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To ask how long children remain little for

86 replies

acatisnotjustforeaster · 16/07/2015 17:54

I am forever being told, cherish the time spend with our darling children as they aren't little for long. How long do you think we've got them for ss lovely little innocents?

OP posts:
littlejohnnydory · 16/07/2015 19:50

Ds is nearly eight. The year he was 6/7, he grew up massively, his play changed and he was no longer a small boy. He is still very innocent and lovely though.

His sister is coming up six, she is still a small child who likes playing shop, etc. Maybe she will change this year :-(

turdfairynomore · 16/07/2015 19:47

I'm 49. My dad says that when I'm 50 he'll stop introducing me as "his wee girl"!! (He says he will tell people I'm his sister as he doesn't want anyone to know he's old enough to have a daughter of 50!)

toomuchtooold · 16/07/2015 19:31

Mine are 3 but they are twins so it's been really too intense to sit back and enjoy. I'm just glad we're all still alive and doing OK Smile

That said I would love to see them for one day again at their 7 or 8 month old selves to look back now I know what brilliant wee characters they're going to turn into and to check if it really was as horrendous as I remember.

I used to work in an after-school club and I have to say I think 8 and 9 year olds are brilliant. At that age they still are very open and childlike but they're quite sophisticated and can grasp a lot more of what's going on in the world around them. I'm looking forward to 8 year olds.

littlesupersparks · 16/07/2015 19:15

As a secondary school teacher, year 7 and sometimes 8 still have that childlike way of looking at the world. Then you have teenagers - if you can get past them generally being quite self-centred - it is as natural and normal for them to be so just as it is for toddlers - they have an equally wonderful way of looking at the world. They understand more adult issues but approach them with an uncynical singlemindedness that is very refreshing. I'm sure I've learned equally as much from my students as they have learned from me!

My 5 year old is still wonderfully childlike, cuddly and cute. I have 3 younger too.

Bonsoir · 16/07/2015 19:09

Little children, unaware of the cares of the world and whose minor worries and problems can be cured by parents in an instant, are a source of delight and elicit unparalleled emotional responses. It doesn't last - the real world with its traumas and dilemmas catches up with all of us.

Whatisaweekend · 16/07/2015 19:03

Motherhood is weird, isn't it? I sometimes think that it is a constant state of both renewal and bereavement. I mean - I had babies once. Where are they now?? Gone forever and that makes me sad. However, I see these new people developing infront of me and that makes me full of wonder and excitement - what will they be? Where will they go? What will they do? Just so much potential!

As an aside, I am often told that if you can get girls into the whole pony/riding thing, you can get an extra year or two of childhood out of them before the whole eyeliner/boys thing really takes over. Not realistic for many but something to think about if you live a little more rurally.

msgrinch · 16/07/2015 18:57

I've noticed a real change in ds this year, he's 7 soon and these past few months he's changed from little boy to a more independent boy. It's shocked me in the last few weeks actually, I can have real discussions and conversations with him and he's more able to articulate his view but also take on board mine. This has definitely been the most interesting year in terms of watching the changes in him. I'm also really starting to see his character and personality now and I thoroughly enjoy his company on all levels rather than just in a maternal way. I'm not good at the baby/toddler thing so I'm really loving this stage (obviously I've adored him always). Smile

farewellfigure · 16/07/2015 18:55

DS is 7. He's taller than some 10yr olds and cannot wait to be taller than me. But he's still, and will always be my baby. He's an only child so I'm probably even more desperate to keep hold of him being a child. He's still really cuddly and affectionate and loving. Long may it last. In reality he has started to get grotty rough skin on his knees but he still has baby blond curls and big blue eyes ????

