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to be really annoyed with the smokers outside the hospital?

140 replies

bumbleymummy · 04/07/2014 14:49

There are no smoking signs everywhere and there is an allocated smoking area right opposite the entrance to the hospital but there were about 10 people all smoking right outside the hospital doors. Everyone has to walk past them inhaling their smoke. WIBU to say something to them? Point them in the direction of the smoking area? I have a feeling I'd be old to f-off but why should they be allowed to stand there unchallenged?

OP posts:
MorrisZapp · 11/07/2014 22:14

Of course Yanbu.

And to the person upthread who doesn't even smoke in bus shelters, don't know where you are but smoking in bus shelters is banned here in Edinburgh.

I don't want to shoot smokers, some of my nearest and dearest smoke. I just want them to do it considerately and according to the law.

MyFairyKing · 11/07/2014 22:18

That To be honest, I feel a lot of empathy towards the people who are attached to drips, have catheters and are clearly unwell. I feel a lot less empathy towards visitors or those who could probably walk a bit further to the shelter. Of course, some of those people may have a reason why they can't walk but all of them? I do understand that many people at the hospital are having a shit time. Smoke does irritate my breathing though, so my back goes up when people suggest I hold my breath. Oh, if only I could!

I plea to those who can walk away from the main doors, to just do so. Everyone wins; they get to smoke and those who react to smoke get to avoid it.

ICanSeeTheSun · 11/07/2014 22:26

2 months ago I would have been the selfish, dirty smoker.

It's has taking a trained counsellor to rewire my brains thinking to understand what smoking does to a person way of thinking.

Hospital setting is where people are stressed and are major trigger setting places to have a fag.

Yes there are smoking shelters, but when you are ill those extra 50 yards can feel like miles.

deakymom · 11/07/2014 22:28

i sneezed at the last group smoking in the way in the hospital they thought i was taking the piss i really wasn't i just have a hypersensitive nose at the moment and it made me sneeze!

StarlightMcKenzie · 11/07/2014 22:28

If you smoke 40 a day and therefore need to get through then that's about 3 and hour or 1 every 20mins.

It can take that long to get down the various hospital corridors to even find a bit of outside space. If you're on edge about having left a loved one going through hell for that length of time (or if the visiting hours that you can make with work only enable you 90mins visiting) you may well decide the extra two minutes to cross the road is a step too far.

ThatBloodyWoman · 11/07/2014 22:29

Absolutely MyFairy.

MyFairyKing · 11/07/2014 22:35

As I said, I'd feel more empathetic if - at my local hospital, at least - the smoking shelter was across the road. It's really very close, next to the entrance but right to the side, so you can avoid it. They really did try to plan and ensure that everyone is catered for. And even if the shelter is gross, why not move slightly to the side of the entrance? It's not that far. Again, as I said, I know some people are too ill to do so but are visitors too poorly to walk 10 metres or so?

ICanSeeTheSun · 11/07/2014 22:40

Why only hospitals.

IMO outside pubs and coffee shops are worse.

Sirzy · 11/07/2014 22:43

People who are going into pubs aren't normally ill though.

People can make the choice not to go into a pub if they wish they can't normally make that choice at a hospital.

Don't get me wrong I get frustrated with smokers in doors ways anywhere but hopsital are worse IMO

ThatBloodyWoman · 11/07/2014 22:44

I agree MyFairy that sounds very fair.

Much fairer than the blanket demonisation of smokers that I sometimes hear.

A bit of give and take is what's needed.Smokers need to use consideration, and non smokers need to exercise tolerance.

Like I say, I believe my local hospital is no smoking on site.
Quite a different scenario.When I was a smoker and dashed to a&e to find my dad, who was fine that morning, was dying, I needed a fag yet I needed to be there at a moments notice.

It would have taken arrest to stop me tbh.

MyFairyKing · 11/07/2014 22:48

I would never demonise smokers; I have many of my own faults. I just think it's a bit of give and take. I go to 2 local hospitals and they both have smoking shelters. I didn't realise that some hospitals were smoke free on the whole site. I mean technically ours are smoke free, but they can't control the carpark!

trixymalixy · 12/07/2014 00:54

I'm happy enough to show tolerance for smokers smoking places that I can choose not to enter or walk around.

It's extremely unfair on those who have no choice, that are ill and have to be in the hospital for non patients to smoke near the entrance or near the windows of wards. Really selfish and I totally disagree that any tolerance should be shown.

MrsMikeDelfino · 12/07/2014 01:24

If there's a designated no smoking area nearby, then no, you're NBU. They should get under there and stop inflicting their stink onto everyone else.
There's nothing worse as a non smoker to have to battle your way through the stench of someone else's smoke!
They want to make themselves smell, fair enough. I don't want it clinging to me though. (Believe me, it DOES cling)
Had to go the cash machine earlier. Couldn't help but screw my nose up the whole time I was there as lady stood to the side of me was puffing away - thank Gawd for the smoking ban, as means the only time I have to endure it is next to people like her outside!

