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To want to monitor supermarket car parks voluntarily to catch people without children parking in the parent/child parking spaces?

169 replies

Hotmad · 19/02/2014 20:38

Ok it's me again but a lot of things have occurred to me today that are unreasonable.
Today as I came out of the supermarket a woman in a big nice Mercedes pulled in next to my car into the parent and child bays, she did not have a child with her! I was so angry but as I'm not the confrontational type I threw her my best evil look and made a mental note to vent on MN later about it.
I never cared before but now I Have a new baby I realise there aren't actually that many of these bays going and if people use fraudulently then this is not fair and something needs to be done! Angry

OP posts:
Lj8893 · 19/02/2014 21:15

I've just reread the OP and no it doesn't come across lighthearted or humorous! Sorry OP Grin

Cheerymum · 19/02/2014 21:17

I find them bloody useful with my toddler and twins combo. Arse behaviour to park in them if no children in tow. I don't get the mumsnet rage about it. And of course anyone with a disability should be able to use them if the disabled spaces are full.

FudgefaceMcZ · 19/02/2014 21:20

I don't really care, but it's factually incorrect to say they are unenforceable. The car park is land which belongs to the supermarket- they get to say who parks there, and they can (and do) charge if e.g. you stay longer than 2 hours, or are not a customer, if they have a notice to this effect. They would be legally entitled to recoup a charge against someone through civil proceedings if they deliberately misused parking bays designated for other customers (or staff, or whoever).

BTW the disabled parking bays in supermarkets are also not council maintained, legally delineated spaces- the supermarket is responsible for enforcement as it is private land (and they fail at this so badly at my nearest large supermarket- that would in fact be something worth monitoring as the number of dickheads with massive van-cars who park in them with no blue badge is outrageous). In this case I'm not sure if they could take criminal action against misuse, maybe they could (and it would be an offence under the DDA as it's preventing access)

mindthegap01 · 19/02/2014 21:20

I'm massively pregnant and on crutches. Can I use them?

Hotmad · 19/02/2014 21:22

Well maybe it has been lost in translation or maybe I'm just not that funny! Probably the latter :)
I love the way I'm told I'm ridiculous etc when the very people saying that are actually really angered by a post on a forum.

OP posts:
Hotmad · 19/02/2014 21:23

Yes pregnant ladies can use them

OP posts:
IamInvisible · 19/02/2014 21:23

The OP doesn't come across as lighthearted or humorous because it has an angry face in it!

mindthegap in your situation, I would use them.

bella411 · 19/02/2014 21:23

Dont get the anti p&c spaces. It's nice that they are and yes it is annoying what ignorant people without kids use them, especially when they are in their tiny Ford ka!

They helpful and convenient and yes I used them when pregnant as would struggle to squeeze out of 3 door hatch back when in a normal car parking space. Or when dd was born gettin her out in her car seat.

If they weren't p&c car parking spaces, yes we'd perfectly managed and either park over 2 spaces or if marked nicely and away from people and someone decides to park next door for no reason make sure I open the door really wide.

Bedsheets4knickers · 19/02/2014 21:25

These threads are so funny, so many of them. All il say if tescos are listening (it's the only place I go)
It pisses me off when parents use it with there 6+ year olds.
It shoud be parent and BABY/TODDLER!!!!

mindthegap01 · 19/02/2014 21:26

Thank you. I have been using them - mostly because I need to be able to open the darned door fully in order to pour myself in and out of the car. The childless bloke on his own who dared to park next to me in one the other day experienced the wrath of an irrational pregnant woman who waved her crutch at him until he moved.

Bagofnutsnbolts · 19/02/2014 21:26

Hot ad you mean I nearly pissed my pants for no good reason? Jeez I wish I new that!!

CantEvenKeepAnOrchidAlive · 19/02/2014 21:28

Completely unrelated but you reminded of something I have always wanted to do..

Those people in non-moving traffic that block junctions, exits or entrances? I've always wanted to slow down and indicate that I want to go wherever they are blocking. I would then watch them panic and try to move in order to let me pass and once they succeed, drive off. Not sure if that's too mean though so I have yet to actually do it!

