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To fake an injury to get out of work?

39 replies

IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 15:17

Basically my car has broken down, i'm due in work for 3 days this week with no way of getting there.... I tried to hire a car this morn but no luck. I don't want to sound incompetent to the client I'll be working for (self employed work, where I do the odd days when they need me).

Would ibu to fake an injury?.... I have no more work lined up with them after this week, and they have a pool of other self employed folk they could ask) although it would be a pita for them to sort as it's quite short notice.

OP posts:
xiaozhu · 15/06/2015 19:08

Def don't lie. Sickies garner suspicion even when they're genuine.

There must be some way for you to get into work, even for one or two of the days.

PenguinBollards · 15/06/2015 17:41

What is the nature of the work? Can you do some element of it from home/tele-commute?

I agree with others that, being self-employed, this could affect your professional reputation. I know you say you only had a few more days of work with them, but they probably won't recommend you to others, and may actively advise other potential clients to avoid you, if you get caught out in the lie.

SayThisOnlyOnce · 15/06/2015 17:23

Does your childminder drive? Are you on good enough terms to pay them to drive you to work? (Obv no good if they have lots of children to look after)

nagsandovalballs · 15/06/2015 16:55

Get receipts for the taxi journeys and you'll be able to claim it against your tax return. So you'll be short of cash this month, but you'll get a reduction in your tax bill in January.

IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 16:51

Thanks for suggestions katz, but I'd have to do the same greulling journey I did today to the carhire company, to get to a local car dealership.

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IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 16:49

Ilovesooty... That's why I thought not being able to work due having an injury rather than a failed car, would be a more reasonable excuse to not be in work. Therefore out of my hands, and they can't hold it against me as being unreliable?

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Katz · 15/06/2015 16:48

Same - any local car dealers who'll let you have an extended test drive? May be for a day? Migh by sometime ?

ilovesooty · 15/06/2015 16:46


ilovesooty · 15/06/2015 16:46

X post sorry. I'd really fry to get there if you can.

IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 16:45

Same her Katz, but the car broke down in our local village and was pushed to the local garage (who we don't usually use), he has it now, anddoesn't supply a courtesy car.

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ilovesooty · 15/06/2015 16:45

Lie if you want to. But bear in mind the point made above. People talk and if you get a reputation for being unreliable and letting people down expect your commissions to dry up and for others to get the work.

IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 16:43

Thanks all for replies.

Not sure what else to add, except that I will take the advice on board, and not lie.

OP posts:
Katz · 15/06/2015 16:34

We've always had a loaner whilst car being fixed.

DinosaursRoar · 15/06/2015 16:34

oh and depending on the company, it could be they have contracts with taxi companies, if you call and explain you're having car troubles, they might be able to get you a much better deal for a taxi than you would get as a normal customer.

Katz · 15/06/2015 16:33

Can you phone the garage to get your car fixed, they may offer a courtesy car - win win?

DinosaursRoar · 15/06/2015 16:32

erm, if you're self-employed, and earning a decent amount, can't you count your taxis as business expenses for tax purposes?

It's also worth calling a few mini cab companies and seeing what they'd charge you for 3 days set journeys, some will offer discounts if you pre-book a number of journeys rather than just ring up.

I would always aim to get to work if you can when SE, while you might not want to work for this manager again, you don't know who in this company knows people in others you might want to work for "oh, you're looking for a X? I can recommend, Y person, they were great at short noticed when we were let down by IUseAnyName"

SayThisOnlyOnce · 15/06/2015 16:31

If you were employed it's one thing having car problems- as a small business though it looks really flaky. Can't someone local give you a lift? For generous petrol money?

CMon · 15/06/2015 16:30

I'd tell the truth. I couldn't lie about it. I'd explain about the hire car and hope they are understanding.

AdventureBe · 15/06/2015 16:25

If you're not bothered about what he thinks, then why bother lying?

IUseAnyName · 15/06/2015 16:23

I guess I am trying to justify it in a way, along with give people answers to their questions.

Yes, I understand about working for very little when self employed in order to build up a relationship. I have done a lot of that.

I guess I keep thinking that I'm not actually too bothered about working for them again, as the manager is a bit difficult.

But I should just tell them the truth. I do keep wondering what if I see him when out and about (although unlikely) but the paranoia has already startedand I haven't even lied yet!

OP posts:
AdventureBe · 15/06/2015 16:09

Sometimes, when you're self employed, it's better to work for nothing than to let a customer down. Even if you don't expect to work for them again soon, it might bring/lose opportunities.

EvansOvalPiesYumYum · 15/06/2015 16:02

Every single reply you've had has said you would be unreasonable, but now you're trying to justify it, so it seems as though you mind is already made up!

(I also think you should tell the truth, BTW).
It may cost you more now, but if the company you are doing the work for should find out, you will probably never get any further commissions from them.


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scarlets · 15/06/2015 15:57

Tell the truth. It's a valid reason, it's not like you're nursing a hangover.

Pippa12 · 15/06/2015 15:57

I really think you'd be better off telling the truth. Maybe say 'I've had a car accident therefore am unable to come in' and hope they don't ask any further questions. But, personally I wouldn't fake injury, tempt and fate jump to mind!

PenguinBollards · 15/06/2015 15:55

Tell the truth: no transport, taxi fares are more than you can afford. They might contribute to your travel expenses.

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