IfNotNowThenWhen · 16/07/2015 18:50

um, dunno really acat! I guess just not encouraged too much telly/ books/games aimed at older kids, never said " you are too old for that" if he is being whimsical . They seem to grow up in jumps, but jump back at times too, finding their feet, and that's ok.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 16/07/2015 18:41

Ah, I remember the older Mums who ran toddler group telling me this when mine were little. At 13 and 16 now I guess I have to admit they have changed a bit - but yes, still lovely.
We kept the cuddles going for as long as possible and they kind of morphed into hugs Grin
They have come along way since those baby days and yet it's quite strange and a bit alarming to think that the eldest might leave home for Uni in only a couple of years
Don't think I could really put an age on your question but I guess there was a new chapter around 5/6/7 Smile

BankWadger · 16/07/2015 18:37

The way my parents act sometimes, 30+ years and counting. HmmGrin

BackforGood · 16/07/2015 18:36

I stopped referring to my eldest as "my little boy" when he turned 8

Yet, my Mum would still sometimes refer to her 'little boy' , when db was 6'3" and over 40 Wink Grin

I now know how she feels, and introduced my 6' 19yr old to a friend as 'my little boy' the other day Grin

G1veMeStrength · 16/07/2015 18:30

My junior school children aren't little but they are still soooo much fun and also capable. I like it. They still gasp in amazement at things but can do up their own seatbelts. They don't have a newborn smell but their hugs are given out of choice and love. Perfect age.

(I have said 'perfect age' at every stage. Its honestly always lovely in different ways and with different challenging bits of course.)

acatisnotjustforeaster · 16/07/2015 18:29

In my op I didn't mean we would love our older children any less, I'm just curious as to when they lose that innocent nature. It's not meant to disregard the loveliness of older children

OP posts:
mrsruffallo · 16/07/2015 18:27

CheesyNachos- the best is yet to come and that nasty PND will be a distant memory for you. Mothering older kids is as good as it gets!

SoupDragon · 16/07/2015 18:26

I find it unsettling when people can't grasp that it is possible to love who your children are growing into and yet still wish you had the chubby cheeked preschooler back for a while so you could feel their pudgy little hand in yours or the weight of them balanced over one shoulder as you carry them to bed already asleep.

I love the 6ft tall beanpole my DS1 (16) has grown into but I still think wistfully of his preschool self.

revealall · 16/07/2015 18:25

I thought the todler to young child (about 5ish) went on forever. There was a long stage from 7 till about now ( 11) when they seem to enjoy being children but gradually become more capable.
Secondary school and you are pretty much out of childhood really.

acatisnotjustforeaster · 16/07/2015 18:25

Ifnotnowthenwhen just out of interest, how did you not let your 9 year old get too teenagery?

OP posts:
nipplequestion · 16/07/2015 18:25

I agree with 7. DS has begun to understand his place in the world more this year and is beginning to lose that complete innocence younger children have.

thehumanjam · 16/07/2015 18:24

I stopped referring to my eldest as "my little boy" when he turned 8.

IfNotNowThenWhen · 16/07/2015 18:22

Nooo. Mine is 9 and still quite"little" a lot of the time. I have made an effort to not let him get too teenagery tho.
( it does help that he looks 7!)
My friend with girls, hers were putting on make up and having mum and daughter pampering session at 6, and seems much more grown up. I love this age,and have liked each new age more and more, and hate when you have a baby and everyone goes "ooh enjoy it its downhill from now on" Niners can still be big eyed with wonder at times.

Theycallmemellowjello · 16/07/2015 18:22

I find it a bit unsettling to hear people talking about children in this way. You're not losing them - you're gaining as they grow up.


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Zebda · 16/07/2015 18:22

I agree with 7 - this is when DD started eye-rolling at me and getting sulky (i.e the end of cuteness and general good humour).

CheesyNachos · 16/07/2015 18:20

I don't know. My DS is 5. I had dreadful pnd for 4 years and cannot really recall those years... it was a blur. I am hoping that each age and each stage is a joy no matter what it brings because I feel I missed out on the early years. I love the stage he is at now though.... funny, interesting, trying to work the world out. I hope every age is like that.

StayGoldPonyBoy · 16/07/2015 18:15

I vote 7. They lose their cute babyish feet and get big front teeth at 7. I think they want to act older by then too.

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