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to be disgusted and yet fascinated by this? [gross]

30 replies

YourHandInMyHand · 09/01/2015 10:56

I've had a bad case of tonsillitis and my meds seem to be slowly working, a cough seems to have just dislodged most of whatever this something yukky is. It's a big lump of white/red and green "stuff". I feel as sick as I am fascinated and rather relieved to know it's no longer in my throat!!

Yuk and awe at same time.

OP posts:
PedantMarina · 10/01/2015 09:29

Damn, the OP threw it away before getting a picture. naughty OP!

Can anybody else contribute?

lomega · 09/01/2015 20:33

I used to get tonsillitis badly and used to 'enjoy' popping the tonsil stones out with cotton buds...always felt strangely better once they were out :s

pic plz

Mouthfulofquiz · 09/01/2015 20:21

When I was pregnant, I was really sick, and one day was throwing up so violently that something got lodged in my sinus and it was agony for a few days. Then I was violently sick again and it was forced out of my nose by the pressure of it all! It was rock hard by then and a bit like a green / red / white cannelini bean. It was almost euphoric. I didn't mumsnet back then so I didn't take a picture. Just showed my husband and then stared at it for about half an hour. It was tremendous.

Shockers · 09/01/2015 19:59

I want one!

I can't eat, breathe properly, or blow my nose; my head is completely bunged up and my neck hurts.

I don't have any tonsils though.

Salmotrutta · 09/01/2015 19:55

Gaaaah! Envy

CatsClaus · 09/01/2015 19:34
Cornettoninja · 09/01/2015 19:34

pamela I was just about to say that's very similar to something I managed to get out of my nose after a sinus massage once.

Different spot obviously OP but it does sound some sort of lump of evil. I suppose the whole airway system has varying amounts of mucus so it's not beyond the realms of possibility the infection stuff can come up from anywhere.

EduCated · 09/01/2015 19:30

Envy at Stinkles dog.

Sinus plug would make sense, I tend to blow them out my nose Grin Every time I get one I have to phone my equally disgusting mother and describe it to her Blush

Salmotrutta · 09/01/2015 19:23
Stinkle · 09/01/2015 19:20

I had something like that when I had tonsillitis last year.

Something white flew out of my mouth when a cough caught me by surprise. The bloody dog ate it before I got a look at it though

Tobyjugg · 09/01/2015 19:17

tonsil stone Always wondered if those things had a name. Who says MN isn't educational.

fuckingpamela · 09/01/2015 18:58

Sinus plug apparently.

YourHandInMyHand · 09/01/2015 18:54

I'm not squishing it, I've binned it - didn't think to incinerate it. Grin

Yes like white brain matter. BOAK!!! I've felt so much better since.

OP posts:
StrattersThePreciousSnowflake · 09/01/2015 17:38

Ewww, DD2 coughed up one of those when she had whooping cough; looked exactly like a greenish tinged cooked chicken liver.

I took it to A&E with me when 111 sent us. They binned it, she was furious.

EduCated · 09/01/2015 17:25

Is it like a huge bogey, but more solid and a bit paler, with streaks of blood? Looks like part of your brain? I get those. Oh the relief when they're gone!

BlueBrightBlue · 09/01/2015 17:15

Squish it, they stink!

CatsClaus · 09/01/2015 17:14

like chopped liver with a slimey greenness to it??

I was full of that when i had a dose of the flu and a lovely chest infection...I used to throw it in the fire to kill it, just in case it might grow into something more vile!

HighwayDragon · 09/01/2015 17:11

throat poo. I hate it

Sallystyle · 09/01/2015 17:09

I removed a massive tonsil stone from my son the other day.

I even have a picture of the tooth like looking stone!

Ememem84 · 09/01/2015 15:37

Ew. Gross. (But wish you'd posted a picture).

YourHandInMyHand · 09/01/2015 15:26

Nope not a tonsil stone, those smell rancid and are a much different shape and consistency. [vomit emotion]

I so need my tonsils out! Hmm

OP posts:
marioluigi · 09/01/2015 12:37

Whatever it was was causing my post nasal drip - as soon as I'd expelled it I could sniff properly and actually blow my nose.
I kinda wish I'd taken a picture Blush


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PedantMarina · 09/01/2015 12:36


To not provide a picture.

LongDistanceLove · 09/01/2015 12:34

A tonsil stone maybe?

YourHandInMyHand · 09/01/2015 12:30

A bit of lung! Yes it is hard to describe but it is that sort of texture/shape isn't it. Gross.

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