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To think upstairs flat should at least warn us they've got builders in on a Sunday?

10 replies

Mummyinamask · 14/12/2014 12:37

First we know is we let them in so have no idea how long or noisy work will be.
I understand work has to be done but if it's a Sunday isn't it courtesy to warn neighbours?
We had planned a quiet day in as dd not been well. I guess we'll have to reconsider. Drilling has just started.

They were still banging up there on Friday when I went out at half seven and we've had to go up in the past to ask them to stop work in room right above dcs which went on after bedtime, despite their promising to stop. So they have form.

I've texted them but no reply.

Sigh. AIBU? They're nice people but just don't seem to get the noise thing.

My heart just sinks. God knows how long this will go on. Sad

OP posts:
TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 14/12/2014 18:18

Local regulations here say no work on a Sunday by contractors ...

TeddyBee · 14/12/2014 16:32

We asked our neighbours specifically if it was ok when our builder wanted to work on Sunday. We were told by building control that they could only work between 10am and 4pm on a Sunday.

Mummyinamask · 14/12/2014 15:48

Good for you. I think they just left so most of noise coincided with the weekly homework drama (weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth) so not too bad in the end.

Thanks for all replies.

OP posts:
frillyflower · 14/12/2014 13:11

I know this because we just had building work in the flat upstairs and when I went up on sat morning and said "what time are you finishing?" They said they were intending to go on all day but "do you want us to stop at mid day?". Yes I said and they duly packed up and left. DH said they had no choice once I had said to stop.

Mummyinamask · 14/12/2014 12:51

Ooh is that right Frillyflower?

That tempts my evil side . . .

OP posts:
Mummyinamask · 14/12/2014 12:49

When I texted I didn't know which flat it was - so texted to ask if was them or other flat not to complain, although we usually text to ask them to turn telly down - which they always do. We are on good term, they're not horrible, they just don't think. I will talk to them to explain its good manners to alert us to these things. They'll apologise . . . and so it goes.

Tbh I prob find it easier to be reasonable in a text - might seem bit miffed face to face. And I'm not sure they're in (prob escaping noise Grin)

OP posts:
frillyflower · 14/12/2014 12:48

They can only work on sat afternoon or any time on Sunday with your permission. If you ask the builders to stop they have to comply.

dreamingbohemian · 14/12/2014 12:47

That's ridiculous (and against local regulations surely?) I think you need to go in person and find out when their work is due to be finished, if it's anything more than this week then you should really insist they keep it to legal hours.

LIZS · 14/12/2014 12:43

What work is it ? Planning permission is normally limited to daylight and not Sundays.

mrsfuzzy · 14/12/2014 12:40

it's only polite to let you know, texting seems a bit off, i'd rather someone talk to me about a problem.

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