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early pregnancy symptoms

27 replies

niccij40 · 28/07/2014 19:04

Hi can someone help me I have had 4 children and never had any symptoms but I am feeling slight cramping pains lower abdomen back pain and pain in top of my legs over the last 4 days I have had unprotected sex over my ovulation days but my period is not due for about 2 weeks could this be early signs I have no clue as I said I never had signs with others

OP posts:
Millieelouise · 24/05/2016 13:12

Thank you! I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed, oh sorry I didn't realise I'm still quite new to this so haven't quite got the hang of it all yet xx

BillBrysonsBeard · 24/05/2016 10:52

I felt pregnant a week after unprotected sex so yes it's possible! Even had a 'bump' from all the bloating but that went down after a few weeks. If you google search you'll see many people have very early symptoms Smile This is an old thread by the way so you might want to start your own x

Millieelouise · 24/05/2016 08:54

I'm having the exact same symptoms pain in my pelvic area, backaches, pain in my legs and hips sore breasts, headaches, although I have been trying for the past 6 months to have a baby I'm not too sure I'm due on today and it still hasn't come I did a pregnancy test two days ago and it came up negative can anyone help me?

Lauren83 · 29/07/2014 05:20

Op I just meant as she had gone to the effort of explaining and posting a link a couple of question marks comes across rude, asking for further clarification and thanks may have been better, I'm not pulling you for rudeness anyway don't get me wrong I'm just highlighting how the convo went as the Pp seems to have missed the helpfulness shown by the first poster and took objection to reply sent after your ?? I'm I sent links and the poster sent me ?? I don't think I would explain further

Good luck!

SqueakySqueak · 29/07/2014 00:58

Well, you'll know in two weeks, that's for sure. Wink

Hmm... When I was pregnant, I kept having dreams I was having a baby and felt "off". I took a test, and it was negative and then got my period (or so I thought) a few days later. A week later I was still feeling really "off", so I did another POAS and it came back positive.

Sooo... I guess just wait and see? It might be, it might not be.

velouria · 29/07/2014 00:58

Well I felt ovulation pain earlier in the day we did the deed, although didn't know what it was at the time. From the day after conception with first child I felt a bit odd, eventually looking back I see that I felt the ovulation pain and later in the night dtd, leading to conception, what an idiot. I felt odd from the day after until about 16 weeks btw, found out by doing a pg test after stupidly obvious syptoms a few weeks later.

No symptoms at all with next 2 babies, if I hadn't been trying I wouldn't have tested. Literally no symptoms, no sickness or boob tenderness in first 12 weeks, nothing at all.

niccij40 · 29/07/2014 00:48

And I also don't understand how the reply I put of (???X) is rude I did not understand reply so I replied with that as was hoping for elaboration on previous message x

OP posts:
niccij40 · 29/07/2014 00:43

I am sorry if I caused any problem posting here I am new to site I was unsure how it worked xx :-)

OP posts:
kerrymumbles · 28/07/2014 23:53

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Maryz · 28/07/2014 23:23

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MissDuke · 28/07/2014 22:43

The period normally comes 2 weeks after ovulation, so if your period is due in two weeks then you have only just ovulated. It takes two weeks after ovulation for fertilisation, implantation and enough hCG to build up and cause symptoms. It really is too soon to tell. I do hope you get the answer you are looking for in a couple of weeks though!

Lauren83 · 28/07/2014 22:42

Like her first post after the OP you mean?

Then OPs quite rude '???'

Then the poster you take issue with clarifying why exactly she said the first message?

Are we reading the same thread here I'm confused?

ICanSeeTheSun · 28/07/2014 22:34

I don't think so. Yes it helpful to point out other chats why have a long clickable title and the be PA over the fact that :-

Well, some snarky madam might post in this thread "but what are you being unreasonable about, eh?"

Helpful would have been you may get more in the pregnacy fourm and then link

Igggi · 28/07/2014 22:11

I don't think this can be pg related, some people experience implantation pain but I think this is about 7 days post ovulation, which you aren't near. Also possible to experience pain at time of ovulation, but again you think (know?) you are a bit past that.

Lauren83 · 28/07/2014 21:34


Lauren83 · 28/07/2014 21:33


What post are you actually not happy with I see no issue with her pots, she is being helpful to OP, have you erm..,RTFT

BoysAreLikeDogs · 28/07/2014 20:14


ICanSeeTheSun · 28/07/2014 20:08

Boysarelikedogs can I direct you to the new guidelines in AIBU

Op the best advice is to wait 2 weeks and do a pregnancy test.

Teddybeau1988 · 28/07/2014 20:05

I never had any early symptoms in my three pregnancys. The first sign I got was no AF. Each of them times I was also convinced that I was coming on and that month was unsuccessful ttc.

Lauren83 · 28/07/2014 19:26

Agree with Fluffy, if you are due in 2 weeks implantation would likely not have occurred, it usually happens 9 days past ovulation and takes a couple of days after that to start pumping hormones out so you wouldn't of had symptoms til then

Morethanalittlebitconfused · 28/07/2014 19:25

Unfortunately the 2ww is a nightmare for anyone ttc and you'd be too early to tell

Have a drop in on the conception forums where loads of ladies are on their 2ww!

fluffyraggies · 28/07/2014 19:23

If you are pregnant it is so very early i wouldn't expect there to be any symptoms personally.

If your period isn't due for 2 weeks then sperm ahs only just met egg! I doubt it's even implanted yet. (sorry?)


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BoysAreLikeDogs · 28/07/2014 19:21

Oh bless you

Copy your OP and start a new thread in pregnancy, loads of folk there will help you

niccij40 · 28/07/2014 19:16

I have only just joined this and not sure how it works prob posted in wrong place I am just after some advice x

OP posts:
BoysAreLikeDogs · 28/07/2014 19:14

Well, some snarky madam might post in this thread "but what are you being unreasonable about, eh?"

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