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to be cross about dd getting sunburnt at school

79 replies

iloveithere · 17/06/2014 22:21

Dd is 10, in year 6. she had a school trip today, and has come back burnt.
AIBU to think that even at her age the school should have reminded the children to get and apply their cream, and given them time to do it.
I didn't tell her this morning, as I didn't know they were going out, it was just a local walk, we have signed blanket permission for this type of thing.

Should the school remind children of this age, or should she have done it independently?

OP posts:
WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 17/06/2014 23:05

We use all day ones, don't send it to school, neither DC has ever come home even slightly pink. DD (8) probably would put it on for herself, DS (10) detests it and I very much doubt if he would use it. I hate it too, horrible, itchy, clothes-ruining stuff.

Fideliney · 17/06/2014 23:10


Sunsense should be at least as high a priority as hydration.

I was hoping we had enough Aussies staff in UK schools for some ood practice to have rubbed off. Clearly still some way to go Sad

Fideliney · 17/06/2014 23:11

good^ practice

Hakluyt · 17/06/2014 23:13

Sunsense should be at least as high a priority as hydration."

More. Because the sun is a serious risk, and the hydration thing is largely bollocks.

Moln · 17/06/2014 23:19

DS (6) got sunburnt at school today, I put the all day stuff on him this morning (usually do when the sun is out - he's very fair skinned) which does just fine for the school day usually.

However he got take out of class to play in a football match for the school - I knew nothing about this, no idea he was even a consideration to play. He was out for the majority of the day and has terrible burn on his arms and legs and chest (polo shirt opening). The back of his neck is OK because he tells me that a teacher for another school put sun cream on it on him.

iloveithere · 17/06/2014 23:24

That really is bad, moln. At 10 I expected my dd to take some responsibility, but at 6 the school should be putting it on all children. Poor your ds, hope he is ok.

OP posts:
ComposHat · 17/06/2014 23:31

YABU it is your daughter's responsibility at 10 to know when she is burning. What does she think she's given suncream to put in her bag for?

Your daughter will be at the comp in a few weeks and will need to get her act together.Teachers won't be there to hand hold and tell her to put suncream on when it looks sunny.

Moln · 17/06/2014 23:32

Isn't it (not mentioning the fact he was off school ground without my knowing)

Anyway at 6 there's no way he would think, at 10 they can apply it themselves certainly but I don't think that they'd be vigilant about it, so the teacher's really should mention it.

Not sure what I'm doing with DS tomorrow, it's far too hot to send him to school in long trousers and long sleeved polo top tomorrow. Considering football socks!!!!

Sillylass79 · 17/06/2014 23:46

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wakemewhenitsover · 18/06/2014 00:05

I think we need to educate our children and the teachers about the need for sun safety. I don't know of many 10 year olds who would think about applying sunscreen before going out to play - even if it was in their school bag. I use soltan once a day factor 50 on my children but would prefer if they topped up if they were going outside for any length of time but know I couldn't rely on them to remember and apply it correctly. I think it's extremely irresponsible to let children burn whilst at school. Hats, suncream, sunglasses should all be encouraged and become the norm IMO.

wobblyweebles · 18/06/2014 03:57

YANBU - it totally pisses me off when this happens too. Our school is good about reminding children, but a couple of summer camps they've been to have not reminded them and they've come home badly burnt.

Madamecastafiore · 18/06/2014 04:02

At 10 they are old enough to take responsibility for this kind of thing. It's nothing to do with the teacher. She should either have had it on before leaving house in morning or put a hat and long sleeved pullover on when going for the walk.

jaynebxl · 18/06/2014 04:10

I've never once sent my kids to school with suncream. I put it on them in the morning and they wear a hat and that's enough. I certainly wouldn't expect the school to do anything about it.

PickledPorcupine · 18/06/2014 04:40

What is the school policy? I do remind my class to reapply but the policy is that parents will send them to school already creamed up. Trying to get 30 kids to put cream on is a nightmare and I could never check they're all covered appropriately, we'd never get out because I'd worry I've missed one. I think you are blaming the teacher for something which was actually your fault.

PickledPorcupine · 18/06/2014 04:41

(Sorry for sounding a little harsh)

Please just learn from it and always always send her creamed up.

GoblinLittleOwl · 18/06/2014 07:17

What was she wearing to get a burnt back? If she was wearing a school uniform dress/polo shirt her back would have been covered, and the collar would have protected her neck.

Goblinchild · 18/06/2014 08:01

I think the OP meant that she returned burnt.
Does she have a decent sunhat, OP?
How does she manage in outdoor PE sessions?

mummypig14 · 18/06/2014 08:20

YANBU - I would expect all primary school age children to be told/reminded about it. Their day is so structured they would of had to be given time to do it etc.

I do think you should put some on her in the mornings though!

babybythesea · 18/06/2014 08:26

It's also only a few months until secondary school, and she won't get any reminders then (or very rarely, if something special like sports day is happening). So she really does need to start taking some responsibility for herself.

iloveithere · 18/06/2014 18:27


OP posts:
pilates · 18/06/2014 18:34

Our school tell the children to apply suncream before school and have hats available every day in the summer. I think YABU. It is on the homework memo every week.

Takesalongtime · 18/06/2014 18:54

Our dc are not allowed to take sun cream in, if we want to reapply in day then we have to go back to do so. So mine all have soltan once a day on first thing and are never burnt, even though they are really fair.


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iloveithere · 18/06/2014 19:38

The head teacher called me this morning to appoligise, so I guess he thought the kids should have been taken more care of.

OP posts:
jaynebxl · 18/06/2014 19:41

Or he was just being diplomatic and smoothing things over.

IsItFridayYetPlease · 18/06/2014 19:55

On the flip side; one day last week 17 out of the Year 3s I was teaching 30 didn't have a sunhat (or raincoat). We had to cancel outside PE and the afternoon playtime as I didn't have enough spare hats to lend out. When asked where they were;
"I forgot it"
"Mum forgot it"
"Mum didn't give me one"
"It wasn't sunny when we came to school so mum said I didn't need it"
"Mum said I didn't need to bring one cos you will find me one" Hmm
"Mum says I don't have to wear one"
(Yes, sorry it was all mum and not dad!)

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