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46 replies

ClawHandsIfYouBelieveInFreaks · 17/11/2014 21:41

This stupid FB thing of sharing 5 photos which make you happy.

My best friend who has always been more like family has included 3 other friends of hers in the pics she chose and none of me!



I'm 4o frigging 2 I should know better but WHY!

I support her so much. We have loads of fun together.

Why aren't I in her fave memory photos?

OP posts:
Hopgreys · 17/11/2014 22:13


Redglitter · 17/11/2014 22:18

I'm not in any of my 5 photos and I'd be amazed if friends who didn't feature gave it a 2nd thought. I sure as hell haven't cared I'm not in my friends top 5. It's only a bit of fun....lighten up

Purplepixiedust · 17/11/2014 22:21

Most of my friends ones feature family (mostly kids). YABU. Its a light hearted thing. I just picked probably the first five that genuinely made me smile. Jesus the things people get worked up about!

ladygracie · 17/11/2014 22:23

Mine are ones that are on my phone so l had a very limited choice. But it's more likely to be ones that make her look fab. I'm not in any of mine.

carlywurly · 17/11/2014 22:26

I did mine in 30 seconds flat. Not a lot of thought there. I hope I haven't offended anyone Confused

HaroldLloyd · 17/11/2014 22:29

I haven't done it but if I had to I would pick the 5 easiest to upload where I didn't look like Bruce Forsyth in.

Please do those 5 photos of yourself that would be ace!

DarkHeart · 17/11/2014 22:30

Honestly you are all being U and ridiculous. Its FACEBOOK and you are ADULTS!! FFS

ExitPursuedByABear · 17/11/2014 22:31

I have never been nominated for anything on FB.

I only have it to keep a check on dd.

It is the work of the bleeding devil.

Grow up.

Get a grip.

HaroldLloyd · 17/11/2014 22:34

Facebook is just a communication aid. People can equally get brassed off about things they see on mumsnet, heard on the phone or read.

What's the answer, blow up your PC, cut your phone lines and nail up your letter box?

pictish · 17/11/2014 22:35

Yep...deffo the five photos that she looks the most photogenic in.
Gah facebook. I love it and hate it at the same time.

DarkHeart · 17/11/2014 22:40

No, Harold just not to be so fucking sensitive. Seriously.

ClawHandsIfYouBelieveInFreaks · 17/11/2014 22:45

I think I'm going to pick 5 photos she looks shite in and post them as my pics that make me smile!

OP posts:
sunflower49 · 17/11/2014 23:00

Haha glad to be of service Grin

Y'know though many photographs I like are just of me, well not JUST of me but me with an animal, me in a place I love, me doing something I love..Not because I'm narcissistic but rather I just have many many photos of me with other people and most are just not my best memories antisocial cow

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 18/11/2014 00:38

You can be too old for a lot of things but you're never too old to be hurt and upset.
Get rid of face book.
Have it out with your friend because I guarantee it will come out after a few drinks, it's bound to., and it may not be pleasant

Tobyjugg · 18/11/2014 00:45

It's not come to me yet but, if it does, do you want me to put in a screen shot of this thread for you? BTW all my FB pics (not many) are selected on the basis of how good I look in them.

flapjackattack · 18/11/2014 00:50

I don't know anyone who has posted a picture of themself in the five photos thing. Confused . You don't have to wait to be picked for the in crowd you know. You can just post nice pictures if you want to!

ClawHandsIfYouBelieveInFreaks · 18/11/2014 10:16

People are nominating others on my feed Flap

OP posts:
DixieNormas · 18/11/2014 10:22

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

JeanetteDanielsBenziger · 18/11/2014 10:29

My lifelong friend included her new puppy in her five but not me :-) I made a comment complete with winky face asking where the heck was I in the photos? She made a collage thing of ALL our photos together and posted it on my page :-)

I agree with pp that its probably down to which photos the person looks best in :-)

HellonHeels · 18/11/2014 10:33

Why are people posting pics of themselves or their friends? It's supposed to be five things that make you happy, not a popularity contest of picking your five best friends!

Only one of my friends has done it, he wanted to post pics of real ale, pies etc.

If you're feeling petty and vindictive OP, make one of your five a pic of your friend looking horrendous "what makes me happy = schadenfreude" Grin

sunflower49 · 18/11/2014 10:51

I've been nominated three times to my knowledge ( I don't read notifications or msgs unless I want to, always being 'told off' for this) and haven't done it yet but what hellonheels says, is what I had in mind too.

(I mean posting pictures of wine, fluffy animals and money, not schaudenfreude although that's the best idea ever)!

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