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To be fed up of people implying I'm lying?

65 replies

CeliaLytton · 06/11/2013 08:39

This comes up time and time again regarding sleep. People ask me when my DC started to sleep through the night, so I tell them. I get incredulous looks and asked how I did it and I can tell they don't believe me.

I don't wear a sign round my neck, I am never smug about it, we didn't do anything, we were just lucky. But why does nobody believe babies can't sleep 12 hours at 6 months?

I get that when people say this, they are trying to make parents of non sleepers feel better. But my DC were much later than average to walk, talk, crawl, pretty much everything. I didn't expect anyone to say, 'oh, those people who said their children walked at 14 months are lying, they just can't remember'

I am always full of sympathy over lack of sleep, it is a killer. But my DC did sleep through, luck of the draw, and I am not bloody lying!

(I know I am unreasonable to care, but I wouldn't mind if more people said it's not the norm, or it's just luck, but to imply that every single parent with a sleeping child is lying seems not to be the right way to go about it)

OP posts:
lookatmycameltoe · 06/11/2013 10:36

wibblyjelly my DD walked at 8.5 months. Crawled at 3 months. Smiled from newborn and even tried to sit up at 2 weeks old. She is now a VERY average 5 year old!

I was not impressed though as a friend of mine's DS walked at 5.5 months - I did not believe this was actually possible and if someone had told me I would not have believed them...
There is something very weird/spooky about a 5 month old baby walking.

SantiagoToots · 06/11/2013 10:53

YANBU, I'd be more surprised to think people are lying if their children aren't sleeping through at 6 months.

mitchsta · 06/11/2013 10:56

My friend's DS was sleeping through the night before 12 months. He's almost 1 now and she has to wake him up in the morning or he'll sleep until 10ish! I don't think she's lying. Just lucky!

mitchsta · 06/11/2013 10:56

*before 6 months

DreamingOfTheMaldives · 06/11/2013 10:57

DS is now 10 weeks old but has been sleeping for 7 or 8 hours some nights since 6 weeks. Sadly it isn't every night but on those nights he does, it's heaven looking at the clock and seeing it is 6.30am and he is waking for the first time!

On Monday night he slept from 7pm until 10pm and then 10.45 when I went to bed until 630am. He then had a quick feed and went back to sleep until 8.30am! I was almost doing a jig when I got up I felt so refreshed Grin

Crowler · 06/11/2013 10:58

When my kids were babies, it was considered normal to have them sleeping for 12 hours by 6 months.

DreamingOfTheMaldives · 06/11/2013 10:59

I should add that last night, however, he was awake from 2.30am until 5am after we'd had to do a full strip off due to an exploding nappy.

There was no jigging from me this morning.

trish5000 · 06/11/2013 11:01

They dont believe you, often genuinely, because some people only believe things if they have seen it with their own eyes.

Also, if there baby isnt, and 3 other peoples children they know isnt, they expect the whole worlds babies to be the same.

Also, a lot of people lie, so they expect others to lie to them and cover things up as well.

WestieMamma · 06/11/2013 11:03

I believe you. My son is 6 months old and sleeps through for 12 hours most nights. He also never cries so I expect everyone will eventually tell me I just can't remember him crying too.

WestieMamma · 06/11/2013 11:05

My daughter on the other hand has never slept for longer than 4 hours and has turned screaming and crying into an olympic event. She's 20.

Tinklewinkle · 06/11/2013 11:11

I believe you too. My eldest slept from around 9pm - 7am from 8 weeks, then 7 - 7 by 6 months.

No one really believed me either.

Then my youngest came along and didn't really sleep more than about 3 hours at a stretch until around 18 months, which was seen as confirmation that I was lying about my eldest.

VikingLady · 06/11/2013 11:23

I believe you! DD slept through from 3.5 months but had been sleeping 6hour stretches before that. I never mentioned it unless someone asked how she slept, and even then hedged it around with how I knew it was luck, bet the next one wouldn't sleep til 10, that she'd feed for 7 hours without a break in the afternoon ...

Apparently this was smug. When I asked for advice amongst friends about what appeared to be major developmental delays, several 'friends' said it was payback for the sleep, and bet I wasn't so smug about having it easy now!

We're not really friends now. And their babies are ugly. Grin

DeWe · 06/11/2013 11:46

I was told 6 months was average for sleeping through.

Dd1 slept 12-14 hours from about 8 weeks. And that was true whatever time we put her down. If we went out and got back at midnight, she'd sleep through to gone 12 midday, and go to bed at her more usualy lime of 8:30 that night-and sleep her usual 12 hours again.
By 9 months she also did a 2-3 hour sleep in the afternoon. Grin

Dd2 was a terrible sleeper until she was given medised at 18 months.

Ds would have slept like dd1 if it hadn't been for ear infections. His sleep went: Day 1-3 awake with ears hurting. Day 4 not too bad, about 6-8 hours sleep. Day 5-8 awake with tummy ache from the antibiotics. Day 9-10 sleep 12+ hours. Repeat...

Other than the ear infections, I did the same with them all, all totally breastfed, all bathed, fed and put down to sleep. Dd2 hadn't read the instruction manual I guess Wink

I never had anyone say anything other than "lucky you" if I said dd1 was sleeping through.

Dd2 did crawl at 5 months and walk at 9months, to make up for it, I suppose.

ALittleBitOfMagic · 06/11/2013 12:32

Both my dcs were great sleepers . Both were about 6 weeks when they started sleeping through the night . I thought when ds was born he would be a terrible sleeper because I had been lucky first time . Turns out I was lucky twice !! GrinGrin

JockTamsonsBairns · 06/11/2013 12:48

It's not so unusual for a baby to be sleeping through at 6 months is it?

I have 3 DC's. The first two were fabulous sleepers which, I'm ashamed to admit, I put down to my wonderful parenting skills. As payback for being such an utter twat, my third DC didn't sleep through until she was two and a half. Those two and a half years of sleep deprivation with 3 DC's to look after during the day were awful, I could actually cry when I look back and remember the sheer exhaustion I felt.

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