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Builders on bank hol s

16 replies

ginorwine · 18/04/2014 10:22

I know it is a traditional time to do your house up.
However neighbours have had builders doing house for two weeks in c sat and sun Went I to my garden 8 30 today there again - had expected quiet on bank hol I guess or a note to say they were comming ! Just wanted quiet . Am I a grump ! If so tell me Nd if not what wd be a pite way to tell neighbours - I thought I'd say please can you tell me if they are comming over bank hol ?

OP posts:
GoblinLittleOwl · 18/04/2014 17:55

I do sympathise, I really do, but there is little you can do about it. I believe in Germany and or France you can't do anything noisy on a Sunday, and that includes lawn mowing, but we have nothing like that here. With the amount of house improvement and DIY going on I think there should be certain periods when peace and quiet is mandatory; I speak as someone who lives next door to house improvers, who in the past three years have replaced every single thing bar the roof and walls in their house, and replaced a very pretty garden with noisy gravel paths and man-eating plants. Every day they bang, drill, hammer or shake, and as they are retired there is little prospect of them stopping.

alltoomuchrightnow · 18/04/2014 16:41

to many people it's not a bank hol weekend. This is the first one I've not worked since i was 15. .i'm now 43… i always worked in catering or retail… those jobs carry on over bank hol as do building, nursing etc etc…
yanbu re the swearing though

123Jump · 18/04/2014 14:47

My mum and Dad live next to Millionaire Row in their city. The house over the wall is owned by a very nice family, young kids etc. They go away every holiday, the minute the kids are off. No sign of them.
Then the builders come. Converting the stables to staff quarters. Extending. Doing the grounds. It never ends.
My mum got so ticked off last summer she told them that it was alright for them to go away, but she was left with a racket every holiday-particularly annoying in summer, when builders start up at 8 am!!
I swear, once it was like they employed someone to stand with a massive hammer and whack a large metal barrel every 30 seconds....all day long!
Hasn't happened since.

ikeaismylocal · 18/04/2014 14:36

Do you think the swearing is anoying you just because you are anoyed that they are there in the first place? Does swearing usually anoy you? How do you cope with mumsnet if that is the case?

I am sure they would rather be at home spending time with their families, just pop out and buy some ear plugs.

fluffyraggies · 18/04/2014 13:10

DH is a self employed builder. He's working today. Bad weather, xmas and a new DD means he needs to scrape every penny in. He's been working 6 day weeks since Jan. I've had to talk him into actually having tomorrow and Monday off.

if there's loud music/bawdy banter going on just pop round and ask the home owner to get them to quieten down.

crazykat · 18/04/2014 12:51

If its the swearing that's bothering you I'd ask them to stop it. You can't really expect them to lose money so you can have peace even though its rubbish being stuck with building noise. But they don't need to swear while they're working (unless they smack their hand with a hammer like DH does frequently at work).

ConferencePear · 18/04/2014 11:28

I think it's an old British tradition that builders work on Good Fridays. I'm not quite sure why though.

LineRunner · 18/04/2014 11:19

My OH is also working today, complete with power drill. He has a job for a family friend to finish while the weather holds.

Scabetty · 18/04/2014 11:16

I've got the builders in but to be fair it is DH and his team (4 carpenters)as this is the only time I will get work done on OUR house! They lost a lot of work with the wet weather and so they all could do with some money now. No swearing or loud music but there are power drills so I'm off out Wink.

ginorwine · 18/04/2014 11:15

I think I'm turning into a grumpy old woman like the t. V series and need to chill or move to countryside !

OP posts:
ginorwine · 18/04/2014 11:12

It is the swearing that is annoying me.
However of course I don't want anyone to lose money .

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SuzzieScotland · 18/04/2014 11:09

If it is their music annoying you yanbu.

nannynewo · 18/04/2014 11:06

It can be annoying, I know. But my dad is a self employed builder and with the recent bad weather a few weeks back, he lost so much money that he often has to work Sundays and there is no chance of bank hols off! So unless you want to pay the builder the money he would lose just so you can have peace, then yabu ;)

ginorwine · 18/04/2014 10:59

It was the fecking swearing that got to me

OP posts:
ginorwine · 18/04/2014 10:35

Ok spring I
Just wanted to Sort head out :)

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SpringBreaker · 18/04/2014 10:34

Yabu. It's still a Friday. Most builders are self employed and many can't afford to lose a weekday of work.

If you want peace get an isolated house in the countryside.

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