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To tell work a customer pinched my bottom?

27 replies

LittleMissIntrovert · 26/04/2015 23:24

I promise I'm a regular poster, I haven't name changed.

This sounds ridiculous I know, but I feel upset and want to speak to my boss about it.

So I only work one day a week, and today I had my back to a customer, and he stepped back and pinched my bottom. I know it was deliberate, as he kind of did 2 pinches, a bit like if you would squeeze fruit to check its ripe. At first I thought he had mistaken me for someone else, (ok shouldn't have done it, but it could be a genuine mistake) or walked into me as he had his back to me too I think.

He then said oh sorry 'first name' (we wear name badges)

I said don't worry, and he walked off. I didn't think much of it at the time, but told 2 of my colleagues stood nearby. I just kind of laughed it off at the time, as I was embarrassed.

However on reflection it's made me feel really uncomfortable, and my friend said I should report it to work, as it's not acceptable and he could be doing it to others.

I'm going to go in tomorrow and try and speak to my boss, but I'm worried they will brush it off.

I have customers who brush past all the time, with their trolley, basket, hand, whatever. But there is a difference between a genuine brush, and a deliberate pinch.

I feel really uncomfortable about it, and I want to report it, even if they just look on CCTV and warn others or something I guess?

I'm not being unreasonable to report it am I? I don't think I am, but don't want to seem over sensitive!

OP posts:
YouBetterWerk · 30/04/2015 20:22

Littlemiss that is pretty shit.
I wonder if it was any other crime they would have let it slip like this.

You absolutely did the right thing, please don't doubt that just from this rubbish response.

dementedma · 30/04/2015 20:36

This happened time not long after I started work as the only woman in a fairly rough workplace. Lots of the guys were drivers, volunteers or on very low incomes. Crowded kitchen , I was making a cup of tea and got touched up. Knew who the culprit was so calmly walked up to him - you could hear a pin drop- and said " Dont touch what you can't afford sweetie".
Cue one red faced guy,gales of laughter all round and the start of a great time working with what actual!y became a wonderful team of people who looked out for me and worked like troopers for me!

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