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To ask what is the most extravagant "teacher present" you have given/received/heard of

40 replies

LadyMaryofDownton · 18/06/2015 22:39

I was scrolling through my FB feed an a teacher friend of mine has received a Prada handbag with matching purse!

It got me wondering if the good old picture frame/personalised gift things aren't the done thing anymore?

I didn't/don't plan on spending more than I usually do but I am curious.

OP posts:
ChanandlerBongsNeighbour · 19/06/2015 09:22

When I left for my first mat leave I got the most beautiful gift box full of next baby bits from a family whose children had all been through my class over the years (2 babygros, 2 bibs, furry snowsuit, rattles and a lovely card) I was SO touched. Same pregnancy I also got a wholesale tray of free mangoes off a parent, she told me it was tradition in her country and the mangoes were good for the baby! I thought that was brilliant! My oldest DC started school in Sept so I shall I have to think of a nice (inexpensive) gift for the teacher (probably something handmade!).

WhatKatyDidnt · 19/06/2015 09:11

Friend of a friend was given a cashmere dressing gown Confused

WyrdByrd · 19/06/2015 09:06

I hope you were pregnant at the time Zombie Shock Grin!

DD's teacher seemed to appreciate her Build a Bear...although I have a sneaky suspicion it may have eventually ended up in the arms of her then 1yo niece, but no matter, so long as someone is giving it lots of cuddles Smile.

Need to get my thinking cap on for this year as not only does DD think the world of her teacher, she is also a friend of DH's...will probably be nice stationery or something music related as she plays the ukulele. I've also just remembered her mentioning chocolate flavoured beer!

Last year DD had a lovely TA and also the Head and Deputy both left - I did them each a bag containing homemade scones, clotted cream, mini pots of strawberry and raspberry jam and a can of Pimms - added a book token to the Head's bag - they seemed to go down well.

ChristmasZombie · 19/06/2015 08:51

I teach in a private school and I've received some really lovely gifts. Nothing comparable to a Prada handbag, though! The usual is fancy chocolates or toiletries, nice costume jewellery, and always several bunches of flowers.
I think the most extravagant gift I've had was a big L'Occitane gift set. When I opened it up, alongside the posh smellies, a large bottle of Angel perfume had been crammed in! That gift probably had a value of around £100. They are a particularly generous family.
One family bought me three boxes of Pregnacare Plus at christmas last year!

LadyMaryofDownton · 19/06/2015 08:22

Oh some of these are lovely, the build a bear; that's original & so cute!

Lol @ a horse Wink

Am thinking Yankee Candle & a card that's my usual. Lovely to see the teachers really appreciating the small personal things to.

OP posts:
WyrdByrd · 19/06/2015 08:16

We did a Build a Bear one year, and I made it a school uniform...however the teacher in question had had DD's class 2 years running so didn't think it was too OTT in the circs.

Generally I try & get something a bit personal for under a tenner - one teacher got a tin case of plectrums with her favourite band on as she was learning to play the guitar.

ZaZathecat · 19/06/2015 07:56

A normal state run infants school: one parent in ds' s class organised a collection for a flying lesson for the teacher. This was for Christmas, not even end of year. I declined as I thought it was way over the top.

BikeRunSki · 19/06/2015 07:48

Local village school. Not an especially affluent area. Build a Bear toy of the teacher's favourite animal with recorded message from child.

Greenteandchives · 19/06/2015 07:45

My DS teaches at a public school where a lot of the pupils are Russian. I am Shock at what she receives. Much Louis Vuitton. I am Envy as I am NHS and we quite rightly aren't allowed to receive gifts.

TheHappyCamper · 19/06/2015 07:39

Lavender I would love that joint of beef! Grin

I have never been given anything more than a token gift - wine, chocolates, notebooks etc. All very gratefully received and most made me cry. I'm secondary so it can be rarer to get anything. I certainly never expect anything. The best is when parents email the head to say nice things about my teaching Smile

We usually give wine/chocs to DD's primary teachers but I think it is the card with nice thank you inside that is most appreciated.

