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To think my family are being weird trying to encourage me to buy things on credit?

64 replies

AwfulMaureen · 14/04/2014 08:47

We have a new flat...we don't have a lot of money and we're moving in this week. Our old sofa was awful so we left it behind with the idea to buy a "new" one second hand.

My Mum and sister keep saying "What are you going to SIT on??" in a sort of panicky fashion...quite honestly I had thought we;d use our beanbags and the kitchen chairs until we found a decent second hand suite....they keep on about the sale at DFS...I've had a look and don't think any of them are very good quality and I don't like getting into debt and paying things off....I think "If you can't afford it you can't have it" sort of thing but they keep on and on.

Why? Why do they keep on about it? I feel judged for not wanting to get into debt! I could get the sofas from DFS ...take 4 years to pay them off and then find it's worn out!

OP posts:
foslady · 14/04/2014 23:45

Do you have a BHF shop near you - our local one has some mega furniture bargains in. We also have a local project that works by people donating what they no longer want/need and then sell it on cheaply.

Lanabelle · 14/04/2014 23:58

we got a sofa from dfs, took 2 years to pay for it and it was done before we finished. just ignore them and do what you want

MexicanSpringtime · 15/04/2014 03:45

You are totally right, stay away from credit, it's a downward spiral

Eastpoint · 15/04/2014 04:07

Freecycle and local auctions are a great way to get furniture. You can go to an auction viewing & then bid online using thesaleroom, you don't have to be there. Modern coffee tables erc come up as well as brown furniture.

Cerisier · 15/04/2014 04:23

You are totally right, ignore the pressure from your family.

We set up our first house with second hand furniture from the for sale board at the supermarket. It was good quality stuff and cost us very little. Some of it is still going strong thirty years later.

Handsoff7 · 15/04/2014 09:40

OP you sound sensible and are not being unreasonable.


Handsoff7 · 15/04/2014 09:41

Second hand or Ikea makes much more sense than DFS on credit

Thislife · 15/04/2014 09:46

I must say I have never understood why anybody would buy a second-hand sofa.

Laquitar · 15/04/2014 10:04

I would go for something in the middle.

No dfs, too expensive. No second hand, if it goes then you have to get rid of it and pay another 30 for another second one. I would save and then buy an IKEA one for 80 pounds. We have one for 10 years.

Cerisier · 15/04/2014 12:16

Waste not want not Thislife- our first sofa came from PIL, they had a spare one that they rarely used. I passed it on to a colleague who was setting up home about five years later when we bought a new one. It was in excellent condition, and a lovely olive green velour Grin.

FryOneFatManic · 15/04/2014 12:31

DP and I don't do debt.

I have a credit card only for use online. Simply because a credit card has more protection than a debit card online, and I was once the victim od online fraud (although I did get my money back).

I use the card to buy stuff more cheaply online than I would locally, and rarely use it anyway. Paid off in full, or depending on the item, over 2-3 months.

LittleprincessinGOLDrocks · 15/04/2014 12:38

I'm with you on this OP. My family were very much only buy when you have enough in cash to pay for it. If you can't afford you either save for it or go without.
DHs family are buy it now pay it off over the next 5+ years. This means that whilst they always have nice new things, they are paying over the odds in the long run. By the time they pay off the item it is old, broken or there is a better model out they "need to upgrade to".
They do it with everything, cars, TVs, etc. Then they get loans to pay off other loans. I just don't know how they sleep at night with all those debts for things that were binned years ago.
DH did once get a card for a store for buy now pay in 9months. He had all good intentions of paying it off monthly, so by the deadline he had paid just the ticket price... except it didn't work like that. He ended up paying over £100 in fees for paying late (after miss reading the paper work and thinking it was paid off in full - he owed £1.50 and got charged late payment fees on that!).
Since then DH has learnt the value of saving up or going without.
I guess it just comes down to how you view life and money.

Ewock · 15/04/2014 12:42

I think you sound very sensible. We bought a sofa from dis (saved up and paid for it up front) and although I still like the style, it isn't wearing very well. Had it for just over two years and will need a new one soon. We will be getting a second hand one this time and not wasting our money!

Lucked · 15/04/2014 12:47

I think you are sensible but running into trouble down the line because you have no credit rating rather than a bad one can happen. I had problems getting a phone contract because of lack of credit. I am a professional with a high paying job. I ended up having to get a credit card aimed at those with no or low credit scores.

But I still only buy things we have the money for.

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