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To send DS in wth butter (and a note) (lighthearted)

138 replies

clary · 09/11/2014 17:55

Very much a first world problem I know...
DS2 is cooking granola bars next week at school. They are healthy apparently (Hmm at that because the recipe includes sugar, honey and dried fruit).

Anyway he was told they must bring marg not butter as "margarine is lower in fat and healthier than butter". This is nonsense of course as marg is as high in fat as butter and includes potential nasties such as colours, flavouring and preservatives. It also tastes icky (IMO).

DS (bless him) put his hand up and said his mum would only buy butter so was that OK? Teacher said no, if you bring butter you won't be allowed to cook.

AIBU to send him with butter anyway - in a plastic box so you can't tell - and just let him get on with it? DH says I should include a note saying why in case teacher queries it (highly unlikely I would imagine) but only to be shown if that happens.

I don't want to start a fight and I am not going to pick the teacher up on his mistake (except on MN Grin). But equally I am not about to buy marg yuck.

Sorry this is sooo long.

OP posts:
winkywinkola · 09/11/2014 20:25

Margarine is rank.

I would actually want to meet the teacher to ask why she was spreading (see what I did there?) misinformation about common foods? Is she not educated?

And I would send in butter in an unmarked pot telling ds it was marg.

winkywinkola · 09/11/2014 20:25

And I would pull her up massively on excluding a child from an activity because of her ignorance.

SavoyCabbage · 09/11/2014 20:29

I try not to stick my hear above the parapet too much at school but I think I would be fighting this one as he is teaching that butter is unhealthy to class after class. You have tried to challenge it and he was having none of it. I would ask for a telephone meeting with him to talk about it.

Jolleigh · 09/11/2014 20:31

I'm fairly sure you make butter just by churning/agitating cream to the poster who asked.

I'd send butter and a note to the teacher...stating that the (not particularly healthy) recipe she's asking them to bring ingredients for is perfectly possible to make with butter and should she have an issue, please call the number below as you provide a quick telephone teacher training course.

whattheseithakasmean · 09/11/2014 20:32

OP - be that mother. Why not? If a teacher is being wrong, you are entitled to correct them - your child's education matters more than this man's fragile ego.

Anyway, teachers should be robust - if he can control a class of kids he can handle an arsey mum.

Pico2 · 09/11/2014 20:33

It would be crazy for every family to be buying a tub of butter substitute for each pupil to take a scoop to school. What are you meant to do with the rest of it?

Merguez · 09/11/2014 20:35

If you want to send him in with something healthier, go for coconut oil, it's solid at room temperature).

However if this happened to me I would be demanding a face to face meeting with the teacher where I would explain the difference between synthetic 'margarine' and natural butter and armed with plenty of evidence from nutritionists as to why butter is superior.

Willabywallaby · 09/11/2014 20:38


Merguez · 09/11/2014 20:38

I would also use it as an opportunity to educate the teacher about the horrific way palm oil is farmed and its impact on the habitats of orang-utans.

I once had to correct ds's teacher's spelling when I was helping out in class :)

ChippingInAutumnLover · 09/11/2014 20:39

Losingmyreligion Sun 09-Nov-14 18:33:20
Total bollocks on so many levels. Send in butter with a note that their information is outdated, you refuse to feed your children trans fats, the recipe is not healthy as it is too full of sugar and there will be hell to pay if ds is not allowed to cook.

^^That. Thanks Losing :)

ZingOfSeven · 09/11/2014 20:40


urban myth perhaps but apparently they tested many food products with cockroaches (really don't know any other details) and the only thing they didn't touch was margarine.
imagine that!Shock

Anyway since 2009 you can not buy margarine in England. it's vegetable spread.

Sillybillypoopoomummy · 09/11/2014 20:41

ooh - I remember making butter as a treat when I was a kid. Get some full fat milk in a tightly sealed jam jar and shake it a lot (on long car journeys was best...). As you shake you get little speckle of golden butter that then turn into a big lump. We used to drink the buttermilk afterwards!

ZingOfSeven · 09/11/2014 20:42

agree with Merguez the healthiest fat I know of is coconut oil.

Pasithea · 09/11/2014 20:44

So what do you all bake with is stork bad.

Icimoi · 09/11/2014 20:47

Does home made butter work out cheaper?

TheRealAmandaClarke · 09/11/2014 20:48

I saw a tv show where they taste- tested scones (or some other cakey things) made with sunflower spread against those made with butter.
The "flora" ones came out tops Shock

Hey ho.

ZingOfSeven · 09/11/2014 20:48
Tanaqui · 09/11/2014 20:51

Flora is good for baking in things like cakes when it properly mixes with other stuff, and like someone said it is generally cheaper than butter. It's not so good in bars/ flapjacks where you need the taste and the setting- ness, as it can be oily.

amy83firsttimer · 09/11/2014 20:53

pasithea - erm, butter...... Smile

TheDogsMissingBollock · 09/11/2014 20:53

Think marg type spreads in baking taste rank, really noticeable when you're used to butter.

flapjackattack · 09/11/2014 20:54

I loved making butter at primary school! We had a small butter barrel the teacher had. The whole class got to have a go. It was barely enough for patting and shaping (teacher) but we all got a teeny bit on bread.

hippoinamudhole · 09/11/2014 20:56

Home made is only cheaper if you can get reduced price cream because it's near its bbe date.
Home made butter will also freeze well


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ZingOfSeven · 09/11/2014 20:57


I bake cakes etc with Stork.
we eat butter or spreadable butter otherwise.

for the best mashed potatoes use a potato ricer then add creamy golden melting butter and gently fold it in before adding milk and seasoning with rock salt, freshly grund black peppers and nutmeg.

I'm hungry

SDTGisASpookyWoooolefGenius · 09/11/2014 20:57

Pasithea - I bake with butter. And my personal opinion is that things taste nicer made with butter. My mum always baked with Stork margarine - she even made 'butter'cream with Stork - and I honestly think my baking is nicer than hers.

thenightsky · 09/11/2014 20:58

Has anyone tried baking with coconut oil?

I've only ever used it for frying.

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