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To think christmas brings out the worst in MNers

69 replies

pixiepotter · 25/12/2013 10:53

I have been shocked at the ungrateful, ungracious, brattish and sometimes downright rude thoughts and actions of some.
People whining because friends have not handwritten a message in their cards, the cards are not special ones for 'dear sister at christmas' etc.
People complaining the presents others have given their children are too cheap, too expensive, too big , too small, too pink.Relatives treading on toes or not rotating their whole world around the posters baby miracle.Posters moaning at relatives living overseas not visiting long enough or timing their visits round their PFB's naps, posters not being prepared to put themselves out for the comfort of elderly immobile guests,hosts being resentful of stepchildren being there when it isn't their turn, needing collecting and dropping off.Horror at being asked to contribute to christmas food costs.Brattishness about presents from OHs and presents OH has bought on behalf of children.

OP posts:
Upcycled · 25/12/2013 13:20

What do you think of my thread then OP?

ApocalypseThen · 25/12/2013 13:36

I agree with you, OP. There are some shockingly selfish and self absorbed people who appear determined to do as much damage to their relationships as possible and moderate and control their children's contact with everyone to a damaging degree. Personally, I think there are quite a few who could do with the gift of counselling next year.

StarsUponThars · 25/12/2013 14:28

Bag humbug thread about a lot of threads OP. I'm on MN too much a lot, and generally see a lot of kindness and support. I also second what others have said about MN giving people the opportunity to let off some steam.

Happy Christmas Smile.

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 14:40

I think all the shitty xmas threads are posted by people who are shitty 52 weeks of the year

Ignore them, and look for the good ones. Posting a goady, moany thread like this just takes attention away from the people who really need some support. Go find a few and help them in some small way. There are a couple right here on your shitty thread so it should be quite easy for you to find your way

TheRealAmandaClarke · 25/12/2013 14:45

Is great
It's especially great at Christmas

BasketzatDawn · 25/12/2013 14:45

well, I'm a mumsnetter too - and I'm calm, happy, enjoying my 'simple Christmas' day with my immediate family around me, and theyare content too, and I am, I think, posting nicely .....

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 14:48

hello Amanda

Happy Xmas x

CarpeVinum · 25/12/2013 14:50

Merry Xmas AnyFucker!

Xmas Grin

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 14:54

Merry Xmas, CV. I see you have been a busy, busy girl on some other threads. How marvellous Xmas Grin

PacificDingbat · 25/12/2013 14:56

Happy Christmas, AnyFucker!

I have to be honest I don't think that threads like this add to the general feeling of goodwill to humankind, does it?

Ignore the whingers and moaners (and yes, of course they are no different any other time of year) and spread festive cheer wherever you go.

Mulled cider, anyone?

TheRealAmandaClarke · 25/12/2013 14:58

Merry Christmas.

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 14:59

Happy Xmas, Dingbat. Xmas Grin

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 14:59

I enjoyed typing that

PacificDingbat · 25/12/2013 15:01

Recent NC after I did a dingbatty thing on here... Xmas Blush.

At least I have insight in to my condition

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 15:04

Whatttt ? I don't believe you ! Never !

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 15:05

Everybody is a dingbat sometimes Xmas Smile

PacificDingbat · 25/12/2013 15:06

I started an ill-advised thread and got a pasting.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions Xmas Grin

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 15:07

You don't say !! Xmas Grin

PacificDingbat · 25/12/2013 15:09

No, you wouldn't know anything about that kinda thing, would you?
Xmas Grin
Good to see you back

Theodorous · 25/12/2013 15:10

I sort of agree but surely the whole point of being part of an internet community is to be able to sound off and let of steam. We had a Syrian friend for dinner because she has literally nobody left, in the last year she has lost her entire family. That's not to say that being stressed over the time the crackers are pulled is selfish, everything is relative. I am seething having just fostered a beautiful GSD pup whose British owners dumped her on the busy highway last night before they left Qatar because "it's Christmas so some sucker will pick her up" hopefully her leg will heal and she will learn that not all people are so fucking nasty.

AnyFuckerForAMincePie · 25/12/2013 15:15

Me ? Not a thing. Uh-uh. No way.

ouryve · 25/12/2013 15:19

I've seen loads of lovely threads, pixie. People sometimes just need to let off steam or think out loud when things get on top of them, though.


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MsUumellmahaye · 25/12/2013 15:20

hi anyfucker, welcome back xx

Theodorous · 25/12/2013 15:20

Although nativity play threads should be exploded under controlled conditions.

PacificDingbat · 25/12/2013 15:21

You're not wrong there, Theo

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