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To think that delivering a sofa between 11.30pm and 1.30pm Iis taking the piss and not doing us a favour. Yes you CSL.

36 replies

ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 17/12/2013 22:55

I despair.

OP posts:
samandi · 18/12/2013 08:28

Well it's not great if the delivery slot was supposed to be during the daytime - and I wouldn't be impressed that my bed had been forgotten about.

But I would be impressed about offering a midnight slot - I actually think lots of people would prefer that to the day anyway, as they wouldn't have to take time off. Can't see it becoming a routine thing alas.

I would be concerned about disruption to the neighbours, and obviously it's not ideal for someone who has to get up to work early though.

DoesntLeftoverTurkeySoupDragOn · 18/12/2013 08:26

Perhaps I am less than sympathetic because I have already spent three days waiting in for a UPS delivery. Only they've "lost" the parcel. I now have to wait in today for the replacement which has taken over 2 weeks to sort out.

If they had offered to deliver it between 1130pm and 1:30am I would have taken it.

diddl · 18/12/2013 08:15

It was good of the driver to offer-doesn't mean OP has to accept it!

It's the company's fault & OP shouldn't have to accept any inconvenience because of it.

Roshbegosh · 18/12/2013 08:09

It was good of the driver to try to rectify it and YABU

Longdistance · 18/12/2013 08:06

I'm waiting in the electric recliner to my sofa from CSL.

I couldn't care less if it turned up at 1am.

ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 18/12/2013 08:02

Yes - I was invited to book my delivery slot two weeks ago, so I chose a day when I knew we did not need to be anywhere else. CSL are very good at sending out emails and text messages but do not have any back up system to check that things are where they should be. DH got a text yesterday morning to say that the sofa was on the van and would be with us between noon and 1pm. The van was but the sofa wasn't. Trying to get through to anyone was the usual shit.

It took us three years because I have knee problems and could not get up off lots of sofas, plus as it is for a room we rarely use there was no real motivation. It was pure coincidence that we found one just before Christmas.

OP posts:
diddl · 18/12/2013 07:55

TBH, I'm with the OP-that's shit.

Why should she be inconvenienced because someone didn't load her sofa?

It's not her fault that delivery slots are taken due to Christmas!

She had one & it was wasted by the company.

lookatmycameltoe · 18/12/2013 07:50

I like it! Better than missing a day at work or not getting the sofa before Christmas.

ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 18/12/2013 07:48

Not sure what is happening at the moment. Well done to those of you who would stay up till 1.30 am for a sofa! It isn't that important as it is for a room we rarely use. So much shit is going on in my life that the absence of a sofa is the least of my worries. I suppose if it was for the main family room and we were having Christmas at home then maybe I would have stayed up and drunk more vodka until they arrived

I was worrying in the wee small hours about those poor drivers out making sofa deliveries to irate customers in the dead of night.

We will see what today brings........

OP posts:
Caitlin17 · 18/12/2013 07:48

I'd be happy with that. It's not the dead of night, I'm usually still up anyway. It's better than a week day daytime slot I'd have to take time off work for.

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 18/12/2013 07:42

Well, it's really not ideal and clearly they've cocked up but I'd be saying ok, not great, but I really want this sofa, I will stay up for one night in order to get it because that is worth doing in order to get it. Id rather have to wait up one night and get it before xmas than have the full night's sleep and no sofa. The other option is that someone else doesnt get their delivery because you are given their slot and thats not fair.
Have you cancelled the entire order or just told them youll wait for the first daytime delivery?

WinterWinds · 18/12/2013 07:38

Not ideal but I assume everyone wants their sofa for Christmas so to ensure that you "would get yours" offered the obscure delivery time.
The driver was doing you a favour as I cant imagine he makes a habit of delivering sofa's throughout the night.
I'd actually have accepted the delivery slot.

Is there any chance that you will get your sofa in time for Christmas now?

WaitMonkey · 18/12/2013 07:36

So what time did it arrive ?

PrimalLass · 18/12/2013 07:34

Well if you told them to stick it you have rejected the delivery slot they tried to give you, so you probably can't expect it now before Christmas. He was trying to be helpful.

DoesntLeftoverTurkeySoupDragOn · 18/12/2013 07:21

If a delivery driver had shown up, then found my item was not on the van, I'd have been deeply impressed if they'd offered to come back with it later - even in the dead of night.

I would be annoyed but impressed they are prepared to do it. Unlike one company whose response to a missing mattress was "There's nothing I can do". A midnight delivery would have been ideal given I had got rid of the old mattress.

Felyne · 18/12/2013 07:19

As a child, that was usually about the time when Santa turned up to leave my pressies so I guess it's nothing new...

Pooka · 18/12/2013 07:18

Not great but better than no sofa!

I'd set up camp in sitting room with good DVDs and doze. Or make dh do it.

ZillionChocolate · 18/12/2013 07:13

I'd imagine before Christmas they might well be fully booked. They found a way of you having your sofa before Christmas. Yes it's annoying, but what better solution do you have?

BohemianGirl · 18/12/2013 03:43

I'm not seeing the problem with a midnight soda delivery!

DustyBaubles · 18/12/2013 02:58

If a delivery driver had shown up, then found my item was not on the van, I'd have been deeply impressed if they'd offered to come back with it later - even in the dead of night.

Probably due to my experience with other couriers and their 'nothing to do with me, kiss goodbye to your money/item' attitude.

How will you get your sofa now?

And did it really take you three years to choose it?! Shock

MidniteScribbler · 18/12/2013 02:08

So assuming you want it before christmas, and everyone else wants their stuff before christmas, and all the other delivery slots are taken, and driver has said he'll come back after his deliveries to make sure you get it in time for Christmas? Might be worth staying up late one night for. Or just wait.

timidviper · 17/12/2013 23:02

Good grief! I had Jehovah's Witnesses call at 10 to 9 the other morning and thought that was bad!


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ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 17/12/2013 23:02

The driver said he was doing us a favour!

OP posts:
LegoCaltrops · 17/12/2013 23:01

That's the maddest delivery slot I've ever heard of!

Salmotrutta · 17/12/2013 23:00

God, I want a nighttime sofa delivery now!

(I don't really need a sofa mind)

It would be fabulous looking at the twitching nets of the neighbours!

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