed DC. We are planning a forth trimester where everyone needs to be available 24/7 to help nurture mother and babies bond in a quiet and calm, supported environment and a 1st birthday just wouldn't work" Smile

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