MrsMikeDelfino · 12/07/2014 01:29

I agree the ordinary person should just hold their breath and walk on, and don't be so bloody precious about it. Do people get similarly swoony when it comes to the car exhausts in the car park?

It's not as easy as just 'holding your breath and walking through.' Any non smoker will tell you that cigarette smoke clings like mad and makes you smell like a walking ashtray.
That's all well and good if that's what you want for yourself, but who are you to decide everyone else has to smell the same too?!
Take it from me - it HONKS. Even if you can't smell it on yourself.

DilysMoon · 12/07/2014 08:19

Ugh yes there's always some outside the maternity wing when I go for my appointments Angry

giraffescantboogie · 12/07/2014 08:27

I challenged a nurse standing right at the door, like infront of the door way, a small door, you had to say excuse me to get past, she was smoking.

They all hang about in big groups. round the door, under the shelter.

One of my local hospital has wardens now, other has nothing.

I have a chronic lung condition. If I am well then being around smoke can make me cough and wheeze. When I am in hospital and on oxygen and get wheeled past smokers at door (eg going to xray/CT/new ward) then I really struggling for breath it is terrible, my chest tightens up, I produce sticky thick mucus, and I cough and cough.

My lungs really cannot cope with fag smoke at all. As I said even on good lung days for me I react to it. It is like throwing peanuts at someone with an anaphylactic reaction to them...seriously not helpful and shouldn't be allowed near entrances. At least bloody move and go and stand in the car park or something.

giraffescantboogie · 12/07/2014 08:33

Our hospitals here are all smoke free - you are meant to leave the grounds.

I would be happy if they just went away from the doors! Also away from the windows. It is proven that the fag smoke gets in through air vents. Our local hosp has the respiratory ward and also the cystic fibrosis unit. So people with a lung function of around 40%, often less. Usually waiting lung transplants. A wee bit of fag smoke might not bother you but it sure as hell bothers them.

This is why windows on pediatric cancer wards - like the one expats dd was in cannot be opened - ever. At all. Even in a heat wave. These kids spend months - literally months in the same room and not allowed to open the window - people stand under the rooms smoking. And there is even a big sign under it.

This was the poster that was right under expats dds room. You could often see people standing under it smoking.

to be really annoyed with the smokers outside the hospital?
giraffescantboogie · 12/07/2014 08:34

You need to enlarge pic to see the words but it is an actual cancer patient from that hosps words.

It clearly states that the rooms right there are paed oncology ones...

Sirzy · 12/07/2014 08:38

Surely nobody can defend the right to smoke by doors/windows in a hospital after reading giraffes posts?

Just move that little bit further away so your choice to smoke doesn't cause anyone else pain or discomfort

giraffescantboogie · 12/07/2014 08:42

Yeah but sirzy they are stressed innit, makes them unable to walk 3 mins to somewhere else. :( :(

Have we had the "my relative was dying so I needed to smoke" post yet? Nae thought for others relatives who are seriously ill possibly dying and you are helping them by fagging at the doorways/air vents. Wink

whattheseithakasmean · 12/07/2014 08:48

giraffes it beggars belief for me that someone could stand and smoke under that sign. That has nothing to do with addiction, surely and everything to do with selfishness.

Would anyone care to attempt to defend such behaviour?

Declaring my interest here, I have an asthmatic child. Smokers around any doorways are not good for us, but what can you do? Smoking around a hospital doorway or window when my child is struggling to keep her airways open is indefensible, to me. However, I realise others feel differently and a potentially upset (or possibly just selfish) adult's right to smoke trumps my child's right to breathe.

Anotheronesoon · 12/07/2014 08:50

As a healthcare professional I hate it. I work between sites and have to pass through smoke on my way to see patients. Last thing I want is to smell of cigarette smoke when talking to young, sick patients. More than that though is I just think it's so ridiculously stupid to smoke when so Ill. Whole teams of doctors and nurses working round the clock to help make people better and they go out with all their drips and catheters and smoke- what a waste of time and effort. As for pregnant women outside maternity wing- disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves.


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gobbin · 12/07/2014 10:11

My sympathy score went from 10 to 0

This post made me really cross. Your sympathy score went from 10 to 0? For someone clearly having a rough time, just because they had a cigarette?

Yes. I am judgmental about people who smoke. I was brought up in a smoking household, coughing, wheezing and asthmatic until they stopped when I was 10 and it is absolutely the only thing I would genuinely judge someone for doing. It is such a stupid thing to do. Such a strong view will be unpopular here but so what.

ThatBloodyWoman · 12/07/2014 15:21

giraffe yes we have had that post.

If a smoker is at a hospital where smoking is banned on the whole site, I am wondering what you would like them to do if a loved one is dying and they could be called at a moments notice?There has to be a solution that works for both sides surely?

Personally, I think that a blanket ban on smoking anywhere on site just isn't helpful -in that way smokers catch a puff where they can.
At least if there are shelters there is a designated space and if the smoker is able physically to
get to them,they should.

giraffescantboogie · 12/07/2014 15:57

Not outside the doors and not under the windows, simples. Anything else is getting in through air vents and to patients being brought in and out. End off.

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