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wtf...poor puppies

29 replies

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 12:34

probably end up being trained to fight.

OP posts:
tabulahrasa · 19/06/2015 19:33

To be fair...we also believed they'd put it online themselvesi

Sheitgeist · 19/06/2015 19:26

I've reported my and tabulahrasa's posts, so that the phone number of unconnected person may be removed.

At the time of posting we believed it belonged to someone who was being cruel to puppies, and people wanted it to report it to the RSPCA.

We know now that, thankfully, this is not the case.

Baies · 19/06/2015 15:49

I'm not sure about the wisdom of putting the mobile number on here. You should ask to have that post removed

tabulahrasa · 19/06/2015 14:12

Someone has phoned the number and the person who answered had no puppies.

So it does look like a fake.

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 13:30

tab hopefully thats the case idiots though and that poor persons number thats been put out to everyone.

OP posts:
WindMeUpAndLetMeGo · 19/06/2015 13:29

Ads been pulled, just went to look on the link

tabulahrasa · 19/06/2015 13:25

I'm on a dog forum...the photo is stolen from a website, so hopefully it is a fake advert as well.

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 13:24

do they look small enough to be new born. they dont look big enough to leave the mum.but im not sure if they are new born either. would we not be able to see the tummy cord a bit as well.?

OP posts:
hiddenhome · 19/06/2015 13:21

They'll probably be drowned.

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 13:16

i have emailed rspca

OP posts:
tabulahrasa · 19/06/2015 13:05

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn.

Sheitgeist · 19/06/2015 13:02

They may not use a vet to have them "put down" though. Sad

Sheitgeist · 19/06/2015 13:00

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 19/06/2015 12:58

Oh new born pups. How adorable.
I highly doubt a vet would put a new born pup down.
The thing is they won't stay new born inocent pups for long. If they're bred for fighting.
Havd I also read correctly. They have just been born today and he is selling them at the weekend. Don't they need to be with their mum to form their initial attachment and don't they need their mothers milk for nutrients.
Surely as gorgeous as gorgeous as they are. No one is going to buy s new born puppy. Well I hope not.
Glad you've reported to Gum tree.

MidniteScribbler · 19/06/2015 12:54

Oh dear god! What an idiot.

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 12:53

oh i was going to ring rspca with the number :(

OP posts:
ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 12:52

pipbin yes then.rspca should make an arrangement to view.then take the puppies and the mum.

OP posts:
Sheitgeist · 19/06/2015 12:50

Ad now deleted!
That was quick response by Gumtree, but unfortunately doesn't help puppies.
I hope they reported the seller.

strawberrypenguin · 19/06/2015 12:50

Reported it to gumtree too OP - hopefully with more reports they'll do something.

ghostspirit · 19/06/2015 12:50

would a vet put down healthy new born puppys? or is the owner not going to a vet....

not got time for them...puppies dont do anything not that age anyway the mother does it all.maybe the mother is a fighting dog...who knows :(

OP posts:
IUseAnyName · 19/06/2015 12:49

I'm tempted to text her and tell her its her that needs putting down! Sicko!

Pipbin · 19/06/2015 12:48

I'm hoping someone has contacted the local RSPCA or such like.


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Sheitgeist · 19/06/2015 12:46

I've reported, too... Gumtree should report to RSPCA

Koalafications · 19/06/2015 12:46

Bloody hell Sad Angry

SqueezyCheeseWeasel · 19/06/2015 12:46

I hope she gets the mother spayed.

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