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to think coronation street are totally pathetic, running a breaved mother childsnatcher storyline, FFS

51 replies

catswag · 12/06/2015 21:40

please isolate us all even more please stigmatise us
as all deranged child snatchers
as if we don't have enough to deal with day to day as it is


OP posts:
WinterOfOurDiscountTents15 · 12/06/2015 22:19

I know. I just think soaps are hideous, depressing, misery ridden shitty excuses for entertainment. You are of course free to disagree.

catswag · 12/06/2015 22:21

yes its just like that shitty storyline in eastenders about cot death and baby swopping

I've met a lot of friend through sands etc and all of them, every single one has faced some prejudice, like friends that used to let them babysit, not asking the person if its ok to carry on , just deciding you can't baby sit the child anymore
or getting twitchy if one of these tragic mothers holds their baby incase the run off with it, when they have no interest in someone elses baby, they just want their own

this kind of stuff I toxic poision dripping into peoples subconscious

OP posts:
CoogerAndDark · 12/06/2015 22:23

They weren't like that in the past imo. When they had to move to ore than one or two episodes a week they had to accelerate storylines and make them more dramatic.

But then I stopped watching around the time Archie from Emmerdale was vaporised in that plane crash because he was the only character that smoked, so all the screamy hyped - up rubbish nowadays is ludicrous to me.

balletnotlacrosse · 12/06/2015 22:24

You're noticing this particular story line because it's about an issue that affects you. But many of the storylines you're enjoyed have cut through the heart of other people.

I don't watch coronation street anymore. But if you're going to watch it you can't object to one storyline while gobbling up the other ones. All of them are exaggerated or stereotyped, and all of them upset some vulnerable group (and most people have some vulnerable spot that can easily be triggered).

catswag · 12/06/2015 22:28

I've actually noticed coronation street have this real aversion to breast feeding as well
and always seem to promote gay issues

OP posts:
threestars · 12/06/2015 23:04

yanbu. It's lazy and demonstrates lack of care, imagination and research by the writers and commissioners.

purdiepie · 12/06/2015 23:09

I think you have every single reason on Earth to feel unreasonable Thanks

catswag · 12/06/2015 23:33

It's lazy and demonstrates lack of care, imagination and research by the writers and commissioners
well put three stars

anyway I'm complaining, hiding this thread as its making me angry thinking about this shitty soap, and not watching this shite anymore

OP posts:
LaLyra · 12/06/2015 23:44

The soaps always feel the need to ruin child loss stories by making them ridiculous imo. Emmerdale done brilliantly with the cot death storyline until they felt the need to introduce the ridiculous baby swap story line.

It's lazy and demonstrates lack of care, imagination and research by the writers and commissioners

Brilliantly put.

Valsoldknickers · 12/06/2015 23:49

YANBU, I feel the same OP. Lazy, clichéd writing.

GiddyOnZackHunt · 12/06/2015 23:53

MN took on EastEnders over the same story line I think. I don't watch soaps so I don't know what the current story line is. They do make a big show of portraying breast cancer and the like accurately and then they play to crass stereotypes on other issues. They get praised when they do it well so why should bollocking it up not attract criticism,

teeththief · 12/06/2015 23:59

I haven't watched the corrie storyline but I posted something similar when the baby swap thing happened in eastenders the same year I lost and buried my baby. People will tell you YABU because they have no idea what memories and anger such crappy storylines will hold for you. Saying it's just a soap doesn't help when you've lived through those emotions xx

lydiarobinson · 13/06/2015 00:03

My cousin lost a child and tried to wheel away a buggy in the supermarket. She was deranged with grief and didn't know what she was doing. Her story and way of dealing with her grief deserves portrayal and understanding as much as anyone's.

GiddyOnZackHunt · 13/06/2015 00:27

Lydia that's terribly sad but actually the deranged woman taking a child is the usual depiction. Your cousin's story is told. The massed ranks of bereaved mothers who quietly die a little every day but go to work and do their shopping, see their child's peers turn 18, start school, get married. They aren't portrayed.

PtolemysNeedle · 13/06/2015 00:52

YANBU. I have no idea of the story line because I don't watch the shite that is coronation street, but I think you've hit the nail on the head when you pretty much say that people can't judge until they've walked in the shoes of a bereaved parent. I've never lost a child but as a bereaved wife, I can relate to that feeling of having people making assumptions about you when they have absolutely no idea of the reality.

Thankfully, there's just too much people don't know if they haven't had personal experience, and it would be nice for scriptwriters who are handling these situations in public to acknowledge that.

tonsofshit · 13/06/2015 01:00


Lazy storyline. Just want to create a greater dramatic effect and conform to stereotype to keep viewing figures up.

auntyentropy · 13/06/2015 01:12

YANBU. The soaps peddle the most sensationalist version of any possible story, but for Corrie to do this particular storyline so close to Eastenders doing it is fucking indefensible.

PiperIsTerrysChoclateOrange · 13/06/2015 01:16

It's why 5 years ago I stopped watching all soaps.

Can't stand to use my free time watching utter drivel.

lionheart · 13/06/2015 07:29

YANBU. Lazy, stereotyping.

gatorgolf · 13/06/2015 07:43

On this particular storyline tho they hav brought an old character back into the soap who always was abit deranged even back then do they aren't necessarily saying the death is the sole reason why she is acting that way

OwlinaTree · 13/06/2015 07:52

I don't watch the soaps but I can't believe they are doing such a similar story line to EastEnders after there was so much backlash against it.

I think that the telly always goes too far with baby loss storylines, trying to show the pain of it to those who haven't been there but in the wrong ways.

Slutbucket · 13/06/2015 09:25

My friend has recently had a baby die and it has been horrific. Saying that though my when my mum died I experienced similar things. People avoiding me in the supermarket, not ringing me etc. One friend did say she didn't know what to say and that was kind if refreshing. I think we have great issues about talking about dying full stop. A storyline if done well can help a particular cause m. Unfortunately this hasn't been your experience. I am sorry for your loss. Flowers


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AnguaResurgam · 13/06/2015 09:33

I can post the storyline here, if anyone wants to see it (not going to just add it in case people don't)

But I think it's referred to as an 'incident' because it refers to the death of a preschooler, not a stillbirth, neonatal death or cot death.

TTWK · 13/06/2015 09:44

I think people forget that televisions have an OFF button.

fortyfide · 13/06/2015 11:14

CATSWAG the OTT plots are done to get tabloid mentions. And this increases the tv audience. Its all about ratings

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