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This order myself a big fat takeaway?

25 replies

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:22

I have a stinking cold. A little resent from nursing sick ds2 better. Think achey joints, headaches, dizziness, sore throat..... Infact I sound like batman.

Dh is working away so no one to help out and tuck me up with tea and get on with things. Would Ibu to order myself a big fat takeaway with the last of my money (it's payday tomorrow.... I think!) once both ds's are in bed? Or am I coming down with man flu, and really I should just get on with it and not spend a stupid amount on a meal just for me? ( was thinking korma, rice and a cheese nan..... A proper fatty dinner!)

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rubyflipper · 13/11/2014 09:48


But only because a korma is too mild if you have a bad cold.

You need something hotter to help sweat it out.

Hope you feel better soon.

Lambzig · 12/11/2014 19:49

Go for it.

I am having a rotten time at work at the moment and DH has a last minute work night out.

I am about to compile (as I haven't cooked any of it) nachos with chilli, guacamole, salsa, sour cream and cheese. A very greedy comfort dinner.

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 19:05

Well gimcrack, that seals the deal. Off to run bath and order curry. ( online as they might mistake me for a heavy breather on the phone!)

OP posts:
gimcrack · 12/11/2014 19:03

Totally medicinal. Chilli will clear your passages, ginger for a sore throat, tumeric is an antiseptic.

MyIronLung · 12/11/2014 18:56

Thanks mustget I plan on doing just that Smile

Enjoy your cheesy naan!

BeCool · 12/11/2014 18:53

oooh takeaway.
I've had a wretched day - sounds like a great idea and I might join you. I'm thinking hot hot hot curry and roti.

StealthPotato · 12/11/2014 18:51

Personally I think it would be plain rude of you not to order yourself a curry.

Enjoy Grin

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:47

Oh sparkly, sounds awful. Ds has had an awful chesty cough for four weeks now, with the throwing up of green yuck. He honestly sounds like he's on at least 40 cigars a day. But it's viral.... Said Dr who didn't listen to his chest, hear him cough or listen to me explain he has these coughs all the time since he was born.... 6 years ago. Infact don't think we got the sit down! A second opinion is on the cards, once we can both leave the house!!
I think you are due a presponed takeaway once you can stomach it!!

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Wh0dathunkit · 12/11/2014 18:44

There is takeaway going on chez Thunkit due to tiredness / acheyness / pre-flueyness. Enjoy!

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:42

Ah owl, that's me! Always thinking of the employment issuesWink

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mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:41

Can't beat a cheese Naan chipped! Amazing!!

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Alisvolatpropiis · 12/11/2014 18:40

Ah beans on toast is fine! It was a staple favourite of mine as a child.

HappyHippyChick · 12/11/2014 18:40

Definitely order the takeaway. For medicinal purposes obv!

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:39

Thanks Grin I knew I could trust the ladies of MN to encourage me.

Counting down the minutes to bedtime. DS's are both eating a rubbish dinner (think beans on toast) as I couldn't stand any longer to prepare anything better. Then bath time and bed!
If I could have slept today think I would have felt better but ds 2 is still off school with his cough but is considerably Perkier than me!

OP posts:
Alisvolatpropiis · 12/11/2014 18:39


I hope you have ordered already

Chippednailvarnish · 12/11/2014 18:38

A cheese naan?!? WTAF completely misses the point

Owllady · 12/11/2014 18:38

Yes you really need it and think of all those people you are keeping in employment :o
When my husband used to work away when mine were tiny, I often had takeaways without an excuse :)

Sparklypants · 12/11/2014 18:38

My week has been hellish too. DS(3) has had the vomiting bug, dd(17) then got it (and vomited all over the living room rug so much - think the excorsist stylee - that it had to be thrown) and finally so did I. I'm on my own so have no one to help me (dm got it too so couldn't help out).
I've barely been able to function with the aches, fever/shivering and vomiting. I thought DS was over the worst of it but today he's got an almighty temp and awful diarrhea Sad
I had about as much as I can take right now.
If I was certain I could keep a big fat takeaway down I'd so be going for it! Enjoy!!

TheCunnyFunt · 12/11/2014 18:37

Do it! Can I come? :o

Amy106 · 12/11/2014 18:36

Go for it! I hope you feel better very soon.Thanks

wanderingcloud · 12/11/2014 18:34

In your position I'd do the exact same thing!

PersonalClown · 12/11/2014 18:31

Do it!!
I've sent DP out for KFC because I'm miserable, bloated, in pain and just generally feel crap and chicken cures everything!


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lem73 · 12/11/2014 18:28

Yes a nice spicy curry and a beer! Enjoy! I wish I could think of an excuse to do the same!

chelsbells · 12/11/2014 18:24

Order the takeaway. It's exactly what I would be doing in your shoes.

Enjoy! And hope you feel better soon!

mustgetabackbone · 12/11/2014 18:23

*present not resent (although currently I am resenting it and wish he wouldn't have shared!)

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