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Okay, I'm old! Government poo test on way!

47 replies

FoxgloveFairy · 17/11/2014 16:06

Recently turned 50. Today I got a letter from the government to tell me that an easy to use poo test is on its way to see if I have cancer of the bum. I appreciate the Government's concern, obviously, but how damn depressing!

OP posts:
FelineLou · 17/11/2014 18:14

Keep some veg trays washed to hold underneath. Its a good thing really. Now endoscope where you empty the bowel first OMG!

raltheraffe · 17/11/2014 19:11

My mum always attended her mammogram until she moved to France in 2008. They do have screening there, but you have to pay. She died of breast cancer last year. I will never know but perhaps if she had stayed in the UK they might have caught it.

Catsarebastards · 17/11/2014 19:21

I didnt realise this was a thing at all as i am not near that age yet but all i can say is thank heavens we live where we do with an NHS that can provide this testing without us even needing to leave our own homes. Yes it is a bit yuck having to fiddle about with your poo but when you compare the mild inconvenience with what early treatment can achieve then Surely it is well worth it.

Oldraver · 17/11/2014 19:21

My area are randomly calling pre-50 people forward for titty squashing... ours is at the back of the Co-Op and before the lady did the actual squishing she told me she had written down I had a tattoo, I was puzzled and asked why and she said they can interfere with the mammogram taken.

I was totally confused until I got home and remembered I had a tattoo on my boob...I mean how the fuck did I forget that

Leeds2 · 17/11/2014 19:28

Is this a national thing? Nearly 50, and never heard of it.

What happens if you pass at 50? Do they do the test again every year/every other year etc, or does that depend upon your postcode?

somewheresomehow · 17/11/2014 19:52

I haven't had one and I'm 51, had the tit squash last year tho. don't have to have the plastic up the fanjo for 5years thank god always hated that

Sallystyle · 17/11/2014 20:11

Don't you need to do two poo samples over two days?

what if you are like me and only poo once every few days at most?

Andrewofgg · 17/11/2014 20:34

Correct U2The Edge, they msut not be the same day, but I think they can be a few days apart. Read the fine print.

Waitingonasunnyday · 17/11/2014 20:43

Like others have said, it's important, but Yuk! Bowel cancer runs in my family, so far my dad is fine but he has a lot of screening. I yearn for the days when 'look at my latest photo album' meant I'd be bored with beaches and holiday sunsets. 'And look, that's a polyp there, and the dark patch is...' ARGH STOP SHOWING ME AND PASS THE BRAIN BLEACH!

Garcia10 · 17/11/2014 20:55

To the poster who said they feel sorry for those receiving the samples, and I know this is off topic, but I used to work in a NHS microbiology lab, luckily I never had to work on the 'poo' bench but some of my colleagues did. They had many interesting stories about exploding poo but the best ones were when the patients hadn't been given a sample pot and they had to improvise. The one that sticks in my memory is the patient who used a Horlicks jar for their sample. Apparently they filled it!

At least being given samples bags or pots will alleviate this danger to those testing it.

FoxgloveFairy · 17/11/2014 21:01

I'm in Australia and it's a national programme. It is a good thing. Actually, the idea of posting my poo to the government kind of appeals! Don't think it will make it to the health minister's desk but you never know!

OP posts:
Christmascandles · 17/11/2014 21:14

This has got me thinking....

My DF sadly passed at a young age of bowel cancer.
I'm early 50s now. Should I request a test do you think...?

FoxgloveFairy · 18/11/2014 01:02

I would Christmas and educate your children to take care. So sad about your husband. I'll stop winging!

OP posts:
notthatshesaid · 18/11/2014 07:58

It saved my mum's life. No symptoms, did her routine poo test, turned out she had bowel cancer. A few more months and her outcome would have been very different. This allowed them to catch it before she ever showed symptoms. We are so grateful.

ArgyMargy · 18/11/2014 08:02

YABU. All of this is optional.

Sallystyle · 18/11/2014 08:06

I will read the fine print, but I have under just 20 years left yet.

It was just something that worried me when I watched a bit about it on This Morning. With IBS getting a sample two days in a row would be impossible.

My mum is almost 60 and hasn't had a test or a letter, I am going to get her to call her surgery.

Aeroflotgirl · 18/11/2014 08:09

I am 37 and my dad died of bowel Cancer. I went to My Dr because I want to be tested to be on the safe side. Yes it is not pleasant but it's vital. I think they should open it up to much younger people as they can get bowel Cancer too.

LightastheBreeze · 18/11/2014 08:14

It looks like it's for over 60's in England and over 50's in Scotland, not sure about Wales and Ireland. That's why I haven't had one and also some posters on this thread would not have had one yet, even though we are over 50. OP did mention she was in Australia.

Jux · 18/11/2014 08:28

DH and I both over 55 but haven't had poo pouches sent to us. I am Envy.


I did get the tit-squishing though. They found an anomaly and took a biopsy which was OK, but they checked me annually for a couple of years until they were satisfied that it was nothing to worry about. I am grateful.

Stupidhead · 18/11/2014 08:43

In 46 and was called up for titty squashing, they've lowered the age range. I also have to book a heart and vascular mot.

Aberchips · 18/11/2014 09:13

Please please please anyone who is sent this DO THE TEST. My mum was sent hers earlier this year & we made all the usual jokes about having to take poo scrpaing etc. Blush - to cut a long story short it turned out she had a malignant tumour in her bowel. She had had NO symptoms whatsoever and is only just 60 so quite young as bowel cancer typically goes. If she hadn't done the test & the docs not been so persistant in getting her back for further tests, we would never have known. Apparently it could have been there for up to 6 years Shock. She had a section of bowel removed in August & fingers crossed all is now well.

These tests save lives, no doubt about it.

bodhranbae · 18/11/2014 10:10

Shit on a stick and tit squashing saves lives.

I have bowel cancer on both sides of the family. And I have had breast cancer twice.

Christmas - absolutely speak to your GP and get some screening/genetic profiling underway.


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