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To wonder what you all think? How soon after giving birth is it reasonable to expect yourself to diet/get in shape/start a rigorous new fitness regime?

50 replies

mameulah · 22/06/2014 21:53

Expecting our second baby soon. Never lost the baby weight the first time and have to definitely shift weight soon. Our second baby is due at the end of July and I would like to be at least a couple of dress sizes smaller by Christmas.

I know I can cut back and stay on the straight and narrow immediately after birth. But cake and coffee and catching up are all too often too tempting. I am much better when being really focused and full on with exercise.

When realistically do you think it is fair to expect this of yourself?

OP posts:
HaveYouTriedARewardChart · 23/06/2014 00:05

A year. Don't underestimate how much harder it will be second time round and don't put pressure on yourself (as there'll be lots of other pressures!) It really should be the last thing you think about! I was so run down and drained for the first year with ds2. I started running when he was about 10 weeks old. Then that wiped me out so started doing brisk walks instead. Then I was only able to take the bus... And with both dc I put weight on with bf due to sugar cravings. So - go easy on yourself!

ChaosTrulyReigns · 23/06/2014 00:07

I think the Daily Mail suggests about 3 hours post partum is about right.

Darkesteyes · 23/06/2014 00:24

My diet class consultant went to her anti natal class armed with information for the other pregnant women there on healthy eating before, during and after pregnancy . Confused

ThinkIveBeenHacked · 23/06/2014 00:27

Ds will be born in or around the last week in October. In January I will join SW. Exercise wise ill walk a LOT more on Mat Leave as I did last time, but I know that alone will not combat the squidginess so I will probably return to Zumba Feb/March time.

wobblyweebles · 23/06/2014 00:49

9 months, especially with subsequent children.

Want2bSupermum · 23/06/2014 01:00

DS is 17 months and i still weigh the same as I did when I came home from the hospital. I went back to work full time when DS was 8 weeks old and was losing weight slowly last summer when doing pilates twice a week.

I have no idea what I will do after a third. I think I will have a CS so they can put everything back in place and suck the fat out. I didn't BF with DS so felt comfortable restricting my calories post partum, not that it worked! If I was BF I wouldn't dream of cutting calories until finished with feeding.

LittlePeaPod · 23/06/2014 06:35


I think I will have a CS so they can put everything back in place and suck the fat out.

They don't do that. I wish they had with my CS. Unfortunately you still come out with the jelly belly and need to exercise it off..

melissa83 · 23/06/2014 07:37

The fitter you stay in pregnancy the less you will have to do. You are much less likely to have any wobbly bits if you do a lot of exercise in pregnancy and then once baby out it goes back to normal really quick.

PlateSpinningAtAllTimes · 23/06/2014 07:47

It will depend massively on the personality of your baby. I had grand plans of doing fitness DVDs with the toddler joining in and the baby in a bouncy chair. Then DD came along and screamed continuously for 6 months. Mind you, she spend a LOT of time in a sling so that was one way of burning calories!
I actually found that watching what I ate was more achievable. I gave myself the first 3 months to eat what the hell I wanted, then went on a diet. The weight fell off, actually.

BaldHedgehog · 23/06/2014 07:55

I still remember the poster who wanted to get back to her prebaby shape quickly and gave herself a prolapse.
When i asked my mw how long it takes for woman's body to fully recover from pregnancy and bf she said 2 years.
I was also told to forget about any diets while breastfeeding.

There's no miracle cure, only not to overeat and cut out the stuff your body doesn't need ( fizzy drinks, sweets) and seriously reduce highly processed food (junk). It's not easy but doable.

One more thing- i never managed to get rid of 1 of 4 stones i put on during pregnancy- i was walking for miles with the pram to keep myself fit, as the result the fat on my thigs was replaced by muscle and this is heavier matter...

HaveYouTriedARewardChart · 23/06/2014 07:58

Darkesteyes Grin

HaveYouTriedARewardChart · 23/06/2014 08:02

Baldhedgehog two years seems about right for being back to "normal" in terms of strength, fitness and general wellness after bfing.

