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to sound off like a moaning bumhead just this once...

8 replies

DorianReprise · 27/02/2014 02:22

I'm tired of having no adult conversation. I'm tired of the ILs being everywhere I turn. I'm tired of DP telling other people I don't do anything for my family just to make themselves seem like some kind of modern day martyr when it just isn't bloody well true. I'm tired of snide judgy people who have literally no idea, who know nothing about life. I'm tired of working hard and just always feeling like I achieved nothing. I'm tired of waiting to know if I've got a particular bad illness. I'm tired of coping with all of this hopeless crap alone, and having nobody to talk to. Most of all, I'm tired of being tired when I want to have energy to play and have fun with my children.

I feel like running away as fast as my legs will carry me. I won't, not on your nelly, not from my wonderful children, but I feel like it. I feel like running, or exploding, or just... dissolving away to powder and just washing away in the rain or something.

What the actual fuck am I going to do?

Anyway sorry for moaning, I know IABU. I just needed to put the actual words out of me for a moment.

OP posts:
pricklyPea · 27/02/2014 10:13

How old are the children. I feel similar on days and sometimes wonder how.

Hope you're getting some support? Snide comments are beyond irritating. X

DorianReprise · 27/02/2014 10:00

I'm sorry to sound woe is me but... I had no idea how much of a difference it would makel that some people "heard my voice". Quite emotional at your responses - you're so kind you guys, thank you Blush Thanks

extremepie at least we're not alone Thanks Cake Brew

OP posts:
extremepie · 27/02/2014 09:25

Yanbu, I feel the same :(

CoffeeTea103 · 27/02/2014 09:02


Eatriskier · 27/02/2014 08:58

yanbu at all Thanks

CheerfulYank · 27/02/2014 03:26

YANBU. Keep talking.

ThePost · 27/02/2014 03:16

YANBU. Cake Brew

beautyfades · 27/02/2014 03:00


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