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DP is [lighthearted]

43 replies

someonestolemynick · 09/02/2015 00:04

DP has been using my conditioner.

That wouldn't be a problem had he not used his own Shampoo. I take great care to use an equal amount of both shampoo and conditioner so they run out at the same time. He thinks I'm weird.

Should I ltb?

OP posts:
someonestolemynick · 09/02/2015 01:02

[Fingers in ears] lalalala I can't hear you.

OP posts:
TheHermitCrab · 09/02/2015 05:10

Men use conditioner? As far as I was aware that's what 2 in 1 rubbish was made for??

OK that was sexist :)

But still... conditioner always runs out first for me, need to pour that shit on my knotty/curly hair :)

lettertoherms · 09/02/2015 05:54

Shampoo always runs out first.

Don't know what you lot are on.

someonestolemynick · 09/02/2015 09:30

Shampoo running out first? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

OP posts:
MumToFourCats · 09/02/2015 09:50

My OH swore blind that he wasn't using my shampoo.

Until I changed my shampoo to one which is a colour enhancing one and his greyish hair went brown again. Grin

tomandizzymum · 09/02/2015 10:04

I always buy a big bottle of conditioner and a small bottle of shampoo. The day I discovered that was a great day in history (for me). And yes, I would be pissed off if DH used the conditioner and damaged the delicate balanced ratio of shampoo to conditioner.

Penguito · 09/02/2015 11:27

I'm glad DH is bald! Grin

emwithme · 09/02/2015 11:50

I buy (and use) 2 conditioners for every 1 shampoo. But if I get out of synch and change brands, I have to dispose of (aka give it away) the bits of shampoo/conditioner that don't match. I don't use the same brand every time, but the shampoo and conditioner have to match each other.

However...the big question is - even if the bottles are stored RIGHT NEXT to each other (in my little toiletry basket jobbie), Why The Fuck is the conditioner so much colder than the damn shampoo?

Stinkle · 09/02/2015 11:58

Conditioner always runs out for me first too. I usually buy stuff on 3 for 2 offers and buy 2 conditioner, 1 shampoo.

DH is always taking liberties with my shampoo & conditioner. I have fancy stuff for long, dyed hair that's supposed to make it bouncy and shiny and protect it from all the bollocks I do to it

He has very short hair and rubs it dry with a towel. That's what the 2 in 1 stuff is for

BoyFromTheBigBadCity · 09/02/2015 12:44

3 shampoos for 2 conditioners. Except bastard sainsbury's and local pharmacy don't sell my brand of choice (a cheapy one as well).

And yes, why is conditioner always colder?

catzpyjamas · 09/02/2015 16:22

MumToFourCats thanks, you've given me another idea as I was worried he might smell the nair and get suss..

happygirl87 · 09/02/2015 16:57

I also have thick curly hair- so I find a 241 offer and buy 2 conditioners and 1 shampoo- then that batch of conditioner runs at same time as shampoo, which totally counts as a tidy solution! Grin

someonestolemynick · 09/02/2015 21:35

Today I learned that the solution to this problem would be a bald do it a bigger bottle of conditioner.

Still baffled that anyone can accept them running out at different times though. Shock

OP posts:
GingerLDN · 09/02/2015 22:30

There's always lots of conditioner left when I finish shampoo. Same working in a salon, always shampoo first in about half the time. So your husband is fine Smile

thereisnocheese · 09/02/2015 22:38

Shampoo over here, I suspect DH is using it as shampoo/ body wash dual function. But doesn't know about conditioner, so that is safe for now!

SummerHouse · 09/02/2015 22:45

I hope this is not going to shock everyone and I hardly dare say it...... I have no idea at all which I use more of and hence no idea which runs out first. The thought has never crossed my mind. Hope I don't get judged. I am just being honest.

CharleyFarleyy · 09/02/2015 22:53

I buy Aussie S&C and the C is a smaller bottle so it always runs out first Sad

SummerHouse · 09/02/2015 22:59

Something was bothering me about things that need to last in equal quantities until they run out. Its just come to me! Nachos, jalapeños and cheese sauce. Thank you odeon I will have extra jalapeños. This is similar to the shampoo thing right? I can join in after all?

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