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To be grumpy old woman re retrieving footballs

34 replies

T0R1 · 23/05/2015 20:23

Neighbours lad and his mate are always getting footballs in my garden. Just told the lad who was perched on the 6ft fence to jump in to my garden 'no, get down' through the living room window. They rang the doorbell and I ignored it as I was watching ninja warrior. So they just came in over the fence from the empty house next door and helped themselves.

I'm already nearly in double figures for the amount of balls I've thrown back over to them and we've not had that many nice/outdoor days. I've already yelled once because a ball neary hit me.

Am I being unreasonable that I don't want them in my garden. They have over 10 balls in the football net so they're not deprived by leaving it in my garden until I get round to throwing it back. I have no idea why I'm so grumpy about this. Would it be unreasonable to put a note in my neighbours door saying I don't want the boys in my garden?

OP posts:
Perfectlypurple · 26/05/2015 08:49

We had enough yesterday. It is constant and we are always nice to them and ask them to not kick the ball towards the house. The green bit by the house is house but they kick it against our wall. It came over a few times, and hit the car once, so I took it back and asked them to play a bit further up and not kick it towards the house. They still kicked it against our garage wall and the ball came over again so I kept it and told them they would need to get a parent to collect. The kid was a bit cheeky. When the mum came to get the ball I told her I don't mind the odd time but it is 6 or 7 times a day. She said it wasn't always them but I told her I knew that but in this occasion it was as I had taken it out to them several times and that one of them was cheeky. I made it clear I did not mind them playing there but they were hitting the car and had damaged plants and I just wanted them to be a bit more careful.

lithewire · 24/05/2015 19:42

The neighbours' kids near my parents' house used to do this and drove us mad, knocking sometimes several times a day during the school holidays - until our dog acquired a taste for footballs. Funnily enough the balls stopped coming over the fence after a few were returned chewed to bits.

crayola8 · 24/05/2015 18:43

I would bend over backwards not to fall out with neighbours.It is very unpleasant living next door to hostility and you never know when you are going to need their co-operation..
I would just tell them to come i and get them for an easy life!

tobytomcat88 · 24/05/2015 16:55

I had this problem last week I was breastfeeding and refused 2 answer the door (they could see me through the the window) so kept knocking and knocking and knocking till I got up 1 boob hanging out.
I told them when I was ready I would take the ball round 2 their house and tell their mother I do not appreciate constant knocking .

SoldierBear · 24/05/2015 16:33

My recollection of the other o thread was that the OP was annoyed ha use her neighbour had not noticed the ball, which was there for at least a day, and then his dog ate it. She was told it is not the responsibility of the neighbour to notice the ball and that it was unreasonable to be annoyed at what had happened because they hadn't gone round to ask for it back.

Balls going over is annoying but part of life where there are kids around. I'm another one who told the kids they could come into my garden through the gate to get them.

Climbing over the fence or coming into the garden without permission isn't on.

It's up to the individual if they prefer kids to ring the bell and ask or agree to throw balls over on a daily basis.

ChestyNut · 24/05/2015 16:29


I hate this in summer Angry
Kids jumping over back fence to get the ball or shouting constantly all afternoon for the ball back before ChestyDog pops it.

Thread has reminded me I need to find a high fence before summer.

jamdonut · 24/05/2015 16:12

I absolutely feel your pain! My neighbours get all sorts over the fence,somehow. But they play football in their gàrden like they are at Wembley! You can see the ball getting higher and higher and then...oops! Its in our garden.Angry

If it was just once or twice in a while I wouldn't mind, but it is all the time,especially in the summer. It makes us both angry. I never used to let my kids bother others like that,and it annoys me that others have no problem with letting theirs irritate others

TheFairyCaravan · 24/05/2015 14:54

I've just come out of hopsital. The lovely old lady in the bed opposite had many broken bones because she tripped and fell getting footballs back for her neighbour's kids. Her daughter was telling me the kids were constantly banging on the door and calling over the fence so she felt like she had to get them, although she wasn't that steady on her feet. I don't know what those childrens' parents were thinking, tbh.

Reginafalangie · 24/05/2015 14:54

For some reason no matter how many times I tell them or how hard they try the DC's ball always ends up in next doors garden Hmm I have even stood and watched them playing with it at ground level but somehow it does just whizzes up in the air and flies over next doors fence of it's own accord.

When this happens the DC's don't have a ball for the rest of the day. The rule is if it goes over, tough, you will have to wait until the neighbour decides to throw it back if they do decide. They do not knock or bother next door they just leave it be.

Pomegranatemolasses · 24/05/2015 14:48

Psippsina perhaps I am wrong, but wasn't your thread about being upset because your neighbour's dog had chewed up the ball?

PatsyNoPasta · 24/05/2015 14:47

Puncturing any unwelcome footballs before throwing them back seems to cure the problem.

