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Other peoples dogs

108 replies

Burke1 · 05/02/2015 15:00

AIBU to ask that people with dogs that they can't control keep them on a lead in public? Witnessed one dog run towards a group of other dogs on a walk. He was much bigger than them and scared them by chasing them for ages and his owner did bugger all to get him back. If you can't control the dog, keep it on a lead, so it doesn't annoy other people and other dogs.

OP posts:
Only1scoop · 05/02/2015 17:41


I also hate "he won't hurt you ....daft as a brush" as jumps up and puts mud all over my parka"

ExitPursuedByABear · 05/02/2015 17:45

Me too klep

Kleptronic · 05/02/2015 18:03

It incenses me Exit. I know my dog's a twat and I have trained around this to make him manageable. I manage him constantly, no dithery pleasant wanderings for me, I am handling my dog and that is how it should be. Then these fucking muppets come up who haven't even got basic recall instilled into their unruly charges and then give ME grief when my dog goes Tasmanian Devil at the end of the lead! I swear I'll let him go and see what happens. The last time, I had my dog behind me, backing away, saying 'no!' to randomer's dog who kept on coming, and the owner shouted to me, 'well if you'd just stand still I could catch him'! Yeah ok I'll do that and we'll see how much of your dog there is left to catch, you muppet!

In fairness to my demented hellhound lovely collie, he doesn't actually bite the faces off other dogs, just looks and sounds like he will. He is not a dangerous dog, he simply will not tolerate rude dog behaviour.

maninawomansworld · 05/02/2015 18:07

YANBU in your sentiment. I have lots of dogs and on the rare occasion I have cause to take them anywhere were there may be other people around, they are under close control at all times and I think every dog owner should do the same.

However... if other people's dogs aren't affecting you then you should just keep your beak out I'm afraid. It's up to those who they do annoy to register their displeasure with the owner.

If I was walking my dogs and some random person who wasn't being bothered by them in the slightest came up to tell me I should have them on a lead I'd tell them exactly where they could go.

SunshineAndShadows · 05/02/2015 18:10

Interesting to see how an OP describing no antisocial dog behaviour has degenerated into an anti-dog rant!
Did you know any of the dogs OP because what you describe sounds like totally normal dog behaviour. Many of our local dogs know each other and when being exercised off lead will run around for ages, chasing, nipping, growling and play-biting. It's normal dog communication.
Perhaps the owner didn't call him back because the dogs were playing. It's very unlikely if the group of dogs were scared that they would have continued to run around. Scared dogs run to their owners, or they become defensive and aggressive.
So is this a total non-issue or a massive drip feed ?

PtolemysNeedle · 05/02/2015 18:16

Some people get annoyed at any dog that is off the lead though.

My dog is little, non jumpy, and he comes when called about 90% of the time. If he doesn't, it's because he's sniffing another dog or is being sniffed by another dog. I won't keep him on the lead because otherwise he'd never get a chance to run, and being a dog, he likes running.

Sometimes I can see my little dog is feeling scared by a bigger dog, but as long as the big dog isn't aggressive, then it's owner has every right to let it be off lead.

Alisvolatpropiis · 05/02/2015 18:18

Were the smaller dogs actually frightened or just playing? Dogs do that, run around and play with each other.

FluffyMcnuffy · 05/02/2015 18:24

If your dog is aggressive in any way then it should be muzzled when out in public. End of story.

No it's not acceptable for dogs to jump up at people (mine don't) but I frankly don't see the problem with dogs having a sniff of eachother. If you're genuinely worried about your dog showing aggression towards another dog then fucking muzzle it!

Sonder · 05/02/2015 18:29


I really wish there were more designated dog parks, divided in half with one side for small dogs and the other for big dogs. It would help with so many issues. I live in a really dog friendly area with quite a few large parks/playing fields and yet the nearest dog park is about 80 miles away. So then dogs with terrible recall and other problems end up running about the children's park.

BMW6 · 05/02/2015 18:39

Dog parks would be great IF agressive dogs were kept muzzled. There is one a mile from me, but the local yobs take their untrained, offlead agressive staffies dogs there. My dog would be ripped to pieces.

