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To be not too pleased by this comment?

122 replies

MolotovCocktail · 08/03/2014 16:24

Just met some new neighbours today. My 5yo dd was very excited and chattering away like mad to them.

"Glad mine isn't the only one with verbal diahorrea."

Wasn't said in a nasty way, but didnt come off jokey, either. I didn't really like the comment. I mean, dd is a chatterbox; she does talk a lot but I prefer to say that as opposed to the verbal diahorrea thing. I would prefer to hear that from perfect strangers, too.

I guess the neighbour could have been nervous and/or it just popped out ...

Anyway, AIBU?

OP posts:
wonderingsoul · 08/03/2014 17:37

and i think thats what i dont like about it the most.. the sense of being over familer on the first meeting..

Coffeethrowtrampbitch · 08/03/2014 17:40

Offensive. But then lots of people think it's OK to talk to children like shit.

At least you know not to waste any more time welcoming them to the neighbourhood.

MolotovCocktail · 08/03/2014 17:45

WanderingSoul and didl have said very well how I feel about the term and why I felt weird about what my new neighbour said.

OP posts:
MolotovCocktail · 08/03/2014 17:48

Whoops wondering

Coffee, yes, it'll be a passing 'hello' from me from now on. Friendly, but not friends. I will however, not dwell on what was supposed to be a small-talk comment (I think. I still don't like it, though.)

OP posts:
pumpkinsweetie · 08/03/2014 17:49

It's a jokey quote, I really would not be offended by that.
Don't most 5yo's chatter away for britain, I know mine does!

LaGuardia · 08/03/2014 17:52

If your new neighbour MNs, then you have just made an enemy anyway Confused

CorusKate · 08/03/2014 17:54

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natwebb79 · 08/03/2014 17:59

Bloody hell, you've actually judged them based on one light-hearted non-offensive (really!) widely used term?! Think they're probably better off making friends with less uptight neighbours...

Thetallesttower · 08/03/2014 18:01

It was a jokey, trying to bond type of remark. Obviously it failed, not sure this will count as a loss to them tbh, I would hate to watch what I said around a new friend.

BubaMarra · 08/03/2014 18:05

YUNBU. Too blunt, specially if coming from a complete stranger.

TwoJackRussellsandababy · 08/03/2014 18:07

I say things like that and half an hour later realise it might be taken in a different way to the one I meant! I'm sure they didn't mean anything bad

anchories · 08/03/2014 18:10

You dont know her enough yet to know either way.

Nanny0gg · 08/03/2014 18:10

yes, it'll be a passing 'hello' from me from now on. Friendly, but not friends
So, possibly very pleasant people have been damned because of one off-the-cuff jokey comment?


FabBakerGirl · 08/03/2014 18:11

Friendly but not friends? Really? Seriously? All because she said her child and yours both have verbal diarrhoea. Blinking heck.

Yet you said you were checking because you can be over sensitive and you will forget about it. You managed that for 1 hour 21 minutes.

comedycentral · 08/03/2014 18:13

Wouldn't be offended no, especially not enough to post on mumsnet.

LindyHemming · 08/03/2014 18:16

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MolotovCocktail · 08/03/2014 18:17

Haha, yes, the 1hr 20 mins comment is true Grin Sorry, complete contradiction.

She probably meant nothing by it; I will cut her some slack when we next speak. To be fair, with neighbours I like to say 'hello' but don't like popping in for tea/them coming over. I value my privacy at home.

Honestly, I'll try not to hold the comment against her but I might be a little wary for a while.

OP posts:
missymarmite · 08/03/2014 18:20

YABU. It's a little lighthearted jokey comment, and if you are going to get insulted by every little remark like that, perhaps it would be better to remain a hermit and avoid people altogether, for their sake at least.

Here, have a Biscuit

MolotovCocktail · 08/03/2014 18:23

A biscuit? Really?

You utter arsehole!

OP posts:
adoptmama · 08/03/2014 18:28

OMG 'wary' - why on earth do you need to be wary of her? She didn't tell you she was a member of a weird cult and ask if you fancied joining. She didn't blow fag smoke all over your pfb or ask you where the neighbourhood dealer lives. She didn't start effing and blinding. She made a mild comment about your child being a chatterbox like her own (a comment clearly designed to try and bond and build friendship), which you seem to be deciding to be offended about based on the fact some posters on MN have also said they find it offensive.

You have zero reason to be offended.

wonderingsoul · 08/03/2014 18:29

and if you really want to dumb it down..

chatterbox = talks alot

verbal dioreah= you talk shit that is of no importance, which said about a young child is just a bit mean bassically, by not using the nicer " chatterbox" you are applying an insult.

i just dont see the need to belittle or embrasse some one like that.

its funny h ow people see words/ sayings differently.

bellablot · 08/03/2014 18:30



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adoptmama · 08/03/2014 18:30

Neighbour commenting OPs child has verbal diahorrea = offensive.

OP calling a poster 'you utter arsehole' apparently ok


FastWindow · 08/03/2014 18:32

nocomet here's Carol Vordermans mnemonic for 'diarrhoea'



CorusKate · 08/03/2014 18:32

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