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To be pissed off the hairdresser has stained my sink again

31 replies

Everythingwillbeok · 13/07/2015 15:41

Last had my hair done at Easter at home, obviously mobile lady who comes, really pleased with her but last time when she was rinsing out her bowls she blobbed brown dye all over the drainage unit thing in the centre of the sink and the draining board, big blobs that wouldn't budge with neat bleach even, I had to scrub the area while she was on her phone and my colours were developing for about ten mins then realized that was the best it was going to get and cleaned up and left it, she never said anything at the time so assumed she didn't know it was there despite me saying god this stuffs tough to get off isn't it.

Had roots done today and while I was upstairs washing my hair she's cleaned her bowls again(which I didn't realize when I came down as she literally pulled my towel off and started combing) and there's three big blobs of brown dye on the sink and draining area.

I'm frankly pissed off its like a cream colour and I know it's stained as I put bleach on to it more or less straight away las time and the marks are still there.

I've been to school and come back now and only just noticed it.

I know they have to be washed but AIBU to think this means she just doesn't give a shit?

OP posts:
Sallyhasleftthebuilding · 13/07/2015 16:48

Astonish shifts hair dye.

scarletforya · 13/07/2015 16:53

I'm not sure if this will work on your sink. But I used 'colour B4' on my carpet to remove permanent dye stains.

It's about €16 a box though.

Everythingwillbeok · 13/07/2015 17:10

Thanks very much for all the cleaning suggestions, ill try them. It's a composite sink by the way, not my choice but learned to live with it!

OP posts:
LilyMayViolet · 13/07/2015 17:17

My friend gets her hair cut and dyed at home, she has done for years. She's never had any problems like this. I think she needs to be more careful and you should talk to her about it.

blink1552 · 13/07/2015 17:21

Composite can be hideously stainy. I can understand if she's not owned one that she would be completely clueless about it. Don't judge her harshly.

SylvanianCaliphate · 13/07/2015 17:26

We had a composite in a rental, even bloody baked beans stained it!

Try a bicarbonate soak, or denture tablets.

I used vim or barkeepers friend and back breaking scrubbing on the bad ones.

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