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56 replies

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 03/06/2014 21:35

Long story .I work in a school .A friend was in school over half term .A holiday club is run from the school building but is an independent company
Friend saw one of the children that she knows attends school returning too the club at lunchtime in a club staff members car .
She was worried about insurance and this child has certain special needs that can make him controlling .She mentioned this to me at lunchtime today.
I asked child about half term this morning and what he had been up to .He mentioned holiday club .I asked if he enjoyed it and what sort of things they do there.
He said it was good and that he went to a local shop with so and so to pick something up .I said oh does mum know he said no but it was ok as they were her friend .I said oh ok .
Now with my friend mentioning it and asking does she need to do anything I'm asking wise mumsnetters what they think .

A . it's holiday club so not schools business.
B .It just dosnt sit right with me as in what if something happened while they are out 're car .
C .Not my business.
So do I need to do anything or not Help please advice me .TIA

OP posts:
LuluJakey1 · 06/06/2014 21:39

Oops sorry x post! Well done for reporting it.

LuluJakey1 · 06/06/2014 21:36

I think you should report it to the Designated Safeguarding Teacher.

It comes under the whistleblowing policy most schools have in relation to safeguarding. If you have a concern, report it. It is better to be wrong than to have been right and not reported it and a child has been put at risk. It will be dealt with discreetly and closed down if it is unfounded.

BrianTheMole · 06/06/2014 21:30

There you go then. Well done op.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 06/06/2014 19:43

She was very cross and thanked me perfusely for telling her .When I mentioned it was a friend of mum's she knew exactly who it was .I do feel lots better for passing this on .

OP posts:
GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 06/06/2014 19:12

Well done for reporting it. It sounds as though the manager will investigate it properly.

Valdeeves · 06/06/2014 18:07

Anything to do with children that seems odd needs reporting - you were right.

Imsuchamess · 06/06/2014 18:01

Glad you reported it.

FourForksAche · 06/06/2014 17:54

that's great news wakeup, you did the right thing. Wine

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 06/06/2014 17:40

Just to update I saw holiday club manager today and I mentioned it to her.She was away last week so didn't know .She was horrified and she is going to deal with it.

OP posts:
mythbustinggov · 04/06/2014 12:36

Bottom. If in doubt

mythbustinggov · 04/06/2014 12:35

Rule 1 of Safeguarding - in in doubt, speak out.

The school (and the holiday club) should be fine with this - if not, then the school should consider it's lettings policy.

GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 04/06/2014 12:30

I think you should report it too. If it's all legit then no harm done.

MidniteScribbler · 04/06/2014 12:21

My car insurance is actually paid for by work (along with the insurance of the other year coordinators) as I am lead supervisor on most class trips/camps relating to our grade or some other activities. This is in case there is an accident or illness or other incident on the excursion. I also get ridiculously bus sick so it means I can drive and it doesn't ruin my credibility with the students. My car is legally covered and insured to transport students in an official capacity.

If you work in the school, surely you having a quiet word to whoever is responsible for the holiday club would be the first step? At our school it would be a case of an informal chat (to find out the facts) before taking it any further. In most cases, that informal chat would be enough for the person responsible to take it further if there was evidence of wrongdoing.

ChickyEgg · 04/06/2014 12:09

Don't you have a reporting procedure in your school, Op? Who is your Line Manager? Ask their advice.

Gubbins · 04/06/2014 11:21

There are no possible downsides to you reporting. If it's all above board, the club aren't going to accuse you of being a 'sticky beak'. They'll be au fait with safeguarding issues, recognise why it may look concerning and be able to reassure you that everything's ok.

And if it's not all ok, you could avert a serious incident or be giving the management the opportunity to correct procedures that could result in real problems with ofsted. It's a no brainer.

AramintaDeWinter · 04/06/2014 08:56

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AramintaDeWinter · 04/06/2014 08:53

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BeckAndCall · 04/06/2014 08:45

Presumably if the child had been signed into the holiday club by the mum, she will have had a full list of activities and circumstances that would apply ( including whether or not he can go in a helpers car).

The holiday club will also have had a full disclosure of the child's SN as part of the sign up process.

The holiday club helpers will have had a full CRB check and may also have accredited competencies in childcare care ( eg NVQs)

My instinct would be to assume that all of the above apply - full disclosure, CRBs etc and that there was therefore nothing to worry about.

riskit4abiskit · 04/06/2014 08:32

Totally report to child p officer in school. Better safe than sorry in all situations although this one sounds dodgy to me.

JennyCalendar · 04/06/2014 08:26

I'd pass it on to the Child Protection Officer at school. They can then make the call about what to do and you can have a clear conscience.

mindthegap79 · 04/06/2014 08:23

Quite right. You have a safeguarding duty to notify your cp officer or the head, then you can happily forget it. It's up to them to judge whether they need to take it any further or not. I'm the child protection officer at my school - all you need to do is tell them.

lifesavingnoodles · 04/06/2014 08:09

id mention it to the school, for your own peace of mind.

if everything is above board then thats terrific
if, as you suspect, it isnt....then the right people know.

I work as a CM and i have to consider these type of things on a daily basis. I would be perfectly happy to be challenged about any of my decisions....becuase I dont do anything I shouldnt.


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QuizzicalCat · 04/06/2014 08:05

Agree with Araminta.

AramintaDeWinter · 04/06/2014 07:58

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FourForksAche · 04/06/2014 07:43

I'd mention it to the school, they're in a position to either reassure you or sort the problem out.

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