MrMacadoo · 23/06/2014 08:05

I rejoined slimming world when baby no 2 was 5 weeks. he is now 15 weeks and I am 17lb lighter. i put on 3 stone so am halfway to getting back to pre pregnancy weight (i was doing SW after the birth of dd and had lost a stone and a half when i found out i was pregnant again. Dd was 18 months when ds born)

i want to lose 5 stone in total to get back to pre Dh weight and back in my size 10 dresses.

i restarted as soon as possible as i didn't want any more extra pounds to sneak on and SW doesn't feel like a diet to me as I eat loads!

MrMacadoo · 23/06/2014 08:07

oh also i don't do any exercise othrt than walking and running around after the kids as that's tiring enough!

TheBogQueen · 23/06/2014 08:10

I've had 3 - I also think 2 years to get back to full fitness especially after c section. I think your shape changes though.
And it's important to be kind up yourself when you are coping with constant broken sleep

Weight us a constant battle now I am 40. Sigh.

LittlePeaPod · 23/06/2014 08:20

I think it depends on how fit you were Pre-pregnancy and how actieyou are post pregnancy. I had a CS on NYE 2013 and DD is nearly 6 month. I am back to pre pregnancy size (8/10), fitness levels are back to normal and my core strength is good (jelly belly completely gone and ab definition is returning). I am fortunate though I can go to the gym 5 times a week and MIL/DH look after DD whilst I am there.

I really think it depends on the individual, the food you eat and how active you are.

LittlePeaPod · 23/06/2014 08:21

I am also an older mum (38)

RufusTheReindeer · 23/06/2014 08:21

Ds2 just turned 11, I might start now...or I might leave it until it's a nice round number (like me)

Make small changes, coffee and cake only once a week or once every couple of weeks, cut down on biscuits etc for a few months and see how you go. Start introducing more exercise and maybe aim to be on track in three months or so

They do say 9 months up and 9 months down...or that might just be me Hmm

Longdistance · 23/06/2014 08:32

My youngest is 3. But, I'm starting to think about dieting now, as dd1 will be going to school in September, and will turn 5. I really want to go back to work too, but only part time. So, after we get back from our holiday that's my aim.

I'm not sure which diet to do, as last time I dieted, I did a low fat, calorie controlled diet. Only problem with that was, I put the weight back on slowly after 3 years, but, I did lose 4 stone on it. I just want it to stay off. My evil foods are cheese, bread and wine.

bronya · 23/06/2014 08:45

I ate healthily but didn't restrict amounts straight after birth, but didn't diet until I stopped bf. Then I didn't need to, the relief of being able to skip meals if I felt like it, meant that I lost plenty!

Want2bSupermum · 23/06/2014 14:36

Littlepea I am joking about that! I had CS with both, an emergency one for the first and planned for the 2nd. My 2nd was 10lb6oz and just about finished me off. His head was outside of my pelvis from the start of month 8 onwards. I had the surgery to repair my stomach when DS was 6 weeks.

Would LOVE to go to the gym 5 times a week. I got my promotion this year which meant working way too many hours. I have 40lbs to lose before I will feel human again. I am very lucky that our health insurance here in the US covers weight management if your BMI is over 28. I qualify which is sad but at least I have support.

Inglori0us · 23/06/2014 16:38

My dc2 is 11 weeks and I went back to Slimming World when he was 3 weeks. I've not been particularly strict but I've lost over a stone and feel much better about myself. Not done any proper exercise though. Too knackered still.


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LittlePeaPod · 23/06/2014 16:50

Want2b Blush sorry.. I am currently on ML. I met a work colleague I hadnt seen since DD was born for lunch a few weeks back. She actually asked me if I had a tummy tuck and lipo suction as part of the CS. This is someone that knew was I was a gym junkie prior to getting pregnant and whilst pregnant before HG struck me down.

Congratulations on the promotion. Thanks

LittlePeaPod · 23/06/2014 16:51

liposuction that should read.

Want2bSupermum · 24/06/2014 02:57

Littlepea Those who have not had children have no idea! Enjoy your ML and thank you for the congratulations.

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