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To think that there's people on here who just want to be argumentative and entirely miss the point of the thread??

49 replies

Blueuggboots · 16/02/2014 14:54

I read a lot of the posts on MN.
Recently, it seems to me that people are just out to be bloody arsey with each other and completely miss the point of the thread they've commented on.
The poor OP who had to eat thrown away leftovers who someone moaned at because she called her food leftover pot something they didn't think it should be called, never mind that fact that she's being financially and mentally abused??!
Or the posters who got all stroppy with the frankly ridiculous poster about the marshmallows in costa.
Whatever happened to having a laugh on here??!
I did love the poster who accidentally propositioned her FIL though!!!

OP posts:
hellokittymania · 16/02/2014 17:55

Yanbu, sitting behind a keyboard gives people courage to write things they wouldn't normally say or write.

tethersend · 16/02/2014 17:58

No there aren't, and I'll deck anyone who says otherwise.

Sparklingbrook · 16/02/2014 18:02

I blame Penis Beaker for it all. Attracted lots of new people that think Mn is somewhere to have a go.

BIWI · 16/02/2014 18:02

Grin tethers!

LetZygonsbeZygons · 16/02/2014 18:51

yes and some posters misread the op and start on them.

Blueuggboots · 16/02/2014 19:21

HAHAHAHAHA penis beaker!!! That was so wrong......but so funny!!

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 16/02/2014 19:25

Blue you are half right.

StickEmUpBigStyle · 16/02/2014 19:27

This Kofi has been posted for recently has it…

StickEmUpBigStyle · 16/02/2014 19:27

Kind of thing*

mygorgeousmilo · 16/02/2014 19:40

And I've seen an OP get ganged up on and accused of being a troll - just for saying something harmless that they disagree with. It gets a bit ridiculous. I often comment, but I am genuinely scared of starting a new thread about something, for fear of being deliberately misunderstood. They go a bit psycho! I was amazed looking through....that this hadn't happened to you OP :-/

Blueuggboots · 16/02/2014 20:32

I did start a thread about a situation in my life which I did get a bit if a roasting for, but it was only a short thread and I didn't explain myself brilliantly well.

OP posts:
SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 16/02/2014 22:08

Dear God yes! I am so sick of people deliberately misreading badly worded OPs , using innocent posters threads to air their own baggage and generally being mardy just for the sake of it. People who take lighthearted stuff literally and manage to get offended over absolutely nothing.
My message to them? GET A FUCKING GRIP!
its worse than the PO brigade and its getting on my tits! Angry

Peppabloodypig · 17/02/2014 00:12

YANBU. I also don't get why so many of the first responses to the op have to be either nasty or have the opposite and usually ridiculous view to most of the others. Does it score points in an obscure mumsnet game or something?

ChocolateWombat · 17/02/2014 09:14

Yes, I have noticed it is usually the first few responses which are aggressive, belittling and snide. After a few have jumped on the OPs often innocent question, some more moderate and helpful posters come along.
There is also a lot of 'here we go again' posts predicting the pattern of replies to come, in a world weary and sneery kind of way. Probably many threads have been done before, but why people read the,mid they find them so boring is beyond me, as is why they can't appreciate others might Find them useful. Being on MN is optional after all.

MrsMagnificent · 17/02/2014 09:32


Shame on you for using my genuine distress as a humour tool. My corneas will forever have that penis etched into them. Grin

LetZygonsbeZygons · 17/02/2014 17:34

chocolate agree. some posters are new to mn and maybe haven't seen a previously same thread and then get flamed for it.

Ubik1 · 17/02/2014 17:42

There are lots of people keen to position themselves as 'distinctly more liberal than thou'

It makes me want to vomit sometimes

Along the lines of "well yes I know he had a striped jumper, a mask and a bag marked swag but just because he was trying to climb in your window, doesn't make him a burglar do you think all people in striped jumpers are criminals? What if that was the only jumper he has? Some of my best friends wear striped jumpers, I blame the patriarchy, substitute striped jumper for black and you will see what a disgusting piece of shit you are op"

On and on ad nauseam

Blueuggboots · 17/02/2014 18:59

Ubik1 - exactly!! Drives me mad. Smile

OP posts:
Pigletin · 17/02/2014 20:36

Sorry MrsMagnificent but that has got to be the best thread I have read in a long while...we need more funny stories like yours Grin I hope you managed to sleep without any...ahm...interesting dreams that night Grin

Janorisa · 17/02/2014 20:44's really irritating.

needaholidaynow · 17/02/2014 20:45

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Fairenuff · 17/02/2014 20:52

There's a lot of unnecessary squabbling between posters on threads. This is usually when the OP leaves the thread and no-one notices until several pages later.


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Scrounger · 17/02/2014 21:01

Ubik1 - agree entirely. I sometimes think it is a parallel universe. It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck - it is a duck.

MrsMagnificent · 18/02/2014 08:25

Yes I had a lovely dreamless sleep thank you. And the "sorry for sending you a picture of my penis" flowers more than made up for his recipient error.

Poor lad, will never be able to look him in the eye without a face like Grin

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