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to ask how your DH proposed?

60 replies

CarryOn90 · 17/08/2014 00:21

Feeling a bit 'meh' about my own love life this evening

I want to hear all your lovely stories Grin

OP posts:
RubyReins · 18/08/2014 16:30

On New Year's Day in the snow at my favourite place near my folks' house. Down on one knee and with a beautiful ring that he had designed. It is now the site of a music festival and it makes me smile that one of its features is a giant illuminated heart that actually beats over the spot where he asked me. Apparently I never said yes...!

bananaleaf · 18/08/2014 16:09

He did it in front of my family at dinner. It was completely unexpected and tbh I felt pressured to say yes and not ruin it Confused
We had had a massive row a couple of days before that was nearly a deal breaker and he still went through with it and I think he should have waited. I wanted to marry him (and I did!) just wished he had done it more privately but I have never let on Blush

farewellfigure · 18/08/2014 15:51

We weren't going out with each other at the time as we we'd been 'on a break' for 18 months, but we were still friends. He very unexpectedly went down on one knee in my garden after a lovely, but platonic, evening together. It was great fun telling our parents the next day as they were so shocked. 16 years later proves breaking up doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of everything I guess!

chubbyhez · 18/08/2014 15:43

We were in a lochside lodge on a week away before we lived together or anything. The view was nice I'm guessing but we were 19 and not interested in that, just each other!

Anyway in a post sex glow he started mumbling about how he had meant to get a ring before we came away but didn't know my size... blah blah blah.

I stopped him and said 'are you proposing'? He replied 'I think so'.

That was good enough for me! Picked up a ten pound Elizabeth duke ring on the way home then he got me one on tick a month later. Poor lad was just an apprentice at the time! Thanks that was 13 years ago.

DrunkenWhore · 18/08/2014 15:29

Well we were engaged on and off for years after getting engaged 3 weeks after we got together. Blush In the advert break for (showing my age here) the X-Files he said, "So shall we set a date for this summer then". Grin Nice an romantic like.

sparechange · 18/08/2014 15:19

I had a 2 day business trip to the city where we had our first holiday.
I was supposed to fly back on the Friday, but DH spoke to my boss and got me Friday as holiday, then flew out secretly on Thursday and checked into the beautiful hotel where we had stayed on holiday, which was the other side of the city to the ugly hotel work had put me up in.

He then asked me to go and take a picture of the view from the hotel and send it to him, because he was missing me and missing our holiday and wanted a reminder of it.

So I got into a taxi, a bit annoyed at having to trek over there and went out to the pool area at the back to take the picture, only to find him, on a sun lounger with a ring. We changed my flight and spent the weekend there afterwards.

Writerwannabe83 · 18/08/2014 15:05

A few days prior to my birthday he got all het up and apologised and said my present wasn't going to arrive in time. I said it was fine and not to worry. On my actual birthday he asked if I wanted my card or did I want to open it with my present when it arrived - I told him I would wait.

Three days after my birthday he came home from work and handed me my birthday card and instead of it saying "happy birthday to my girlfriend" it said "happy birthday to my fiancé". I was really confused to looked up and saw DP standing there with the ring.

Possibly a cliche engagement but at the same time I wasn't expecting it at all!!!

Katiepoes · 18/08/2014 13:19

On a cable car in Singapore - only slightly spoiled by me shrieking that he was making the car rock.

Twitchypalm did you reply? On FB? Is he going to be okay?

I like these threads...even the sad ones.

itsnormalforbridgwater · 18/08/2014 11:18

Hubby did a fake newspaper and had 'Normal will you marry me?' on the front page. He made loads of pancakes for breakfast and I (half asleep, with toothpaste stained jogging bottoms on, braless and the smelliest morning breath) was half asleep and didn't notice until DH said 'aren't you going to read the morning papers?'. Then he took me away for a romantic weekend.

twitchypalm · 18/08/2014 00:13

On a fb message just now after nearly dieing 48 hours ago of a massive heart attack. how romantic is that propsing from your hospital bed via fb

wobblyweebles · 18/08/2014 00:07

I told him he had to marry me so I could get a green card.

Beat that for romance...

MintyCoolMojito · 17/08/2014 16:05

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Suefla62 · 17/08/2014 16:04

We went to a friends wedding. During the reception his said "we should do this". After the reception we walked to a local jeweler and picked out a ring (it was £6). It's our 45th anniversary this year, and the ring is still one of my most precious possessions, although he did upgrade it on our 25th.

mummytowillow · 17/08/2014 16:03

We went to London, he took me to see Swan Lake at the Opera House. I'd wanted to see it for ages.

As we walked over Tower Bridge he proposed. We also got upgraded to an amazing suite at the hotel as he told them he was proposing!

Shane were divorced now Wink

Memphisbelly · 17/08/2014 15:59

We went to a burger shop (a posh one, he wants me to point out) he put the ring on thr tray next to the drinks after fetching them from the bar, then hexsaid 'well?' I had to point out he a tually hadn't asked me anything Grin
Couple on the next table were mid quiet arguement and she sat eyeballing us then left for her to be sat on the same row in the cinema after the burger....alone, she had clearly sent him packing

Moorea · 17/08/2014 15:48

Some of these are lovely!

Mine was in Moorea, in the South Pacific. It was in one of those incredibly beautiful places where the palm trees are growing horizontally over the bay.

He gave me a black pearl and went down on bended knee, and could barely get the words out for crying! He also cried throughout our wedding ceremony & the births of our children Confused

When we returned home, he gave me the ring.

VSeth · 17/08/2014 15:36

Top of the Empire state building, last night of a fantastic USA trip, just after midnight. We then got the ring in the diamond district next day, we got a bargain as it was valued at 3.5x what he paid for it!

I wasn't allowed to tell anyone until he asked my Dad

Agggghast · 17/08/2014 15:19

Not this thread, this website!!!

Agggghast · 17/08/2014 15:18

Toofat, I don't feel it is tragic, the memory still keeps me warm. I was so lucky to have been loved by a wonderful man and my three DC are a constant reminder/ joy. When I read on this thread about what some people go through, I am grateful.

Purpleflamingos · 17/08/2014 14:37

At a local boating lake, on a wooden bridge over the water, under an old fashioned Victorian gas style streetlight at midnight after a couple of drinks in a country pub.

redexpat · 17/08/2014 14:33

First time, lying in bed. Second time, over the weetabix. Had to practically force him down on one knee.

Toofattorun · 17/08/2014 14:28

Agggghast - That's brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful and yet so tragic story. Thanks


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Cravey · 17/08/2014 13:50

In front of a plantation house on Barbados. One week before Christmas so lights everywhere. I shouted at him to get up off the grass as I would never get the stains out. Then realised he was holding a ring and burst into years. The most romantic thing he's ever done.

Agggghast · 17/08/2014 13:17

In the pouring rain, in the west of Ireland, waiting for friends to bring the car round. I was shivering so he put his coat around me and said "I just want to keep you warm for the rest of your life, please marry me". We were both students and both our parents objected but we married a year later and were incredibly happy for 27 years until he unexpectedly died.

I8toys · 17/08/2014 13:03

He didn't - we sort of mutually agreed lying in bed one day 3 months after we got together at Uni - I was 20 and he was 22. He cobbled together some money and bought me a ring. Been together 23 years and married 18 years next week.

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