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to tell DH he needs to change the way he speaks as it infuriates me?

36 replies

PupInBoots · 18/07/2014 23:26

DH has a strange habit that I think he developed when speaking to the DC to make things easier for them to understand. However, he is speaking like it more and more frequently and it's making me want to scream.

Instead of saying 'i love you' it's 'i do love you'

Instead of 'would you like a cup of tea?' it's 'was you wanting a cup of tea?'

Instead of 'i liked the film' it's 'i did like the film'

Instead of 'chocolate gives me a headache' it's 'chocolate does give me a headache'

AIBU to pull him up on this and ask him to change it? I don't want the DC to pick it up and I can't bear listening to/reading it in messages any longer!

OP posts:
ilovecolinfirth · 19/07/2014 09:42

Why would he even talk like that to children?!

EvaBeaversProtege · 19/07/2014 09:49

My dh used to say dd had "toesies"

He'd say "byesies" when we were going anywhere... Oh sweet fuck it drove me up the wall!!!!

One night fil said "byesies" and it all became clear...

Neither of them say it anymore. It passed. Dd is almost 13 now & would pull them on it herself!

CalamitouslyWrong · 19/07/2014 09:50

If he didn't speak like this before and has changed it for the children's benefit, it might be worth pointing out that he's supposed to model proper speech for them so they can pick it up themselves. There's no point in producing your own strange 'for the children' version of English at all.

It's different if that's how people actually speak (because then the children will pick up an actual dialect). It's a problem if he made it up himself.

MileEndRoad · 19/07/2014 09:59

OP, I couldn't help noticing that you have 4 threads going atm on different aspects of your relationship, 3 if you don't count dd not eating. You seem just very unhappy. Is there anyone you could talk to about the whole picture?

Icimoi · 19/07/2014 10:00

It's reasonable to tell him to pack it in anyway because the DC will start thinking it's normal, and will be laughed at mercilessly if they start talking like that.

I must say, "Was you wanting" or "Was you walking" would probably have me resorting to physical violence. Point out to him that, if he absolutely must use it, it's were you.

Paddingtonthebear · 19/07/2014 10:03

"Was you wanting a cup of tea?"

That doesn't even make sense?! Is the "was" use a regional thing or something?!

Littleturkish · 19/07/2014 10:06

Fuck it. Leave the bastard. He's talking like a cartoon character.

Playthegameout · 19/07/2014 10:07

Personally I'd crucify him for "was you wanting a cup of tea?"

backbystealth · 19/07/2014 10:09

Does you really want to say with the man who does speak like a toddler?

Viviennemary · 19/07/2014 10:11

The trouble is if you pull him up on this something else irritating will take its place. I complained about DH whistling and he said I'll whistle if I want. So annoying. Grin

CrystalSkulls · 19/07/2014 10:12

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