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To give DD (9 month old) nurofen?

9 replies

ArtFine · 03/04/2014 15:58

She has an awful cold - cough, runny nose and sneezing. Been checked by GP who says it's just a normal cold.

DD cried through most of the night and calpol doesn't seem to be helping.

AIBU to give her nurofen?

OP posts:
lessthanBeau · 03/04/2014 17:09

I always found calpol a load of rubbish , it never worked for any of mine , I only ever use baby ibuprofen imo it works much better. hope she feels better soon.

IHaveSeenMyHat · 03/04/2014 17:05

I wouldn't because I don't see how ibuprofen would help a cold. It's a painkiller/anti inflammatory. If paracetamol isn't helping then I'd assume that the baby is miserable due to the cough/runny nose/sneezing... not pain.

MorganLeFey · 03/04/2014 16:48

If the bottle says you can then YANBU.

BUT I would make sure not on an empty stomach (can be gastric irritant) - so prob not middle of the night..?

Finola1step · 03/04/2014 16:02

According to my packet, it's fine. I would because even if she has a slight temperature, that will make her feel rubbish. With mine, I've done the calpol and nureofen on alternate doses. Just follow the dosage instructions v carefully. Hope she feels better soon.

DiePeppaDie · 03/04/2014 16:01

I gave DS (10 months) nurofen, it says 3+ months on the bottle. Just 2.5ml, though!

phantomnamechanger · 03/04/2014 16:00

as long as its the right age one and the correct dose, go for it !

Ponkypink · 03/04/2014 15:59

You can get kids ibuprofen- I am not sure what age it's allowed from but can look at packet. Definitely don't give adult nurofen! But according to google many kinds of infant ibuprofen are safe from 3 months so that should be fine.

EverythingsDozy · 03/04/2014 15:59

What does the bottle say?
If it isn't suitable for her age group then yes, YABU!

LingDiLong · 03/04/2014 15:59

of course not! it's 3 months plus. hope she's better soon

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