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going to the emergency room for non emergency things

11 replies

BeachyKeen · 14/12/2014 16:50

I am getting snerky about the people in my support group.Angry Blush aibu?
I have sarcoidosis and I have joined an on line support group. Over and over again people post stuff like "I have been sore for two days, it hurts to breathe, if it's not better by tomorrow, I'm going to head to the ER" or " I'm coughing so much, and it hurts. Should I go to the hospital for x-rays? " and everyone is like for sure, you can't fool around with lung issues"
Painful breaths and coughing? bad yes but not emergencies!
When I suggest just calling their Dr, they say the Dr don't listen to them or they don't like their Dr.
On the other hand, if you genuinely need to be seen quickly I can see why you would go anywhere you could.
I guess it feels like they think ER docs will tell them something different or be able to help them in some magical way.
I am just shitty at being supportive?Confused

OP posts:
intheenddotcom · 14/12/2014 22:33

you should go to A&E

intheenddotcom · 14/12/2014 22:33

I'd say yes if you have severe pain when breathing.

WalkWithTheLonelyOnes · 14/12/2014 22:10

When I ring my GP the receptionist asks if it's an emergency.

If you say that it is NOT an emergency then they say you cannot have an appointment and you should go to A+E. I asked them once why I would go to accident and emergency if it is neither and was told that this is what they've been told to tell.patients.

lljkk · 14/12/2014 18:54

The problem with going to A+E is that they aren't getting continuity of care, they have much less chance of knowing who they'll see or if that professional will easily access their full history & medical needs. They aren't going to get treatment for their chronic condition from A+E, just strong meds & invasive treatment to quell flare-ups. With chronic diseases, good regular care from a GP and following the advice about prevention of flare-ups is supposed to prevent things getting so bad that they need to go to A&E so often. So they're in a vicious circle.

BeachyKeen: are there things that sufferers can do to minimise the chances of flare-ups? What can A+E do to treat the symptoms that a GP couldn't? Why would an extra X-ray help?

And yes, a scary high % of people think about going to A+E for days & days before turning up.

BeachyKeen · 14/12/2014 18:02

I live in Canada, so that may be skewing my pov.
I do fully support going to the hospital if your breathing had changed, but if you have been coughing and feeling breathless for days/weeks, it isn't an emergency. It is bad, and should been dealt with, but through a different avenue, iyswim.
Sometimes it feels like they think they will be taken more seriously if they go to the hospital for treatment.
Also, members of the group are from USA/UK/AUS
I think I need to work on being more tolerant. Blush

OP posts:
MissPenelopeLumawoo2 · 14/12/2014 17:35

Are you in the US though? If so your health service works differently to ours, so I can't really say if YABU or not. Sometimes over here people will use the A&E, often in frustration because the GP's are so overwhelmed!

overslept · 14/12/2014 17:34

I think a lot of threads moaning about people using A&E when it might not be an emergency can be a bit dangerous. It encourages people who are possibly very unwell to stay at home so as "not to be a bother". I broke my collar bone about a week ago, because I did not think it was emergency room worthy I waited 3 days (unable to get dressed on my own, move much or sleep) before the pain became so intense I had to go in an ambulance Blush. Anybody with breathing issues should see an emergency doctor imo. Would hate to discourage even one person who really needed it from getting help.

GlitzAndGigglesx · 14/12/2014 17:21

Sorry I don't suffer with your condition btw but I'd always advise calling nhs direct first

GlitzAndGigglesx · 14/12/2014 17:20

When I've had breathing problems or chest pain in the last I've phoned NHS Direct who have passed my details on to an out of hours Dr. I hate going to A&E but if I'm in pain longer than an hour then I'd go

AMumInScotland · 14/12/2014 17:12

I guess it depends how crappy their doctors surgeries are at giving out appointments in a realistic timescale. With mine, they release some appointments on the morning of the day itself, and some a fortnight in advance. You can call first thing in the morning and keep hitting redial until you get through to find there's nothing available for the next two weeks.

Which is fine if you want longer term advice, but pretty useless if it hurts and you need someone to do something in the next day or two.

But generally, I do agree that going to A&E isn't the way to deal with a long term health problem, and actually they are going to have a long wait to be seen and then not get anything very helpful as the doctors there aren't going to know anything particular about their condition.

BeachyKeen · 14/12/2014 17:06

and just add, if someone is struggling to breathe (not just it is painful) or its something that really can't wait a day or so, I would fully support getting to the ER!
Just not for on going non emergency things

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