Perfectlypurple · 24/05/2015 14:36

I think it is nice kids play outside but it is annoying when it happens all the time. We live next to a green area, the kids play football and the ball often comes over. At first I don't mind but when it is a few times in quick succession I tell them to play further up the field. The other day this happened and I had asked them to not play so near the house and the ball came over again, I could see them talking, probably figuring out who was going to ask. When they knocked they told a story of a teenager doing it and running away!

My dad caught one trying to climb up the gate to open it which annoyed me, and also we have a lovely garden with loads of plants that have taken time to cultivate and a fair few have been broken by the balls.

claraschu · 24/05/2015 14:25

I didn't say 10 times a day was ok. It sounds like this has been 10 total in the recent past. I think retrieving balls once a day is really no big deal. It's nice that kids are playing outside.

Why don't you give the neighbours the house phone number and get them to call, (not more than a few times a week) when balls need to be sent back. That way you avoid the intrusiveness of the knocking on the door.

Psippsina · 24/05/2015 12:29

Put a note through or just knock and speak to the parents. Say you are happy to throw the balls over and will do so once a day, when you are out there anyway. Tell them you really don't want the boys to climb over, it isn't safe for a start (make up that you have a dog or something if you like)

This should be fine.

Btw I had a thread about our balls going over the other week - almost unanimously told to GO and ASK for the ball every single time.

So I am pleased to read this: Disturbing you and expecting you to do so when they want is rude.

That was my point! Once a day at your convenience is fine. Or ask them to put up some big nets on top of the fence or take balls to a park, etc...I have banned football from our garden for this reason. It's just not practical.

AutumnFades · 24/05/2015 12:20

DS sometimes accidentally kicks his ball into next door's garden. He has several footballs and he plays with another one if that happens, eventually the neighbours throw it over the fence.

SideOrderofChips · 24/05/2015 12:14

I have it alot where i live. The kids also like to play knock and run. So i've started to refuse to answer the door to them (my sofa is right by the window so i can see who is coming down the path). I've told them now, if they want to play knock and run fine, but dont expect me to run around answering the door to them whilst pregnant or otherwise because they want to play football on the road rather than the park, or to play knock and run!

Rascalls3 · 24/05/2015 12:10

We back on to a cricket green / playing fields and get the occasional ball over. I don't have a problem at all with the boys coming through our back gate to retrieve it, but I wouldn't be at all impressed if they tried to scale a fence to do so. I would be very concerned about damage to the fence. If balls are coming over daily then plants and shrubs are going to get damaged too. Definitely insist that they don't climb over the fence.

Costacoffeeplease · 24/05/2015 12:05

It is bloody annoying, I had this in my previous house, thankfully it's not too much of an issue where we are now, but balls get returned if and when it suits me, and what a shame if they happen to land in some dog pooWink

MissDuke · 24/05/2015 12:00

Clara, my ds kicks his ball into our neighbours garden regularly, and I get really cross with him and no longer allow him to knock more than once in one day. It isn't a few seconds - you have to stop to answer the door, then go out the back to chuck it over, then back into whatever you were doing. Doing this repeatedly all afternoon must be incredibly annoying! At the same time, he isn't doing it on purpose, and I would rather he was outside playing than sitting at the tv, so I do take him out to the playing fields as much as I can.

I still think though that parents shouldn't underestimate how annoying it is to have these constant interruptions. We had it in my old house, before we had children, but our dog had the balls burst before we could get them back - that did put a stop to the problem though I felt awful about it!!

soverylucky · 24/05/2015 11:57

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Plumpeduppillows · 24/05/2015 11:52

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LarrytheCucumber · 24/05/2015 11:46

claraschu in our case it was probably ten times a day, every day, during holidays. This gets very wearing and you don't want to interrupt what you are doing to go outside and throw a ball back. Once or twice is fine, but in the end even the most patient of us get irritated.
Incidentally we had a neighbour who would keep any balls thrown over, by anyone, and refuse to answer the door to anyone who went to get them. By comparison the OP is a saint.


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claraschu · 24/05/2015 11:39

Throwing a ball back over a fence takes 3 seconds. Why is this such a big deal? Doing this about ten times ("almost double figures") seems like absolutely no problem, unless these 10 times were all in the course of one afternoon.

Just tell the kids not to come in your garden, but be good humoured about chucking their ball back.

LarrytheCucumber · 24/05/2015 11:30

We had this problem some years ago, with the neighbours at the bottom of the garden. I had friends over for lunch so did not throw the ball back and the mother yelled at me over the fence for stealing their ball!!!
Hope you have more joy OP.

T0R1 · 24/05/2015 11:05

My husband is saying I'm like the grumpy old man next door to him when he was a kid. I'm not surprised he had a grumpy old man as he backed on to the rugby field when he was a kid - how was he still hitting his neighbours garden with ball bombs!!

I'm going to write exactly what Topseyt has suggested. I just want someone to tell the lad it's not acceptable to go in my garden

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