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Hacks can fuck off.

30 replies

Fatstacks · 28/05/2015 12:26

Life hacks, beauty hacks, laundry hacks, wardrobe hacks.......

Hack me off.

Tips, they are called tips Angry

OP posts:
nocutsnobuttsnococonuts · 28/05/2015 20:37

completely agree, I think pinterest has alot to answer for with alot of these 'hacks'

however I do love seeing the crazy things people create with ikea furniture. I particularly liked the cat litter box inside a cupboard Grin

hash tags I really don't get, theres someone on my facebook feed who literally adds about 20 hash tags on every status.. really pointless and annoying isnt that what twitter is for?? dont understand twitter at all

vindscreenviper · 28/05/2015 20:29

Hmm, I would class your hack as a tip MrsH.

Unless it was being Tweeted by two interns called Rollo and Hespesia, to big up the Alex James & Jamies Oliver Big Beats Summer Quince-ival Weekender.*

*pre book your 2 night glamping package for the special price of £3500! (nighttime illumination included)

cuntycowfacemonkey · 28/05/2015 20:07

Oh god hashtag my dsis has started saying hashtag XXX at the end of her sentences. She sounds like such a knob.

MrsHathaway · 28/05/2015 20:00

Very annoying if "tip" "trick" or "hint" would do, but I agree with koala that it's a useful word to denote "use of an object for something other than its intended purpose to achieve a surprising and unrelated goal".

Tip: use toothpaste on nettle stings to eliminate itching.

Trick: do up your duvet cover before you wash it so it doesn't get socks stuck in it.

Hint: a meal doesn't have to have a name to be nutritionally balanced and delicious.

Hack: when camping, crack a couple of cheap glow sticks into a rinsed out plastic milk bottle to create a nightlight with a convenient handle.

Nosynora · 28/05/2015 19:57

I love them (blush)

Str1p3yl3af · 28/05/2015 19:55

Yeah piss off snack hacks. Just have a bloody bag of crisps like normal people.

Fatstacks · 28/05/2015 19:51

Ah Tomato you've not lived unless you make slowcookerbeefhack....

Or a stew as it was commonly known as.

OP posts:
tomatodizzymum · 28/05/2015 13:37

First time I have ever heard of hacks. So they've not bothered me in the least. But yes tips...

Dollybird99 · 28/05/2015 13:36

sorry for all the #swearing.

I feel better now.

Dollybird99 · 28/05/2015 13:35

FFS, if I see another 'life' hack, I may just crack....

same for fucking hashtags......I wish I had the balls everytime someone puts in on their facebook status to say ' fuck off with your fucking hashtags', no-one's fucking interested in your fucking #sunset #wasacloudyday #nowitsagorgeousday #lovewhereilive


FancyForgetting · 28/05/2015 13:31

YANBU at all!

The one that gets me is 'Edit' -presumably as a substitute for 'Collection' in clothes shops? I can't make sense of it otherwise.

Although it's probably my punishment for buying clothes in M&S...

MehsMum · 28/05/2015 13:29

I wince when I read, 'X goes great with Y'.
No, it doesn't. It goes well with Y. Or the two are great together.

FrSpodoKomodo · 28/05/2015 13:26

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Dr0pThePirate · 28/05/2015 13:16

Oops, meant ended very badly.

Dr0pThePirate · 28/05/2015 13:15

Wasn't there a "charge your new iPhone in the microwave" hack last year?

Yeah, I think that one endedvbadly for a few people. Oh well....

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 28/05/2015 13:12

Short cut to being a mafia hitman - whack hack
Andy Coulson's shortcuts - a hack's hacking hacks

CloserToFiftyThanTwenty · 28/05/2015 13:06

Oh you are so NBU - this annoys me do much!

TheCrowFromBelow · 28/05/2015 13:03

I thought OP had had some sort of horrible experience on horseback.

I'm hacked off by the vanish tip exchange, so hacks & tips can both fuck off IMO

YouTheCat · 28/05/2015 12:57

I thought this would be a thread about unscrupulous journalists. Grin

And also what Gatekeeper said. All those pointless 'you'll be amazed' facebook posts. I am not bloody amazed.

Gatekeeper · 28/05/2015 12:50

I bloody hate this too; endless bloody posts on my Facebook pages about bot all

"Laundry hack- She pours mouthwash into the washing machine; when I saw what happened I did it too" (absolutely nothing happens)

SteveBrucesNose · 28/05/2015 12:50

And most of them are either utter bollocks, common sense that the majority of the world realise already, or take far longer and are fare more expensive than doing whatever it was in the non-'hack' way

sheffieldstealer · 28/05/2015 12:46

I would never use the word 'hack' to mean 'tip'. Maybe it's the only way, refusing to use it no matter how many times The Huffington Post tries to make us.


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Discopanda · 28/05/2015 12:46

Feeding the ducks? Quack hacks

sheffieldstealer · 28/05/2015 12:44

YES YES YES to 'hacks' and 'shop the...' How can a shortcut to the IKEA loo be a hack? The actual English meaning of that is 'the shortcut to the IKEA loo is a cross country trip on horseback.' FFS. Is the IKEA loo now so far away you need eco-friendly animal transport?

Also, 'excited for...'. No. Excited about. You can only be excited for something if they've given you permission to do it for them. Which in the case of 'Christmas' or 'the Next sale', I doubt.

RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 28/05/2015 12:43

Ugh yes "shop the trend". And enough with the hacks.

How to fix a puncture - jack hacks

How to prepare for your holiday - pack hacks

Male waxing - back, sack and crack hacks

Chiropractic - back hacks

Wood cutting advice - hack hacks

There are hacks for every activity and situation. It's not cool any more.

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