ExitPursuedByABear · 05/02/2015 19:14

Nope. I won't fucking muzzle him.

Kleptronic · 05/02/2015 19:25

I won't muzzle mine either. Anyone who thinks a dog on a lead shouldn't react when another runs up to him knows nothing about dogs.

SorchaN · 05/02/2015 19:26

I'd rather all dogs were on leads and muzzled at all times if out in public. If dog owners aren't prepared to do that, they really need to have their dogs well trained, and it's abundantly clear that only a minority of dog owners that have properly trained dogs, pick up after them, etc. Dog owners really need to accept collective responsibility for the problems that dogs cause; it's not good enough to claim that some individual owners are 'better' than others.

Oh, and I love the yellow ribbon idea. I'm thinking of getting one for myself; it would be lovely never to be jumped on by another dog!

SoupDragon · 05/02/2015 19:30

My dog is always on a lead but I won't be muzzling him. If you don't like dogs, stay away from him - I've done my bit by keeping him on a lead and keeping that lead short when around people or other dogs.

SunshineAndShadows · 05/02/2015 19:31

I really don't understand how an AIBU about a dog interacting with other dogs has descended into "all dogs should be muzzled at all times". Lunacy. Just to be clear, from the info given in the OP, this dog did not show any signs of aggression, did not jump up at people, did not try and bite anyone.

OP YABU to start goady threads

RaisingSteam · 05/02/2015 19:34

Surely puppies/young dogs have to learn recall somehow which involves practising off the lead? (in the throes of this with a lummocking 8 month old collie)

awfulomission · 05/02/2015 19:38

Mines fear aggressive to other dogs and he's walked on the lead but I'll not be muzzling him. I have a lead and a loud voice and can easily get the other owner's attention with 'Mines a grumpy old git. D'you mind calling yours back please?'

Tends to work ok.

awfulomission · 05/02/2015 19:39

And we walk him in places where there are very few other dogs.

ExitPursuedByABear · 05/02/2015 19:41

That was the excuse when a dog came bounding up to mine.

"He's just a puppy. We are training him"

Lucky my dog was in a good mood or the training could have gone tits up.

SorchaN · 05/02/2015 19:43

I heard that there are dog training classes where people can go and learn to train their dogs without taking untrained dogs out around other dogs and people. Sounds like a good idea to me.

BullshitS70 · 05/02/2015 19:48

There is a big pile of dog shit in an alley that leads from our large housing estate to the local primary school. If it wasn't raining, I would make a sign that says 'Please pick up your owns dogs shit and do not leave it in the middle of the path to a primary school. Its disgusting, you filthy mare'

Actually raining or not, whats the point. I'll phone the dog warden tomorrow - she comes and sticks up official signs telling people to pick it up or they will be fined if you call and tell her where the shit is. I know because I have to do it every few months. Shes also set up a 'roadshow' all about picking up after your dog, which was set up outside said school. That worked for a while, but it seems people prefer to let their dogs shit everywhere, with zero consideration to the proximity of the school

And people wonder why I am not a dog fan.....

Lepaskilf · 05/02/2015 19:52

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Lepaskilf · 05/02/2015 19:56

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Alisvolatpropiis · 05/02/2015 19:58

Exit if your dog hadn't been a good mood the puppy would just have got a bit of unplanned training...not all dogs want to play and you (the puppy) might get told off by them!

Sonder · 05/02/2015 20:04

RaisingSteam, If you can't get to training classes (they are so worth it) then recall should be practiced at home/in the garden until they are 100% reliable there. Keep adding in distractions like other people, dogs, toys etc until the dog can ignore those. Then when ready to practice in public you can use a 10/15/30 ft lunge line (cheap on ebay) which gives the dog enough freedom while keeping them safe and in control until they are reliable enough to be off leash. Kikopup on youtube has great recall training videos too.

I'm sure someone will disagree with me but this is the method that worked best for me and my dog (7 year old rescue who didn't even know sit when we got her).

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