GuybrushThreepwoodMP · 19/02/2014 21:31

Hmmm. I get a bit annoyed at this too actually. Not because it bothers me that people park there but because it pisses me of that some people are so arrogant as to just think that they are special. Like people who don't indicate or whatever. As if the rules don't apply to them.

Sirzy · 19/02/2014 21:32

I know it has been said it is acceptable for people who are disabled to park in P and C spaces, but then people are still passing judgement on others using them - I know the spaces are used by some just out of laziness but please remember that not all disabilities are obvious by looking at someone and think twice before you judge and certainly before you start shouting at someone

zebbidy · 19/02/2014 21:39

Agree with SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius .

As a parent I don't care that the spot is close to the door but the fact that when I arrive back to my car someone hasn't parked so close I can barely nudge my little toe in , let alone manoeuvre a baby seat in. Maybe mums should just leave the baby sat waiting at the side of the carpark while They reverse to make more room. Yes people do manage without but they end up driving round the car parks for ages looking for a spot on an end. It's just a nice thing that supermarkets seem to offer to parents why are people so pissed off about this.

Viviennemary · 19/02/2014 21:46

People managed fine without these parent child spaces. But on the other hand maybe there should be spaces reserved for peope like your Mercedes driving lady or 4 x 4 drivers because they need extra space for their bigger cars. And they will probably be spending more money in the supermarket.

Ruebarb · 19/02/2014 21:47

just an idea - when my dcs were very young I never took them to a supermarket - used to wait until dh was home in evenings or weekends. Any urgent shopping bought locally within walking distance. Must be really hard work with very young dcs

Pumpkinpositive · 19/02/2014 21:48

I had to do a double take when I saw this thread title. I actually could not believe my eyes. I still can't Biscuit

Manchesterhistorygirl · 19/02/2014 21:48

They could be done away with and all spaces made slightly wider for everyone.

I do use them, but couldn't give a monkeys of they were the other end of the car park.

sparklesandbling · 19/02/2014 22:02

I used to get annoyed with misuse of p & c spaces. That was until DD turned 4 months old and all hell broke loose and she started having seizures. Then the spaces became a necessity but DD didn't qualify for a blue badge.

When we would go to supermarket, if there was no spaces we would have to go home as we could not park miles from entrance in case of emergency arising.

Now i see P & C spaces as a necessity for the few when no blue badge space available and a wonderful convenience for the rest.

deakymom · 19/02/2014 22:12

personally i think they should put the spaces far away from the shops with a safe walkway TO the shops that way people who need them for the space getting kids out of cars into trolleys etc will still be able to use them and people who are to lazy to walk can park elsewhere simple workable solution which will never be used because its thought out properly im a mom im not fat lazy or ill i dont actually need to park 6ft from the door i cant get a smaller car because i have three children one who has the safe carseat from hell i swear it eats him and i have to extract him with difficulty everytime we go out in the car! so i do need the door open wide to get out so i do need the space!

i think that they are a nice courtesy and people who park in them just because are discourteous if you dont need them don't use them a "want" doesn't count i want a lot of things to take them would be rude (and illegal because i want more money Grin)

scantilymad · 19/02/2014 22:19

I like p and c spaces because the extra width allows me to siphon DS in to his buggy without risking whacking the neighbouring cars or battling to put the buggy
up behind the car in the way of incoming traffic. The ones outside our John Lewis are great :)

I would park and hike if the p and c spaces were at te back of the car park, so long as they had the width.

It does seem a bit odd they are near the shops when babies/toddlers are probably going to be carried anyway.

PS - does owning a Merc making me more or less entitled to a p and c space? :)


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HemlockYewglimmer · 19/02/2014 22:25

IamInvisible my local maternity hospital has parent and child and pregnant woman parking spaces, so they do exist.

I have parked in p&c spots when I didn't have a child with me when I arrived but I'm actually picking up DH and the 4 DCs (including 1 baby and 1 toddler) from the supermarket on my way back from work. So I would look like I was unreasonably using a space but I'm not really.

giraffesCantBoogie · 19/02/2014 22:27

I park in them when my lungs are shit and have no kids with me...

Lambsie · 19/02/2014 22:32

I have a disabled 7 year old who doesn't have a blue badge . The space next to the car makes it much easier to get him in or out. I would be happy if they were not next to the door. I just want the extra space.

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