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Aibu to not move until Ds wakes up?

13 replies

Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 14:41

Ds has been sick pretty much once an hour since 6am. He's just crashed out on me on the sofa. I've got work and housework that needs doing but think I should stay here until he wakes so as not to disturb him. Aibu?

OP posts:
Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 17:04

He's awake now, feeling loads better. He's starving so am going to try him with some toast, hopefully it will stay down.

Am still contemplating the chicken burger once he's in bed. Don't want to tease him with yummy food when he can't eat it.

OP posts:
Leaningtoweroflisa · 12/04/2014 16:29

For much of his life so far, ds has preferred napping on someone, usually me. He is now 2.6 so I have a strategy:

  • always pee pre-nap (always easier when not a spontaneous one!)
  • always have a drink, food and remotes and a book or phone/ iPad within arms reach
  • get comfy in a way that doesn't knacker your back
  • train self to ignore the surrounding mess
  • nap beside him

Chicken burger sounds yum!
Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 15:26

Just been on just eat. They've never had anything in this area before when I've looked. They do now. They have a local pizza place that do the best chicken burger I've ever tasted.

Now I want a chicken burger but Ds and Dp won't fancy food tonight I doubt. May have to send them both to bed.

OP posts:
Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 15:20

Very tempting, starting to need a wee now.

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ProudAS · 12/04/2014 15:16

.... and order a meal off 'Just Eat'. Someone will have to go to door but hopefully DS will be awake by then.

ProudAS · 12/04/2014 15:14

There's always YouTube - you can obviously reach phone, tablet etc.

Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 15:09

Thanks, I'm staying put then. I would put the tv on but I can't reach the remotes. I would ask Dp to assist but he's gone to bed feeling Ill too.

OP posts:
moanymiserablemum · 12/04/2014 14:51

Have a well deserved nap!

Slavetothestripyone · 12/04/2014 14:49

Thanks, I'm staying put then. I would put the tv on but I can't reach the remotes. I would ask Dp to assist but he's gone to bed feeling Ill too.

OP posts:
StarGazeyPond · 12/04/2014 14:43

Yes, YABU. Gently lower him onto the sofa and get on with it, woman Grin

FunnyBird · 12/04/2014 14:42

Stay where you are. You're doing a very important job as comfy bed.

Nennypops · 12/04/2014 14:42

YANBU. You both need a rest, the housework can wait, and you'll probably cope with the other work better when you've had that rest.

elahrairahforprimeminister · 12/04/2014 14:42


Stick the telly on and chill out.

Sounds like you need it as much as him.

Flowers Brew Cake

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