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To think that this is gambling

28 replies

Pippintea · 01/03/2014 01:13

My brother in law (my younger sister's husband) is in the process of folding his business and trading on the FOREX (foreign exchange currency) market.
My sister is all for it and thinks that they will soon be living in luxury. He's not a stupid man (or so I thought) and has a degree in maths but AIBU to think it's just gambling? A simple google search doesn't make it look good.

OP posts:
Pippintea · 01/03/2014 19:43

Sadly, you have all confirmed my fears! It all makes me feel a little sick. Actually, sick to my stomach. :(
You have all summed it up especially those of you who talked about 'Greed & conceit' and 'money goggles'.
I can't bear it.

OP posts:
GuybrushThreepwoodMP · 01/03/2014 19:57

Yes it's gambling.
House never loses.

PPaka · 01/03/2014 20:00

See if you can find out more about it
I think probably the guy has done a course and now thinks he can make money, rather than them putting their life savings into a scheme

If they say they are going to use say 5k to get started, then that's all they'll lose, if they stick to it. Problem is when your deals are going further and further out of the money, you have to put more in to cover it. That's when it gets scary and out of control

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