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To expect my friend to be there when I go to pick her up?

3 replies

MaryLou3756 · 28/05/2015 17:37

A few friends had arranged to go out together today, last night I'd arranged to pick one of the non-drivers up. On my way there this morning and I got a phone call (I was a few minutes away) saying they were now going with another friend who was passing by. AIBU to be annoyed that I'd already set off, was very nearly there and then plans were suddenly changed? I'd already detoured off the direct road so ended up being a few minutes late. I also usually have my phone on silent so could have ended very differently!

OP posts:
VelvetRose · 28/05/2015 17:45

That is seriously annoying! Why would you do that at the last minute? Very rude of your friend.

Stripysecrets · 28/05/2015 17:40

YANBU... This kind of thing really bugs me!

I had a similar friend who asked for lifts a lot. She stopped talking to me at Halloween two years ago and I couldn't pick her up at her specified time as it was a 20min drive away and my children were at a Halloween party. I told her I would be passing said town an hour later after the party finished and she said no thanks Shock and we haven't really spoken since! I have loads more petrol though Wink

WorraLiberty · 28/05/2015 17:40

Even if I stared at this post continuously for the rest of the week, I couldn't come up with a single reason why you would be unreasonable.

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