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Aibu to be so cross?

53 replies

Whereareyouscooter · 16/01/2015 22:34

I'm so cross with my Dh I can't even speak to him. It's our youngest DS birthday tomorrow, he'll be 7. I bought a pile of presents before Xmas to split between Xmas & his birthday, one being a scooter (costing around £75). I've just been in the garage to find the hidden scooter & it has completely disappeared! The only explanation we can come up with is that Dh has accidently thrown it out when he cleared a load of Xmas rubbish from the garage last week. I've raced up to the 24hr Tesco desperately hoping I could replace it but they have nothing remotely similar in stock. I wouldn't even be so cross if Dh wasn't being so blasé about it! I make a huge effort for everyones birthdays & buy every single present we give out & he's just shrugged his shoulders over it ??

OP posts:
AgentZigzag · 16/01/2015 23:27

Such a passive reaction would do my head in too.

Is it a technique he's had to learn to deal with difficult situations when he was younger or something?

GreenPetal94 · 16/01/2015 23:35

it is a mistake though so he can't magic it back

I hope your ds is still excited with the later scooter

hippo123 · 16/01/2015 23:43

He's lying. Gambling, debt, drugs? Even if he's not lying he sounds like a very uncaring dad. He should be feeling awful and doing everything possible to make things right for his ds. He's not. And that is your main problem. Yanbu.

Marcipex · 16/01/2015 23:50

Sorry, I think he's lying too.

rollonthesummer · 17/01/2015 08:43

Who paid for the scooter-you or was it jointly?

Lyinginwait888 · 17/01/2015 08:48

This is the third thread on here in the last month about husbands who have done this (2 were xmas decorations).

I'd be furious Angry more about the attitude than the action.

ChippingInLatteLover · 17/01/2015 08:55

Whichever way you look at it, he's an arse and an idiot. I couldn't be outing up with either of those traits.

I hope DS enjoys your adventure thus morning!

Tryharder · 17/01/2015 09:46

Bit extreme to conclude that he's on drugs because a £75 scooter went missing Shock

paperlace · 17/01/2015 09:51

Wow overreaction city central by some posters! Talk about leaping to conclusions about dh.

My dh would probably act blase because I'd be shouting/accusing and it would make him think 'sod you'. I think I might go a bit PA if someone was screaming at me over an (admittedly stupid) mistake.

When we'd both calmed down he would see he'd been an idiot and apoogise, I'd say yes you were an idiot but sorry for going off on one like a crazy loon.

Shit like this happens in life.

SquinkiesRule · 17/01/2015 09:51

Has he given it to someone else as a present? Or sold it to a mate. I sounds so weird that he throw a heavy sealed box away

DeliciousMonster · 17/01/2015 10:05

I do not believe he threw it out by mistake for one single moment.

whentheshithitsthefan · 17/01/2015 10:14

So the guy makes a mistake which his wife goes crazy at, so he shuts down and deflects, exactly how many people would react if they thought the other person was over reacting and suddenly he's in drugs, has gambling debt, and is a bad dad??bloody hell!! He very probably threw the box in the bin as an accident. Op has already said he was throwing heavy stuff away. Accidents happen, and people get defensive. It's human nature.

GillSans · 17/01/2015 13:03

Did ds enjoy collecting his scooter op?

Hope he has a lovely birthday today. Cake

emms1981 · 17/01/2015 18:52

Hope your ds had a good birthday too op and you and your dh are ok

Whereareyouscooter · 17/01/2015 18:55

Just to update... I asked Dh how he could possibly have thrown it away but he was convinced that he must have done as it was no where to be found. I asked him to check work as he'd stored some of the ds's xmas presents there (he works for himself) but he was adamant that it definitely wasn't at work. So this morning DS & I went to argos for the replacement scooter - which was lovely actually as he was very excited about an extra surprise - and Dh took our oldest to footy & called at work on the way home where he discovered...the original scooter!! The scooter that he'd never seen, had never put in the garage & was definitely not at work!! No apology or even an admittance that he was wrong so he's still in my bad books but at least DS has his scooter, I can take the 2nd back & most of all he's had a lovely birthday.

OP posts:
Gileswithachainsaw · 17/01/2015 18:58

Shock Wtf

Floggingmolly · 17/01/2015 19:06

Are you serious? What sort of dining table and chairs come in boxes??? And then he finds the scooter (that he'd never set eyes on before) at work? Hmm

Whereareyouscooter · 17/01/2015 19:15

That's the point...he had seen the scooter & had taken it to work despite denying all knowledge of it last night (& hence why I was so annoyed!) And the table & chairs came from Next, all packaged in huge boxes.

OP posts:
Tinks42 · 17/01/2015 19:23

Something doesn't sit right with me either OP, surely no matter how "big" a box was you'd know whether it was empty or not.

I smell a rat here (who is obviously your DH)

rollonthesummer · 17/01/2015 19:48

This is bizarre. Why would he lie?

JennyBlueWren · 17/01/2015 20:35

I have to admit that that is the sort of mistake that I would have made -both the potentially throwing it out and the leaving it at work but believing I hadn't. I would have checked there though before you bought the other one.

But I wouldn't have been quite so blase about it -I'd have been crying and apologising with DH telling me to calm down and that it could all be sorted or something.

GloopySoupy · 17/01/2015 20:45

Why did would you take it back. Surely he should take it back. You already made one wasted journey to get the new scooter. Why should all the pain for his mistake fall on you? TBH I don't understand why you didn't tell him to get a new one in the first place. Why was it you ringing around and rushing off to Argos in the early morning?


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Whereareyouscooter · 17/01/2015 20:57

You're right Gloopy, he can take it back. I only took DS to get the replacement this morning because I didn't want Dh getting the glory!! So purely for selfish reasons & not because I'm downtrodden, honest!

I don't think Dh lied, I think he just forgot he'd taken it & left it at work & when we couldn't find it, presumed he'd accidently thrown it away with the big boxes. But that doesn't excuse him being so blasé & unhelpful ??

OP posts:
ConfusedintheNorth · 17/01/2015 21:09

Hmmm... I'd hide his car keys for two days, claim to never have seen them then "find" them in my handbag... but then I'm bitchy like

NK5BM3 · 17/01/2015 21:16

Yanbu and frankly my dh is completely capable of going exactly the same thing. The whole I didn't do it and then realizing after hunting high and low for whatever it is, and finding it where I said it had to be.

And then putting the blame on how busy he is (well yes... Like I'm not. Work plus household crap and kids schedules...).

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