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MIL just won't quit with the games

30 replies

Beth2511 · 28/05/2015 09:56

Lots of back history but yet another issue. When we moved OH left a box of v.important documents at his mum's temporarily just to keep them safe whilst moving, in it his passport and DSD's birth certificate. Before getting them back the fall out with MIL began and he hasn't been able to get the documents back.

We desperately need the passport and want DSD's birth certificate but how do we get it back? OH is convinced if we involve police that she will send the documents to either his sister's or to an elderly relatives house and deny all knowledge of it.

Is there anything we can do?

OP posts:
maccie · 28/05/2015 11:25

OP I got a HA house 2 years ago and I have never had a passport. There is a variety of ID that you can use. Just give them a call and see what else you can provide and then get that ready for when you need it.

I also ordered a BC for my DH from Scotland and just gave them the details paid by card over the phone and had it within a week. I was really surprised how easy it was as I could have been anyone. My son needed his BC urgently(lost) and we went to the local office paid cash and got it there and then.

Remove MIL power over you and show her that her ridiculous behaviour doesn't get her anywhere. If she wants to inconvenience you then your best bet is to show how utterly futile her games are.

pluCaChange · 28/05/2015 11:26

If you, knowing MIL, think she won't give the documents back, deal with the immediate problem of the housing before tackling her. There will be a lot of admin and aggro associated with moving, anyway, so you will be overwhelmed enough as it is, and won't be able to devote proper attention to sorting things out with MIL (who behaves like that, anyway?!).

silverglitterpisser · 28/05/2015 19:49

I agree with PPs, get copies. U can use express services, they can b costly but r pretty good.

I absolutely wouldn't approach mil or ever make mention of the documents again. By doing so u give her power n fall right in to her trap. If she wants to play idiotic, spiteful games let her play alone!

Baaaaaaaaaaaa · 28/05/2015 20:59

maccie said ".......... I was really surprised how easy it was as I could have been anyone.........."

That's just it though, anyone can apply for any passport, there are no rules and regulations who can get hold of them. And they wonder why there's so much identity theft, this is part of it.

Anyhow, I agree, get a new BC and a new PP, sod the stupid MiL.

Lara2 · 28/05/2015 21:24

Yes, just get new ones. Don't bother the police, they aren't interested in lost/stolen passports. Our (now closed) local police station even had a poster saying don't bother telling us, inform the passport office!

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