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To question why MIL bought this...

32 replies

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 17:58

Turn up to take MIL shopping and she presents this, she has bought this for herself from the charity's also pretty far from true!

To question why MIL bought this...
OP posts:
Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 22:58

She will you know and it's definitely b) she is actually jealous of any time dp spends with me (we live together) and tries to control all his free time and monopolise it. Everything is always all about her and her needs.

OP posts:
NoArmaniNoPunani · 01/11/2014 22:53

She'll tell all her mates you bought it for her.

RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/11/2014 22:49

I get the impression it's b)!

JustSpeakSense · 01/11/2014 22:46

She's either

A) got a great sense of humour

b) a self centred narcissist

FrancesNiadova · 01/11/2014 22:41

I'll SWOP! (I'll never stop.though!)

FrancesNiadova · 01/11/2014 22:40

I'll stop. My MIL bought me a copy of, "Don't marry her, F me." Bless!Confused

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 22:37

Rubbish robot I think I will get that for her Christmas. Just seems an odd thing to be buying yourself. I told my mum and thought she was going to pass our laughing at it. This woman is not quite right. If I wrote out her behaviour it would take weeks.

OP posts:
RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/11/2014 22:27

Sadly not, but they do cutouts to order so you could have one made! At the same time as you're getting an "Notscar" (I coined that, do you like it?) engraved for 'World's Biggest Fantasist' for MIL's next birthday Grin

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 22:06

Do they have a life size Hugh jackman Grin I love him.wife of year is a bit of fun but she bought this fir herself and I imagine is telling people I got her it Hmm

OP posts:
RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/11/2014 21:42

The place that sells those also does life-size cardboard cutouts. Like this.

To question why MIL bought this...
RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/11/2014 21:39

I want one of these. Of course, DH will have to get me one every year. Or I could just buy it myself!

To question why MIL bought this...
Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 20:38

Fairy I need that to counteract this heinous crime!! At least it wasn't one of her church friends home made shite Christmas decorations. Think a lump of badly varnished wood with two baubles glued on top, I actually said 'oh you keep it here'.

OP posts:
whitecampion · 01/11/2014 19:59

I actually snorted my wine I laughed so much at this thread!

Fairyfellowsmasterstroke · 01/11/2014 19:47

OP - I have a present for you open here

Thebodynowchillingsothere · 01/11/2014 19:37

Hilarious Grin

regularrectangle · 01/11/2014 19:35

My boyfriend bought me one of these as my gift from his trip to LA when we first got together (it does say worlds best girlfriend).

My face looked like this Hmm .

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 19:34

Soppycay it will only happen over my cold corpse! Thankfully my dp is similar. In fact we're not married so she's no-ones official mil!

Rubbish robot reading MN i cannot think why there is a market for this.

OP posts:
BigRedBall · 01/11/2014 19:33

Make sure you know how to spell "definitely" correctly before you get sharpie happy.

RubbishRobotFromTheDawnOfTime · 01/11/2014 19:30

I'm trying to think why there is a market for something like that. Is it filled with explosive?

soppycatlovelady · 01/11/2014 19:16

Fluffyears, we have booked a cruise qnd all we are getting is " I'd loooove to go on a cruise" from MiL. I told her we walked for miles sightseeing and she said "But you can just stay on the boat if you want" I was proud of DH when he told her how nice it was that it would be just the 2 of us unlike many holidays with DC and evev DGC.

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 18:16

Wonder if the original gifter wonders where it is. Or was it a marriage breakup and MIL chucked it along with all the pictures of previous sil/dil

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MrsTerrorPratchett · 01/11/2014 18:14

I can just imagine the AIBU thread. "AIBU to donate a hideous statuette my awful DIL got me for Mother's Day?"

Could you mould tiny crossed fingers out of gold Fimo?


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Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 18:12

Fairy I'm getting the sharpie now [evil laugh]!

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Fairyfellowsmasterstroke · 01/11/2014 18:11

OP- When she's not looking attach a post-it note just above the wording on the tat award with the words "Definately not...."

Fluffyears · 01/11/2014 18:11

Ha ha owl yeah I kinda wonder where it can't from and in what circumstances..,,she's now commenting on how much she'd like to go to new york but sighs 'I can't go alone' she knows we have booked up! Eh yeah keep dreaming dear!

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