I haven't heard of anyone I know getting anything remotely extravagant!

chocolateyay · 19/06/2015 07:37

Nameless... I think we may have been at the same school!

Idontseeanydragons · 19/06/2015 07:35

Our old head banned anything other than token presents a while back and the new head kept the rule - flowers, wine and chocolates are fine but there are no collections here.
We once bought each of the teachers a biscuit with their names iced on, DD's teacher said to me at pick up time 'thank you for the biscuits, we ran out of ours yesterday' GrinGrin

LavenderRain · 19/06/2015 07:24

My friend is a teacher, she once received a very large joint of beef, uncooked, from a pupil at primary school Grin
Dad was a butcher apparently! It must have been worth £££££'s tho.

namelessposter · 19/06/2015 07:14

The school my children were at previously had a recommended contribution PER CHILD of £100 for the teacher end of term gift. So 20 in the class = £2k for their teacher. My chin hit the floor the first time I was asked. I refused. We asked again several times, as it was clearly thought IWBU. My children don't go there anymore. Horrible show-offy American banker parents.

Starlightbright1 · 19/06/2015 06:43

The one gift that made my DS teacher cry was a handwritten letter as he had initially refused to write a word and writing anything was always an issue for him. only on mumsnet do I her of lavish gifts

Squeegle · 19/06/2015 06:42

When my kids were at nursery, at Christmas I bumped into another parent hauling in a crate of champagne for all the staff. Made me feel very understated with my tin of festive biscuits!

Eebahgum · 19/06/2015 06:34

In 15 years I think the most extravagant I've received is a £10 gift voucher. Most people give nothing, some give a small gift (under £5). A Prada handbag is extravagant, ridiculous and definitely not the norm. I'd be embarrassed if someone gave me an expensive gift.

Canyouforgiveher · 19/06/2015 04:26

Most private schools where I am (including the ones we attended) have a rule banning anything other than homemade gifts/cards for teachers. Parents are encouraged to contribute as a group to something for the classroom that the teacher specifies.

Teachers have received ipads, flights, expensive jewellery - you name it. It's another world, that's for sure. I think this is a recipe for disaster in a school tbh.

SenecaFalls · 19/06/2015 01:49

The above post would be in the "heard of" category.

mmgirish · 19/06/2015 01:05

I have received hotel vouchers, spa vouchers, handbags and other designer things, very nice wine and lots of lovely things. As a parent I have given my son's teacher a nice bottle of whisky and chocolates for Christmas and the end of the year present as well as contribute to the class voucher present. I also give presents to all the other teachers and TAs in the year group (he is in Early Years).

TigerFeat · 19/06/2015 00:44

At the end of dd's Nursery year I gave the teachers 6 bottles of very naice wine Blush. I was just so please that my pfb had settled into school so well and seemed so happy every day. I cringe when I think of it.

They're lucky if they get a card now Grin


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DrJacoby · 19/06/2015 00:35

My husband works at an international school. Teachers have received ipads, flights, expensive jewellery - you name it. It's another world, that's for sure.

Fatmomma99 · 19/06/2015 00:26

I work in schools, but not a teacher, so I don't attract presents (alas). I'm always dead jealous at the end of a big term when teachers have to wheel their crap- loot out to their cars in a suitcase.

In my experience, they do appreciate getting a gift, but appreciate words/something hand made much, much more. (and I'm on the edge, envying it all. I did get a pot plant once, which I appreciated massively, until I killed it!)

Our 'best ever' was when I went to a Christmas market and they had these beautiful hand-made tiles, and I brought several for family members and because there was a deal about how many you brought, chucked in a coaster which was x-mas gift for class teacher. She made a point of thanking me personally, so I guessed it was something out of the norm for her.

cariadlet · 19/06/2015 00:20

One of my all time favourite presents was a personalised desk calendar. The parent who gave it to me knew that I love travelling so had chosen a theme where, for example, my name was spelled out in the Northern Lights or The Great Barrier Reef.

That was a perfect present because it was useful, looked great (I loved the photos) and was really thoughtful.

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