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WIBU to see a GP about this?

43 replies

Haahooooo · 05/07/2015 21:56

I'm very conscious of the need not to waste NHS resources, and on the face of it this seems frivolous.

However: I've been plagued by mouth ulcers since DD was born three years ago. Once a month or so I would get one, lasting about a week. But the last 3-4 months I've had them more or less continuously, and right now I have four along my inside bottom lip making it difficult to move my mouth to eat or speak.

I've been to the chemist, tried corsodyl mouthwash, bonjela gel and rinsing with salt water. Some of this numbs the pain briefly but nothing seems to work in terms of healing or preventing.

I asked my dental hygienist at my last appointment and she said it could be hormonal. But I'm not sure what to do about that.

So what do you think? Advice also gratefully received. In case relevant, I now also have DS aged one, still bf, and on mini pill.

OP posts:
snowglobemouse · 05/07/2015 23:01

no, you should only darken your GP's door if your head is hanging off. and maybe not even then.

so says mumsnet

PennyWishes1 · 05/07/2015 23:11

Definately get a blood work up done, I got them constantly, my GP thought it may be Vit B deficiency and he was right. I take Vit B every day and have no problems now Wink

Fatmomma99 · 05/07/2015 23:31

For me they're are a sign I'm over-tired (along with extra spots). If I start getting spotty and mouth ulcer-y I make an effort to go to bed earlier. If your DD is an early riser or you're not getting enough sleep, start with that.

But do go to the GP to set your mind at rest.

Haahooooo · 06/07/2015 09:25

Had a phone consultation this morning. GP is prescribing a steroid tablet and also suggests taking multivitamins. I'll go back if that doesn't sort it out.

Thanks all for the advice.

OP posts:
RoboticSealpup · 06/07/2015 10:37

Agree with the toothpaste suggestion. DH used to get ulcers several times a month until he started using a milder toothpaste, and now he only gets them once in a blue moon.

Haahooooo · 06/07/2015 11:06

Yes will definitely switch toothpastes too!

OP posts:
TrobadoraBeatrice · 06/07/2015 11:28

I've always had terrible ulcers, usually around my period for a week or so, and the only over the counter (and you can also get it on prescription) thing that helps is Difflam, which numbs my mouth long enough for me to eat. That and painkillers in extremis.

Haven't ever consulted a doctor about it, though I've never had them for months at a time like you said you have recently OP, but because it seems hormonal I've wondered about B vitamin or other deficiency. I did generally suffer less during pregnancy, when I was taking a multivitamin, so perhaps there's something in it. (Mind you, my dad used to get them terribly too, usually when he ate citrus fruit, then he just grew out of it. Aged about 60, so maybe not much comfort!)

In the meantime though, while they are acute, do try the Difflam!

TrobadoraBeatrice · 06/07/2015 11:30

Oh and there was a paste I used to get from a GP that sticks to the ulcer and covers it so it doesn't sting. Can't remember the name. It was a bit grim to use, but used to work after a fashion. One GP even gave me a herbal - or possibly homeopathic Hmm - remedy with borax which actually seemed to work too.

Mrsmorton · 06/07/2015 12:27

Was it adcortyl in orabase? I think it's been discontinued which is a shame bcse it was great stuff.

TrobadoraBeatrice · 06/07/2015 13:21

Yes, that was the stuff! I've tried just about everything going, but that seemed quite effective, if a bit gag-inducing. Didn't know it had been discontinued, I've been managing my ulcers mostly with Difflam.

boardblonde · 06/07/2015 13:34

My husband gets mouthfuls of them which is related to his Crohn's disease. Definitely get them checked out. Deglycerized licorice tablets are very good for mouth ulcers of any cause and inflammatory conditions generally.

18yearsoftrying · 06/07/2015 21:22

Please go to your GP.

My ulcers were crippling, they affected my speech as well as dictating food/drink etc & I certainly couldn't use toothpaste.

I ended up being referred to my Maxillofacial department who as it turned out couldn't help me so I then was under a Professor for 10 years as the underlying issue was a lot more serious than initially thought.

Haahooooo · 07/07/2015 08:50

Thanks everyone. If the problem isn't sorted by a combination of vitamin tablets, new toothpaste and difflam I will go back to the GP.

OP posts:
honeysucklejasmine · 07/07/2015 08:52

Try iglu too. Much better than bonjela.

CMOTDibbler · 07/07/2015 08:56

I used to have terrible mouth ulcers, which turned out to be linked to coeliac disease.

My dad has had huge problems with mouth ulcers, his dentist sent him to the dental hospital, who then sent him to a dermatologist, and it turned out to be a very rare immune condition (he's unusual as he doesn't have any other problems with it) which isn't curable but manageable with correct treatment.

So well worth following it all up if it continues

SpringTown46 · 07/07/2015 09:11

I found that for me it was a combination of factors: hormonal issues together with the sodium lauryl sulphate in toothpaste, setting up a cycle of inflammation/ulceration, and certain food intolerances. Also, some ulcer remedies actually aggravated the situation. Trial and error.

But, it is important that you see your GP and get a blood panel done, if only to eliminate any underlying issues.

nuttybananas · 07/07/2015 09:26

Hi, I had this at about 1 year after giving birth.
Discussed it with my dentist rather than GP - we tried a few mouthwashes and non SLS toothpaste but neither showed much of an improvement so she referred me to the Dental Hospital.
By the time the appointment came round it was starting to improve and this has coincided with me starting to take folic acid as we try for #2. The consultant has done bloods and lots of questions but did conclude he felt it wasn't related to gastro/intestinal or stress issues but more likely immunity/vitamin deficiency.
I go back next week for the results but it really has cleared up and the only thing that really is different is the daily folic acid tablet...

MrsBojingles · 07/07/2015 09:28

Deff see the Dr, can be a sign of iron deficiency, which isn't uncommon after giving birth!

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